Table of Contents[Hide][Show]
- Grounding Sneakers
- Extra Large Sole Water Refill
- EMF Protection Shorts
- Caffeine-Free Energy Boost
- Female Cycle Support
- Natural Antibiotic Cream
- Best Ever Dental Floss
- Candida-Busting Probiotic Strain
- Unbleached Bamboo Toilet Paper
- Sourdough Muffins
- Sustainable Tuna in Glass
- Ionic Liquid Silica
- Non-Nano Makeup
- Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread
- Sparkling Water Maker
- Ceramic Sea Salt & Herb Grinder
- Headache Relief Cooling Cap
- Car Nap Pillow
- Catchmaster Sticky Traps
- Gift Subscription to Healthy Home Plus
Sarah’s favorite health and wellness products for 2024. Great ideas for healthy living, a greener home, or as gifts for friends and family.

Here we are once again for the 8th annual edition of “Sarah’s Favorite Things”.
These products represent the food and health-related products I’ve discovered over the past year that are excellent quality, affordable, planet-friendly, and wellness-enhancing.
I hope you enjoy browsing and get some good ideas for your home and the upcoming gift-giving season.
Need even more ideas? Check out my Favorite Things lists from previous years below for dozens more evergreen products I love and use!
- 2023 Favorite Things
- 2022 Favorite Things
- 2021 Favorite Things
- 2020 Favorite Things
- 2019 Favorite Things
- 2018 Favorite Things
- 2017 Favorite Things
Grounding Sneakers

Grounding sneakers are a must-addition to your life to implement one of the easiest inflammation-lowering lifestyle changes possible!
These earthing sneakers for both men and women come in white, light grey, black with white trim, and black with black trim.
These sneakers are super comfortable with a large, flat grounding piece in the sole. Compare with other (uncomfortable) grounded shoe brands with a button that digs into your foot.
I have the black earthing sneakers with white trim and I LOVE them! They ground you even when wearing regular socks via the small amount of perspiration from your foot.
Experience the health benefits of grounding with literally zero changes to your life other than switching shoes.
Hint: this is a great gift for those you love who resist changing their diet but won’t mind changing their footwear 😉
Extra Large Sole Water Refill

I was happy to finally meet in person Michael Selick, the President and Owner of Baja Gold, my favorite sea salt, at the recent Wise Traditions Conference!
If you are a huge fan of solé water like I am, it is great to see that the Baja Gold solé water now comes in an extra-large refill bottle!
Sole water is the best and safest source of electrolytes for the body. You can make it yourself (solé recipe here) or buy it from Baja Gold.
I immediately sent a large refill to my elderly mother who uses 20 drops a day (10 drops first thing in the morning and last thing before bed).
Note: I have not found a single brand of those popular flavored electrolyte powders hyped on social media that are safe. Stay away!
EMF Protection Shorts

These EMF Protecting Shorts for both men and women guard your reproductive organs from 5G, cellular, Wifi, and Bluetooth radiation.
They also protect from high altitude radiation exposure on long haul flights.
In my opinion, this is an important safety item to have in the closet as needed. They are on sale BOGO 50% off right now too!
Caffeine-Free Energy Boost

Caffeine dependency is one of the most health robbing habits today. It weakens adrenals and can contribute to so many ills that are completely avoidable!
When you need an energy boost, instead of grabbing a cup of coffee, try this Revive herbal supplement that is completely caffeine-free instead. Bonus! It helps reduce stress too!
This supplement is helpful for those who are weaning off coffee or experiencing jet lag from changing time zones too!
Female Cycle Support

With all the environmental assaults on hormone health today, girls and women need all the nutritional support they can get!
This high quality, grassfed organ blend of bovine reproductive glandulars can help fill the common nutritional gaps for a smooth cycle every single month.
Third-party lab tested to be heavy metal and glyphosate-free.
*This product is also the only female cycle support product on the market to receive the Perfectly Pure Certification.
Natural Antibiotic Cream

This natural antibiotic cream contains concentrated allicin, the most potent antimicrobial you can use that does not harm beneficial flora on the skin.
While I’ve used and recommended allimax capsules for internal use for many years, I only tried the cream this year for the first time.
This cream is amazing …. I have not found an external use for the skin that it doesn’t work for!
A friend of mine even tried it on her shingles lesions, and it helped tremendously to alleviate discomfort.
Tip: I suggest keeping the container in the refrigerator. The cream is extra comforting and cooling when applied to the skin right out of the refrigerator.
Best Ever Dental Floss

This new dental floss from my good friends Will and Susan at Orawellness is by far the best I’ve ever used.
It helps remineralize between teeth with non-nano hydroxyapatite, supports a balanced oral microbiome with organic essential oils, and is clinically proven to remove 44% more plaque than regular floss.
I recommend giving it a try!
Candida-Busting Probiotic Strain

