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Easy, self-administered autoimmune test that anyone can do at home to identify potential autoimmunity problems lurking.

An autoimmune disorder is a condition where the immune system mistakenly attacks and destroys healthy body tissue. Autoimmunity problems are at epidemic levels today.
According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association, nearly 24 million people in the United States alone suffer from at least one form of autoimmunity problem.
Around the world, it is estimated that 1 in 12 people have autoimmune disease and this number continues to grow rapidly.
Autoimmune disease runs the gamut from mild skin issues to severe neurological and degenerative problems.
Specific examples of autoimmune disease include eczema, asthma, psoriasis, ADD/ADHD, autism, Celiac disease, allergies, asthma, Hashimoto’s, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, IBS, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, anxiety, MS, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cancer, and the list goes on. (1)
Most people who have autoimmune disease suffer from more than one autoimmunity disorder with the list of problems tending to grow and become more serious as time goes on.
For example, babies with eczema are more likely to become asthmatic as they get older and people with ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s Disease are more susceptible to colorectal cancer. (2, 3)
The problem with autoimmune disease is that it is a sleeping giant. Most people who have it in the earliest stages don’t even know it.
Wouldn’t it be a good idea to be able to find it lurking before life-altering symptoms emerge? Read on for one of the best self-administered ways to do this!
Brain Commonly Affected by Autoimmunity
One of the most common tissues to be affected by autoimmunity problems is the brain itself, specifically, the cerebellum. The brain is second only to the thyroid.
In Latin, cerebellum means “little brain” and is the area of the hind portion of the brain that controls coordination, balance, equilibrium, and muscle tone.
As a result, simple tests to gauge the neurological health of the cerebellum can provide strong clues as to whether an autoimmune problem is potentially lurking.
Past Pointing Test
The simple check recommended to try first is called the Past Pointing Test.
Some people will recognize it as one of the tests police officers commonly give to those pulled over for DUI.
This is because the muscle coordination center of the brain, the cerebellum, is very sensitive to many toxins, alcohol being one of the worst as well as those toxins produced by an imbalanced and leaky gut – the root of all autoimmune disorders.
Will the Past Pointing Test identify all autoimmune problems?
But, remember that the cerebellum is the second most common tissue to be attacked when a person suffers from autoimmunity problems.
Hence, if you suspect you may have some form of autoimmune issue, this would be a good test to try. It costs nothing, is painless and quick.
At-Home Check for Potential Autoimmune Disorders
Here’s how Dr. Mark Frank DC, a holistic doctor in my area who has written several articles for this blog, describes the use of the Past Pointing Test in his office as a way to show subtle dysfunction of the nervous system:
Stand with feet very close together, and close your eyes. You should feel steady on your feet even with your eyes closed. If you start to fall over even with this initial part of the test, that is a sign of potential nervous system problems possibly caused by autoimmunity.
When you remove the eyes which help tell us where we are in space, we must fully rely on joint and muscle signals to the brain instead.
If you are doing fine at this point, then continue to the next portion of the test.
I then ask patients to touch the tip of their index finger to the tip of their nose. Then repeat with the other hand. Frequently they will miss with one hand or it will be more difficult. I also will have them march in place with their eyes closed. Without realizing, many will spin 90 to 180 degrees within 50 steps!
Temporary Trigger
I think it’s also important to note that if you didn’t pass the second part of the test, you might have just eaten something within the last few days that affected the cerebellum temporarily.
In other words, you might not have active autoimmunity yet (don’t panic!). The toxins in a certain food might be triggering you for a short time.
This happens to me. If I eat processed foods (a lunch out for example), and eat something I was not expecting (MSG in a sauce is a common one), then I will tend to not march perfectly in place (I turn slightly left and move slightly forward) for about 72 hours, but after I get it out of my system, then I pass that part of the test once again.
Hence, if you fail one or both parts of the test, retest later after you’ve been very vigilant with your diet for at least a few days.
Have you ever tried this test on yourself before or in a doctor’s office? If so, did you pass both parts or just the first one?
Did you find that it pinpointed a potential issue with autoimmunity that could be healed via dietary changes?
(1) Gut and Psychology Syndrome, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD
(2) Why Eczema Often Leads to Asthma
(3) High-Risk Groups for Bowel Cancer
More Information
How Kinesiology Can Help You With Supplement Selection
I’ve been reading lately about the benefits of a good quality cod liver oil (see weston price website and related comments), and esp. fermented cod liver oil (expensive however). It not only has good fat, but a good ratio of vitamins a & d. The fermented brings in others, including vitamin k2. So I’m planning to get some and at the same time, I’ll be able to get rid of several other supplements!
That was startling! Stood up fine, touched my nose fine.. But made a 22 degree turn when I marched 100 steps! I opened my eyes totally startled! I was getting arrogant, thinking, I’ve got this, and nearly had a hear attack when I opened my eyes.
Didn’t do well…wondering if I would have been arrested.
So if I felt dizzy (feet struggling to keep my balance) but didn’t fall over on the feet together part, and I marched 50 steps and ended up about 15-20 degrees to the left…what would you be thinking… Normal or problem? What does that possibly mean?
I have a sister who suffers from alopecia areata and has tested positive for autoimmune disease via bloodtest. Doctors are telling her there’s nothing she can do but I don’t buy it. In my experience, autoimmune diseases have a trigger. Anyone with experience or input on what she can do to keep this disorder under control? I’ve suggested seeking homeopathic treatment but she’s skeptical. She was 29 years old and approximately 10 months post c-section when her first ever symptoms occurred. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
I shouldn’t be surprised I couldn’t march in place. I have never been very aware of where I am in space and run into things a lot…but it was still weird to open my eyes, convinced I would be facing the Tv and instead I was facing an adjacent wall. I passed the other tests easily, but this one was not one I COULD pass. My son was mistakenly diagnosed with autism…it has since been puzzled out that actually he has very severe dyslexia, is terribly anxious and shy and a total nerd. He is lovely, actually, but all of that also led to addressing his physical ill-health with diet…very, very helpful and his eye contact normalized, his interest on conversation (when not scared to talk to a stranger…lol) normalized and his gut has been healing slowly but surely ever since. His dad and I have some issues with allergies, food intolerances and diabetes in both families. I have his dad taking vitamins and things but I clearly need them too. I already eat the way my sons do and run several times a week. There is more to do!
I have what I believe is anxiety, coupled with on and off “lightheadedness”, and just recently diagnosed with Diverticulitis. I passed the first test no problem, but turned about 45 degrees with the second test after 50 steps. I’m assuming GAPS would help? I will have to look into it more, as I’m not at all familiar with it. I just would like to get rid of the anxiety (heart racing episodes/palpitations) without drugs!
This explains a lot! I have fibromyalgia. When we stand up to pray at church, I have to hold onto the pew or chair in front of me when I have my eyes closed or I start swaying.
I failed the first one miserably. I just started the paleo autoimmune diet. Is GAPS similar?