Did you know that public school cafeterias don’t even have real kitchens anymore?
School cafeteria workers only have access to giant microwaves that quickly heat up the overly processed, factory fat laden, genetically modifed, agricultural dumping ground food they serve.
Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma, says that bureaucratic rules require that schools buy food only from the cheapest bidder.
The national school lunch program is nothing more than a dumping ground for agricultural commodities that subsidy supported industrialized farms dispose of on the government.
The sad truth is that only the cheapest, most nutritionless, most highly processed garbage food makes the cut for the school lunch program.
Until changes are made – and there are those valiantly trying to stop this scandal, you MUST pack your child’s lunch yourself. Even if all you can afford in your homepacked lunch is a humble nut butter sandwich with a banana or an apple, it is light years ahead of what your child would be served at school.
Sarah, TheHealthyHomeEconomist.com
Not here in rural Vermont.
My favorite school lunch was grilled cheese and tomato soup day. I still crave it now and again, but of course I don’t use processed cheese, white bread, butter substitute or canned tomato soup. I homeschool, but wonder how the school would feel about my child bringing in a glass jar of raw milk or kombucha. Where I live, you have to be 21 to buy kombucha!
my kid’s school is in the midst of a renovation, the reason the "warmer’s" are slowly dieing. It will cheaper to… http://t.co/4KicFdEL
I would define a great culture as one whose people cultivated Real Food. An impoverished, declining culture would actually prefer Faux Food just because it was more readily available and was cheaper. I suppose it becomes a matter of priorities, but ultimately, its a matter of life and dignity.
Compare that to what France does for their children and it’s enough to make you sick before you ever eat a school lunch here. Over there, they hire chefs, who seek out their fresh foods every day, and make sure all the food groups are represented with the freshest and best ingredients they can buy. They are served with enough time to sit and enjoy their food, too!
I have absolutely NO doubt that if I asked every single friend with children in school (we homeschool), each of them would tell me that this is not the case in “their” school. I live in a city of 120,000 with one large school district and several small districts as well as several small private schools. Somehow, despite all the focus on food sourcing right now, I still believe all of these parents would defend their schools school lunches. Right down to the non-fat chocolate milk option…. Argh!
I have been saying this for 26 years! I am a great cook and I actually give credit to my elementary school cafeteria staff for teaching me my tricks! No microwave in my home. Nothing but healthy eating. I pray as my kids age they will revert back to their healthy upbringing. I understand their need to have the fancy conveniences of technology, but at the expense of your health its a jagged little pill to swallow.
Yes they do Meagan. Unfortunately, in this economy, some families are letting their kids eat this who otherwise would not because the kids get a free meal at school. A simple sandwich and a banana or apple would be not very much money for a budget conscious family and it would be so much better for the child.
Do mother’s really let their kids eat this? AUGH. I would feel incredibly guilty. Ignorance is not bliss…
School Lunches Are Microwaved FrankenFood – The Healthy Home Economist http://t.co/L5qgiSoA