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4 ways to easily and inexpensively reduce the amount of dirty electricity in your home or business for better health and improved sleep.
Electricity was originally intended as a “clean” and safe source of power for homes and businesses through standard usage of the steady electrical frequency of 60 oscillations per second, or 60 Hertz (Hz).
Modern energy-efficient devices, electronics, and other reasons such as earth currents can cause significant deviance from the 60 Hz frequency, however, and this pulsed exposure to spiking and unsafe frequencies of electromagnetic radiation (EMFs) on overloaded wires is what has become known as “dirty electricity”.
Exposure to dirty electricity has the potential to cause and exacerbate existing health problems in some people. It is not something that can be smelled, touched, seen, or felt, and yet it is very real and very problematic for those who experience it on a daily basis.
The health effects of dirty electricity were first identified as early as the 1950s in rural areas when the behavior and feeding patterns of animals were negatively affected by stray voltage caused by poor grounding and lack of utility infrastructure.
In humans, symptoms of exposure to dirty electricity can include:
- Headaches
- Difficulty sleeping
- Body aches and pains
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Worsening of symptoms from multiple sclerosis or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
In Sweden, sensitivity to dirty electricity is a recognized disability affecting approximately 3% of the population. In Switzerland, a survey of doctors concluded that 5% of symptoms in patients could be traced to dirty electricity exposure.
How to Reduce Dirty Electricity Exposure Immediately
While the concept of dirty electricity is a complex one that practically requires a degree in Physics to fully understand, ways to reduce your exposure are simple and easy to implement.
- Get rid of all the fluorescent and LED light bulbs. Compact fluorescent light bulbs and LEDs have a very large EMF field compared with simple incandescent light bulbs. These bulbs also produce a lot of dirty electricity. Getting rid of them within your home and business will reduce your exposure to dirty electricity immediately.
- Replace all dimmer switches with simple on/off switches. Dimmer switches produce a lot of dirty electricity! Replace them with simple on/off switches or if that is not in the budget, just leave them off all the time.
- Turn off your wireless router at night. While getting rid of exposure to all wireless communications is futile in this day and age when it is literally everywhere, you can at least give your body a rest at night while you sleep by turning them off in your home.
- Make sure your home does not use a Smart Meter. Power companies all over the United States are installing smart meters to simplify the meter reading process. Call your local power company and find out if you have already gotten one and if so, make sure to opt-out and go back to the analog meters.
I initially thought our home had a Smart Meter, but after investigating, discovered to my great relief that the automated meters in our area were not Smart Meters and were one-way communication devices that allowed meter readers to drive down our street and pick up a weak radio signal and thereby read the meter without entering a person’s property. They were not two-way Smart Meters constantly pulsing and sending information to the power company about our electrical usage.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine adopted a resolution that formally opposes the installation of Smart Meters in homes and schools “based on a scientific assessment of the current medical literature. Chronic exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation is a preventable environmental hazard that is sufficiently well documented to warrant immediate preventative public health action.“
Dirty electricity was identified as a possible carcinogen in 1999 by the US National Toxicology Program. What’s more, the existing safety limit for pulsing radiofrequency is insufficient to maintain public health according to the Radiofrequency Interagency Working Group.
More Ways to Protect Yourself
This list of 25 ways to reduce EMFs in your home can help with additional suggestions.
If you feel that dirty electricity is seriously impacting your health and want to know more, please click here to investigate information on a line of Earthing products that can protect you in your home or business.
Wise Traditions Conference, Dirty Electricity, Jules Klapper
Swiss EMF Study
What Causes Dirty Electricity?
More Information
Harvard Medical Doctor Warns Against Smart Meters
The Health Hazards of Wireless Baby Monitors
Fitbit Health Dangers
Are AMR Devices Safer than Smart Meters?
How to Protect Yourself from a Smart Meter
This is an amazing post. I have several people who work for me that get terrible headaches from the florescent lights in our offices. I have had half the lights turned off to try and help, but that hasn’t worked well. I usually end up buying them regular floor lights. Some end up working in the dark, just by the light of a table lamp or the light of their computers.
DH loves his dimmers so that is about all we have, but we (almost) always use them at full power. Our router happens to be all the way in the other end of the house from where we sleep so I don’t worry so much, though I may begin turning it off for the night. I’ll have to ask DH about the fluorescent lighting… I don’t think we have any. I’m still off the smart meter and paying extra $20 a month for that.Thanks for this info Sarah.
I actually hate CFLs, but dimmers is where I draw the line at. I can get really cranky, especially in the morning and a bulb at full brightness is a no-no. Having the option to dim them is extremely useful at least in my home. I may get better dimmers, but I’m not ditching dimmer switches out of my home.
As far as Wireless routers, well, that’s not really an option now. We don’t actually have ethernet cables in our two-story home, everything has been done wirelessly for years., and we can’t afford right now re-doing the wiring.
If you are too concerned about dirty electricity, you may want to consider retiring your microwave oven, you should know they create a lot of dirty electricity. Same goes with cell phones. I’m bemused that hasn’t been mentioned here.
Then we have iPhones, iPads, TV sets etc. It’s really getting into tin foil hat territory. C’mon.
While some points raised are valid, I believe we should’t be fanatics about it. I’ve already seen folks concerned about the dirty electricity created by smoke alarms (!). Shall we dump those too? Srly, dirty electricity pretty much everywhere, whether we like or not. I have a friend, for instance, who actually in the Chemtrail conspiracy theory, and he thinks stuff are gov’t inside jobs, but I digress.
The nights that our home has been without electricity due to outages caused by storms, I have experienced better sleep. So, this post definitely rings true for me. Great information.
I sleep so much better with the wireless shut off. Such an easy step for a better night’s sleep.
We live in Ontario, Canada, where they are installing these meters into our homes compulsory. We just had one put in our home. Do you have any suggestions to lessen the harmfulness of it?
I always turn my wirless off at night. I used to sleep in a room that had the wirless router and a cable that ran under my bed. After a while I started to feel like I had worms burrowing in my legs and I could not sleep. It was the creepiest feeling. I decided it must be due to the electrical levels in the room and moved into the spare room. I have not had the problem since.
Green Bank, West Virginia is in the National Radio Quiet Zone. I recently saw this article:
My friend tried and tried to fight against getting her Smart Meter installed and lost. Similar to the other person’s story above (from Texas also).
The effects of EMFs are not imaginary to my high schooler and it hampers her ability to be online and do school work, research, etc. When I would feel really bad after being online a while I would go out and walk barefoot around our slab patio and feel immediately better.
If I didn’t have sleepless nights and have sleepless children – since we’ve moved here, (they wake up consistently each night) – I wouldn’t be on the lookout for reasons. I never remember doing that as a child, I always slept! We don’t do tvs in the bedroom, we have a good amount of outside time and down time, yet nighttime is a nightmare … especially for me! I’m glad someone mentioned Dr. Mercola, I’m going to check out what he says, also. I wish we didn’t have to tamper with every livin’ thing on the planet… instead of new and improved (and often bad for sensitive folks) let’s find pioneers inventing! grrr
Thank you for posting. I believe Dr. Mercola has also written about this. It appears that those with Lyme disease also suffer from EMF issues. A reality.
What percent of people are affected from the stress of reading false information on the internet???? If people repeat false information enough it somehow becomes believed to be real.
Get out and enjoy life and quit stressing about every thing!