For those of you who do not consume homemade 24-hour kefir every day or otherwise have entrenched candida issues, I wanted to suggest taking a look at adding this specific probiotic strain…S. boulardii to your regimen. It is a candida-busting beneficial yeast like no other!
Many Healthy Home Plus members have been reporting astounding results using it over the past year.
S. boulardii (I suggest the brand above) is particularly helpful for boosting the immune system (it cleans out pockets of debris in the colon where pathogenic microbes hide) and is my favorite strain to take while traveling.
As the holidays approach with all the sugary treats beckoning, this strain is a powerful tool to limit sugar cravings and to keep candida in check if you do choose to indulge a bit.
Unbleached Bamboo Toilet Paper
If you haven’t noticed, sourcing a simple product like sustainable, nontoxic, unbleached toilet paper is not an easy task.
Hint: Never EVER use recycled toilet paper! It is not healthy though it may be sustainable.
After researching the many offerings available on the market, I found this brand one of the best for nontoxic, sustainable toilet paper that is also cost-effective (buy it in bulk!).
This alternative brand is also excellent and one that I’ve purchased before.
Switching away from toxic, bleached toilet paper is one of the most proactive and easy changes you can make for your long-term hormone health!
Sourdough Muffins
I am excited to let you know about a new line of products from my favorite family bakery…Organic Bread of Heaven!
They’ve recently added sourdough muffins to their line of excellent sourdough products, so if baking is not your thing, you can now get healthy traditional versions shipped fresh to your door!
Sourdough muffins are available in the following flavors:
Can’t decide? Try the sourdough muffin sampler to see which are your favorites (or to send as a gift basket).
Sustainable Tuna in Glass

Tuna is an important shelf-stable food that many of us enjoy for a variety of dishes.
With regard to the best tuna brands, this sustainably caught tuna in glass jars (packed in olive oil and sea salt) is my top choice.
This tuna is especially safe because it is sourced from the Atlantic Ocean…not the Pacific as tuna migration patterns take them into Fukushima-affected, radioactive waters off Japan.
Ionic Liquid Silica

Using concentrated ionic silica drops to make homemade silica-rich water is an important part of the diet to keep the body free from aluminum build-up.
Aluminum is everywhere in the food supply (cheese is one of the worst culprits) and is being sprayed in the skies to “combat climate change”.
Aluminum is in many OTC and prescription medicines as well.
With so much aluminum exposure, giving your body the tools to naturally chelate it is important.
My go-to remedy for this is silica water, which I started making myself over the past year using ionic liquid silica drops and filtered water from my home system.
I used to buy Fiji water, but making it yourself at home is a much more sustainable approach (no plastic bottles shipped across the ocean in pollution-spewing container ships). It is also more budget-friendly.
Non-Nano Makeup

A big problem in the beauty industry is that the natural brands that tout themselves as nontoxic often contain nano particles.
Nano-particles even if derived from natural ingredients can penetrate skin cells, causing DNA damage. These products should be avoided at all cost!
Often, the nano particles are mica or zinc oxide (or worse, titanium oxide).
After much searching, I came across this brand of makeup from Araza Beauty. It is 100% safe with great ingredients and NO nanoparticles.
I absolutely love it!
Tip: if you are not sure what shade of makeup will work best for your skin tone, I suggest getting a few sample sizes first before ordering the regular size jars.
Gluten-Free Sourdough Bread

Gluten-free sourdough bread is a very difficult food to source if you don’t want to make it yourself.
This buckwheat sourdough is the best I’ve found on the market and what I’ve been suggesting to my gluten-free friends.
Gluten-free sourdough hamburger buns are also available from the same company.
Sparkling Water Maker

Making my own sparkling water has been the best upgrade to my kitchen routine over the past year.
I purchased the Soda Stream with glass bottles as a Christmas present for my husband last year, and it has been a huge hit! Hint: toss those toxic little “flavor” bottles that might come with the unit though!
I use it nearly every single day!
Here are the main benefits of making your own sparkling water versus buying it:
- The cost savings are significant.
- You eliminate all that bottle waste from your recycling bin.
- Making your own sparkling water is the safest way to go! Shockingly, a number of sparkling water brands are testing to be toxic. For example, San Pellegrino and Gerolsteiner are both high in fluoride! (1, 2)
- You can add fizz to other beverages too like fresh-squeezed juice!
I highly recommend this simple device for everyone that loves sparkling water and wants to make it in the safest, most sustainable, and cost-effective way.
Ceramic Sea Salt & Herb Grinder

When you first switch to unrefined sea salt from toxic, refined white salt, you notice that standard salt shakers no longer work very well.
Because it is completely unrefined, sea salt contains a bit of moisture which clogs up the holes of a salt shaker. This can occur even if you buy finely ground unrefined sea salt.
This gorgeous Japanese Ceramic Mill is the best solution to this problem that I’ve come across.
I simply grind my favorite sea salt right at the table. This model is available in black or white and works for peppercorns too for a lovely matching set.
Headache Relief Cooling Cap

