In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, gorgeous 48 year old actress Salma Hayek credits eating fat with helping her avoid Botox and look young..
The Oscar and Golden Globe nominated actress is married to Francois-Henri Pinault, the French billionaire who is the CEO of the fashion conglomerate that owns Gucci.
She is also the proud and attentive mother of 7 year old Valentina Paloma Pinault.
“I am 46 – I will not have Botox. You know why? Because I eat! I eat the fat, I eat the vegetables, I eat everything.”
Despite her marital ties to the fashion industry, Hayek is critical of bone thin models.
“In recent years, we have had to fight against our genetic nature to look like something we are not, to look like little boys.”
Ms. Hayek’s beauty is no doubt partly the result of the nutrient dense diet she consumed as a young girl in Mexico which provided exceptional facial bone structure.
Her favorite traditional food known to be loaded with those healthy, wholesome fats that support beautiful skin well into old age?
“We have crickets, and then the ant’s eggs and then we have these worms. . . you fry them. You don’t eat them together, you eat them separately and they go in seasons. You fry them and then you put them in a tortilla and you put some guacamole in the tortilla. . . . If you fry anything, it tastes good, but they’re really delicious. The bugs are incredible.”
Fortunately, you don’t have to eat bugs to achieve the flawless, Botox-free skin the beautiful actress enjoys at middle age.
Other traditional fats like butter, tallow, coconut oil, lard, cream, and egg yolks included generously in the diet will give similar age defying results.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
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I noticed that many times really thin people have large moons or cuticle beds on their fingernails. From what I’ve been told this means that their thyroids are working really well or either they could be hyperthyroid. I am hypothyroid and have a lot of trouble with keeping my weight down. I also have bad knees due a doctor messing up my right knee in a surgery when I was young and so excercise is difficult for me.
it doesn’t work.. i’m older than her and look 20 yrs younger than her.
i don’t eat fats.. i eat raw veggies. some folks are just to stupid for words. this system is going to fail her big time in another 10 yrs. (if that.)
Spare us your vain and hateful nonsense, veggihead. Besides, having the teaming intellect of a vegetable-fueled brain, you probably should know the difference between ‘too’ and ‘to’. Beginning sentences with capital letters is also recommended. And try not to abuse parenthesis. But thanks for not calling us “Morans”.