A safe, convenient, natural, and effective alternative to over-the-counter allergy medications such as Claritin, Zyrtec, Allegra, and many others.

With Spring pollen heavy in the air, over-the-counter allergy meds are already flying off the shelves of your local pharmacy.
While many people consider allergy medicines to be a benign way to control allergy symptoms, their use is far from harmless.
Allergy Meds Disrupt the Gut
If you look at the side effects of allergy meds, gastrointestinal symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation are common. (1-3)
When gastrointestinal symptoms present as the result of taking a drug, this is a big red flag that the gut microbiome is being affected.
The truth is that MOST medications alter the gut microbiome negatively. It’s not just antibiotics as commonly believed. (4)
Disruption of the microbiome is a long-term risk to health due to an “autoimmune domino effect” of increasingly severe conditions as the years go by.
In other words, a mild autoimmune illness such as seasonal allergies can manifest in bigger ways later that can be debilitating.
One autoimmune disease begets another, then another…
This is perhaps the biggest reason for opting for natural remedies, a healthy diet, and lifestyle modification as much as possible to relieve rhinitis.
Safe Alternatives for Rhinitis
The best supplement I’ve come across (and I’ve vetted dozens of products!) instead of automatically reaching for the allergy meds is the Indoor/Outdoor Support from Hilma.
You can also use herbal infusions for allergies, but this requires time to make them and frequently, some trial and error on the dosage until you tweak it just right.
Most people just want relief as soon as possible combined with the convenience of a pill.
This is why I suggest trying Indoor/Outdoor Support first as the easiest step away from the meds for seasonal allergies (it helps with dust mite allergies too).
Science-Backed Ingredients
The ingredients of Indoor/Outdoor Support were formulated by physicians and selected based on the support of scientific research.
In addition, there are no junky filler ingredients. The product is Clean Label Project Certified. (5)
Below are the four active ingredients that work to relieve the symptoms of seasonal allergies including stuffy nose, runny nose, itchy/watery eyes, sneezing, sinus pressure headache, and post-nasal drip.
Butterbur (PA free)
Butterbur is a potent anti-allergy herb that is carefully sourced free of irritating pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PA free). (6)
There is a strong body of research supporting Butterbur for use in combatting seasonal allergies including over a dozen clinical studies. Roughly half of these were randomized trials (the gold standard). (7)
In addition, butterbur shows promise as an effective alternative therapy for preventing migraines. (8)
Severe headache from sinus pressure is a common issue for seasonal allergy sufferers.
Stinging Nettle
Nettles are one of the most effective herbs for maintaining sinus health.
At least ten research studies have demonstrated nettles effective for this purpose, with several of these randomized clinical trials (gold standard). (9)
Tinospora is an herb that assists in modulating the immune system to better handle seasonal transitions. This is done by stimulating the macrophages, a type of white blood cell that engulfs and digests pathogens, cellular debris, and foreign substances.
Over ten research studies on Tinospora detail its positive effects on immune system modulation with one of them a randomized, controlled trial (gold standard). (10)
Spirulina is a blue-green algae that promotes clear breathing.
The body of research on spirulina consists of over ten clinical studies, one of which is a randomized trial. (11)
The dosage for Indoor/Outdoor Support for seasonal and dust allergies is two capsules twice per day.
Morning and evening is suggested. Taking with food is not necessary, but may enhance absorption.
Why not try something different this Spring?
Ditch those gut microbiome-disrupting allergy meds that risk your long-term health. Try a science-backed natural alternative that is safe and just as convenient instead.

(1) Claritin Side Effects
(2) Zyrtec Side Effects
(3) Allegra Side Effects
(4) The effects of common medications on the gut
(5) Clean Label Project Certified
(6) Why PA-Free Butterbur is Important
(7) Butterbur for Seasonal Allergies
(8) Butterbur: an alternative therapy for migraine prevention
(9) Nettle for Seasonal Allergies
(10) Tinospora for the Immune System
(11) Spirulina Allergic Rhinitis
Thank you for providing this article as a better alternative to allergy medicine. After looking at Hilma’s site couldn’t find anything to back up that their ingredients are organic. Wondering if that is counter productive to the pros of taking an herbal supplement. Not sure if this makes sense. Please let me know if it this comment could be better worded. Thank you!
any advice for allergy support while pregnant?
Homeopathy is my preferred way to handle allergies. Safe for all and effective! I personally use the kid version for my (adult) allergies and it works wonders! The brand is Boiron and the product is called RhinAllergy. You can find it on Amazon, etc. Check out Joette Calabrese’s site for more info on homeopathy info. It’s been a literal life changer for my family of 10!
I have had much success with quercetin over the last 10 yrs. 400 to 800mg divided dose in a day. Can take a few weeks to start working. My nose and eyes were watering like crazy! I had tried the nettle but quercetin was more affordable for me. Traveling out of the Pacific NW and into the desert taking quercetin was total relief. I would like to trade off with this product however.
Is there a special code to get the BOGO deal on the Hilma supplement? I don’t see anything about it on the website. I would love to try this on my allergies, the snow is not even completely off the ground yet and they are firing up!
I noticed the product was BOGO when the article was written on March 30 and for at least a couple days after. The special must have already ended 🙁
Do you recommend any alternative products for children with allergies? Thanks!
I recommend helping them resolve their immune system dysregulation since they are so young and will heal so fast! Getting rid of parasites will, believe it or not, commonly resolve allergies in children (the parasites cause the immune dysregulation). Half or more of children have parasites (they almost certainly have them if there are indoor pets), so this is the first thing I would do if one of my kids had allergies. Note that other than pinworms, conventional medicine conveniently ignores parasitic infections these days. Hmmmmm. Wonder why that might be? To sell more drugs perhaps??
Amazing thank you!
thank you for this great info! what about for children (7 y.o. and 11 y.o)
are these safe? would half a dose work for them?
any thoughts?
I don’t see anything on their website that indicates there is a BOGOF deal now? How do you get it?
I noticed the product was BOGO when the article was written on March 30 and for at least a couple days after. The special must have already ended 🙁