If you eat a traditional diet, chances are that you rarely experience issues with headaches.
When that rare headache hits, it will probably be from a restaurant meal that contained stealth MSG, too much sugar indulged at a party, or perhaps a bumpy airplane flight.
In those situations, it’s best to not reach for the OTC medicines that are toxic with side effects.
A combination of this Soothie Head Cooling Headache Relief Cap and a headache-relieving herbal supplement quickly does the trick in our house!
Car Nap Pillow

If you are on a long road trip, chances are you probably needed to take a nap in the car at some point along the journey!
I got this car neck pillow for my husband, and he loves it! He uses it on our porch lounge chair too for midday power naps.
It hits your upper back in just the right spot for optimal comfort in a semi-seated position.
Tip: There are numerous models for this type of pillow, and they are all made with memory foam which outgasses. For this reason, I selected a nonbreathable cover so that any fumes are contained within the pillow itself.
Catchmaster Sticky Traps

These insect sticky traps were recommended by a friend and reader as one of her favorite methods for pesticide-free bug control in the home.
I tried them based on her recommendation, and they are fantastic!
Such a simple and inexpensive way to keep your home bug-free without chemicals.
Gift Subscription to Healthy Home Plus

For health-conscious family and friends on your list who could use a bit of coaching on their wellness journey, a subscription to Healthy Home Plus may be the perfect gift!
I answer every single member question in the chatbox myself!
Had a recent doctor visit? I’m happy to give you my two cents on what you were told (or not told).
The chatbox in the lower right-hand corner of the screen is also the place to request vetting of products or supplements you are considering but aren’t quite sure are safe or legit.
Healthy Home Plus also includes no ads, 250+ articles in the member library with 5 eBook downloads, and personalized tagging of favorite recipes and content.
To gift a subscription, click the “gift subscription” box when signing up and use the recipient’s email address with your payment details.
If you’d like me to reach out to them directly to welcome them to the program, let me know!

(1) Does San Pellegrino Water Have Fluoride?
(2) Does Gerolsteiner Water Have Fluoride?
Hi there, I feel inclined to share I purchased a mattress cover from Earthing and slept on it last night. My socket was grounded with the two lights turned on via their grounding checker device. The mattress cover caused me to have a raised heart rate and not sleep all night! I left a comment previously regarding earthing products indicating they truly only ground you to the EMF. I am incredibly disappointed this happened to me using this product. I will be returning it. I wish it had worked however. *I have lain directly on sand at the beach in a bikini for hours and felt the most incredible peace through my bare skin touching the earth. Although comfortable enough, the earthing mattress cover felt nothing like this.
This article recommended the Earthing sneakers (which I use), not the mattress cover (which I do not use).
Sarah, Thank you so much for your Favorite Things lists! I just learned about your Fav lists from your email newsletter and found some GREAT things!
Organic Bread of Heaven Bakery is literally a God send. So many SUPER healthy and delicious options that our family has been enjoying!
Plus, the natural antibiotic cream, Allimax Cream, is such a great option without any toxic parabens! However, I did write the company to request they consider replacing the rapeseed oil ingredient with a healthier non-seed oil option. I still bought it to try it out, since it appears to be less toxic than Neosporin, but I’m still hoping they’re improve their formulation.
And thanks for keeping your Favorite Things lists for previous years on your website! I looked through all of them and found such great stuff; e.g., the EMF blocking blanket! I decided to research EMF blankets in general and ended up buying two (for my husband and daughter since they use their cell phones A LOT for reading ebooks and watching videos). I actually found a cheaper EMF blocking blanket from, but had it not been for your Fav list, I would’ve never looked into it. Thanks again!! 🙂
My daughter put an EMF-free heated blanket on her Christmas list. Any suggestions on what a good solution would be? Maybe a heated blanket with an EMF shield on top of it?
Unfortunately, the EMFs from an electric blanket are a magnetic field … you can only mitigate those with distance, not a shield. This is similar to high voltage power lines… you can only be a safe distance from them … having EMF shield paint, curtains etc in the home won’t help.
I would suggest an old fashioned hot water bottle as the safest alternative (that I know about).
Another option is to warm up the bed with the heated blanket, and then turn it off (an unplug it if the outlet is within 3 feet of the bed) when you get into bed to go to sleep.
Thank you for your list! Would you recommend the probiotic strain for children?
Appropriate strains for children are listed on my Shopping Guide here:
Thank you. I always appreciate your recommendations of favorite things. I currently purchase several products based on your past recommendations, which I’m very happy with, while I have a wish list for others.
This is absolutely incredible. I’m going to purchase so many of these things! Thank you, Sarah. Honestly, a subscription with you is the best gift of all. Thank you for your generosity in answering my questions. I’m so grateful to take into your wisdom and experience. God bless you!
So glad your list is out for 2024! This list is one of my favorite things that I look forward to every year 🩷
I’m so glad! I hope you find some good ideas from this year’s list!