In an interview with Harper’s Bazaar, gorgeous 48 year old actress Salma Hayek credits eating fat with helping her avoid Botox and look young..
The Oscar and Golden Globe nominated actress is married to Francois-Henri Pinault, the French billionaire who is the CEO of the fashion conglomerate that owns Gucci.
She is also the proud and attentive mother of 7 year old Valentina Paloma Pinault.
“I am 46 – I will not have Botox. You know why? Because I eat! I eat the fat, I eat the vegetables, I eat everything.”
Despite her marital ties to the fashion industry, Hayek is critical of bone thin models.
“In recent years, we have had to fight against our genetic nature to look like something we are not, to look like little boys.”
Ms. Hayek’s beauty is no doubt partly the result of the nutrient dense diet she consumed as a young girl in Mexico which provided exceptional facial bone structure.
Her favorite traditional food known to be loaded with those healthy, wholesome fats that support beautiful skin well into old age?
“We have crickets, and then the ant’s eggs and then we have these worms. . . you fry them. You don’t eat them together, you eat them separately and they go in seasons. You fry them and then you put them in a tortilla and you put some guacamole in the tortilla. . . . If you fry anything, it tastes good, but they’re really delicious. The bugs are incredible.”
Fortunately, you don’t have to eat bugs to achieve the flawless, Botox-free skin the beautiful actress enjoys at middle age.
Other traditional fats like butter, tallow, coconut oil, lard, cream, and egg yolks included generously in the diet will give similar age defying results.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
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Wow, that’s amazing given the fact she is also a smoker (or was). I read an article that she gave it up when she was pregnant but there have been photos taken since then of her lighting up.
I eat lots of ghee and real organic butter along with lots of good oils like coconut and olive oils and take Udo’s oil nightly it will not make you fat. so i told someone once about it and they told me they had to quit because they started gaining weight she also said she started taking synthetic hormones….geees humm lets see well yes that is the problem absolutely but you know people beleive what they want i certainly don’t try to make people beleive anything i simply tell them the information and they can beleive what they want. I will be healthy and they are still in bad shape just makes me sad
people peg me @ 28years old….i’m 45.
Hi Sarah,
Do you know of any other tips for great skin?? I eat plenty of good fats in my diet (pastured butter, tallow) as well as eat a WAPF based diet, eat around a tablespoon of coconut oil a day; moisturize with either coconut oil or tallow balm, and don’t wash my face very often. I’ve recently started trying baking soda + water once every 4 or 5 days as a scrub to even out my skin’s texture, but it’s still just not smooth. I’ve never really had issues with pimples or acne, just a lumpy texture of skin colored bumps (not very raised but noticeable to me). I’m really not sure what else to do! Any tips? Thanks!
Check out Chris Kresser’s series on skin health.
I have fewer wrinkles now while eating a fair amount of fat than I did ten years ago while starving myself with lowfat foods!
She certainly does look fantastic! Makes me want to start eating coconut oil with a spoon!
Our church secretary does this diet thing year after year with a bunch of women, to lose weight and get closer to God. And yes, they restrict calories and eat low fat. I am overweight, but I refuse to join, as what they’re doing is unhealthy!
She herself has lost lots of weight…….. and has aged ten years in two since doing this. She looks old and wrinkled. No thanks!
I draw LOTS of criticism from my family for using lard and butter for cooking, and eating fat in general, as they all repeat that old myth of ‘fat making fat’, and that I am overweight because I eat too much fat!
Actually, thanks to ignorant doctors, I had undiagnosed Celiac disease for 52 years, even though I had obvious symptoms. And eating what is poison for me all those years has caused my adrenal glands and thyroid to stop working, which is stopping me from losing weight.
But in spite of being quite overweight, I look at least ten years younger than my age. People think I am in my forties, and I am 59. Everybody is astonished when I say I have 16 grandchildren, saying I look too young to have any!
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It’s a shame she does all those milk commercials 🙂
Let the lowfat crowd have those wrinkles 🙂