In this latest episode of Fearless Parent Radio, I tackle the subject of adrenal burnout (do you know the little known symptoms?). The interview features Nora Gedgaudas, CNC, CNT, best selling author of Primal Body, Primal Mind. Nora has just returned from a whirlwind book tour of Australia!
Nora’s most recent book tackles the issue of adrenal fatigue. It is a provocative read about the latest and greatest thinking on this modern day epidemic: Rethinking Fatigue: What Your Adrenals are Really Telling You and What You Can Do about It.
The unfortunate truth is adrenal-related issues and burnout are poorly understood. Worse, most conventional healthcare providers still practice using outdated theoretical models from the 1950s, which fail to hold up in the face of modern stress physiology. In fact, the vast majority of so-called “adrenal burnout issues” have nothing whatsoever to do with the adrenal glands themselves!
Do You Have Adrenal Burnout Bigtime?
Nora Gedgaudas’ new book offers those who are desperate for answers with a cutting-edge paradigm that will not only help modernize adrenal concepts, but will also help individuals better identify what type of “adrenal disregulation” they have and what to do about it.
Whether you are concerned about the health of your adrenals, currently attempting to recover from adrenal burnout, or know someone with this problem, you are guaranteed to be blown away by what Nora has to say in our discussion!
Nora’s book is chock full of need to know info on this important topic of our time, so be sure to check it out for all the latest thinking and recommendations on preserving, enhancing, and resurrecting (if necessary) your adrenal health.
Click here to listen in or download via iTunes or Podbean.
I hope you enjoy it!
More Information
Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency Most People Miss
Adrenal Fatigue: A National Epidemic
I have been having problems with thyroud for years, my adrenals are now acting up. My regular Dr.didn’t think to test my adrenals and so now my upper back hurts a lot and haven’t found foods to help it yet. I am celiac and have lots of allergies and haven’t really find anything good that don’t hurt my stomach, but my Chiropractor healer told me to take adrenal meds to get it back to normally hopefully. I also had to go off my thyroid for 8 weeks and then the back pain started.
Loved the discussion. Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been struggling with what I am told is adrenal fatigue, but I’ve not been able to get a complete handle on it for years. I am very exciting with this new information and I hope it can help me find the root of my problem.
Best wishes,
PS. I love all of your Healthy Home Economist articles; you alway look at the big picture and also from a unique perspective. Keep up the great work!
Great Interview Sarah!
The tests she is suggesting from Cyrex labs designed by Dr Vojdani have really helped
pinpoint a lot of problems in many difficult patients for me.What has been amazing is that many patients
will stop eating gluten and try non gluten grains. When you do the cyrex array for cross reactivity you
will find they are now reacting to those grains as well. You really have to cut out all the antigens to really heal auto-immune disease, this can involve many classes of foods including coffee and many types of dairy products. I agree with her that this is the underlying issue in most chronically
unwell patients today and most doctors are untrained to detect autoimmunity until it is chrisis mode.
I’m going to listen to the interview now, but one thing I read from a health practitioner and her thoughts on health including women’s health was that you needed optimal functioning ovaries in order to have optimal functioning adrenals. I can’t remember her full name, but her first name was Tobi, if anyone can think of her. That’s something to think about given that we live in a society where medical practice removes female reproductive organs unrestrained and foster the mythology that you can remove some reproductive organs and what remains functions as normal and that female reproductive organs end all functions at menopause.
Book: Women’s encyclopeida of Natural Medicine by Tori Hudson, ND
Nikkae, at the bottom of this article there is something to click on and listen 🙂 I haven’t listened to it yet but thought of you when I read this article. Tell me what you think if you take the time to listen 🙂
I have read on some of these blogs that people with thyroid usually have adrenal problems and vice versa. I’ve had adrenal fatigue for years and was taking steroids but they made my breasts larger and I had a discharge and quit taking any medicine. This might just be what I’m looking for but when I try to talk to my doctors, they look at me like I’m from another planet.