Warning to all parents who use a homemade baby formula recipe for their children instead of feeding them toxic, GMO laced commercial formula.
DON’T tell a conventionally minded doctor it is made with raw milk else your baby might end up in foster care!
This is the nightmare Alorah Gellerson of Brooklin, Maine is experiencing right now because she made the mistake of telling her doctor about the homemade goats milk formula she proudly and carefully makes for her healthy, happy, three-month-old son Carson.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) quickly responded when the doctor reported Alorah and that’s when things got messy.
The state came in and threatened to take Carson away and put him in foster care unless Alorah followed DHHS orders to go and have the baby examined by a doctor. Â Unbelievably, DHHS also mandated an overnight hospital stay and a switch back to store-bought GMO commercial formula.
Despite complying with every single DHHS demand, Gellerson, who receives state benefits, is still being harassed with threats of foster care for her son. Â “I hope this all goes away. It’s been so terrible and hard on us. We’re just trying to live our lives and they keep bothering us. I just want it to be all over”, she said.
Tania Allen, Gellerson’s mother added,
It’s so frustrating. She’s a great mom. The baby has a great dad too and they love this baby very much and they would never do anything to hurt him and if we thought the formula was harming him, we would not do that.
DHHS refused to comment and instead directed inquiries to its website for the procedures they follow, one of which is from the USDA which states that goat milk is not recommended for infants because of inadequate quantities of certain vitamins.
Jack Forbush, DO, of The Osteopathic Center for Family Medicine in Hampden, Maine disagrees with the state saying,
 I don’t know what’s really driving it other than perhaps some different cultural belief system. I’ve got plenty of kids in my practice that have been given goat’s milk, for example, and they’re growing and developing fine.
The Weston A. Price Foundation concurs with Dr. Forbush’s assessment. Homemade formula from goat or cow milk is much better for baby than commercial formula as this chart listing the nutrients contained in goat milk formula illustrates.
State Violation of Parental Rights Becoming More Common
This is not the first time a parental judgment call regarding the health of a child has landed a parent in hot water with the State. Â This type of violation of basic parental rights is becoming more and more common.
Recall the story of Alex and Anna Nikolayev just a few months ago who had their baby forcibly removed from their home (with the entire assault captured on home video) simply because they took their baby to another hospital for a second opinion regarding their child’s heart condition. In both cases, the children were eventually returned to the parents, but not before much grief and stress were endured by the family.
References and More Information
Brooklin Mother Says State Not Happy With Her Formula Choice
Baby’s mother in trouble with state over homemade goat’s milk formula
USDA: Infant Formula Feeding
Camel milk baby formula
Homemade sheep milk formula
What the heck is wrong with that doctor?!! Not to mention social services… if the baby is growing and thriving, they have no basis upon which to intervene. That makes no sense, at all.
My ped gave me guidelines when my kiddos were little, but as long as they were growing and thriving, her goal was all about educating me on what they needed, not policing my parenting practices. Didn’t realize until reading this, how lucky I was to have her!
State benefits = state strings.
Yes Sandra, that is a sad fact that the younger generation is finding out the hard way, and maybe even some of the older generation. I am absolutely outraged at that doctor for being a mindless sheeple and putting this poor family through misery! This culture of authority always “knowing” what is best for you or your family is just wrong! God save America.
We just had our 12 month check-up with our little one, who’s been on FCLO, probiotics, egg yolks, liver, etc. for awhile – our doc doesn’t know anything. We’ve been researching starting to give him goat’s milk as I slowly wean him from breastmilk; this article went straight to my heart and so saddens me. My husband and I see our LO thriving and healing, which is so exciting. Prayers for this family! May God continue to teach our families in our nation how to eat wisely!
Why are you weaning him off the best nutrition, breastmilk?
I have to ask the same. Why would you wean your child when breastmilk is better than any other milk? Because of the 12 month mark? You should nurse for as long as your child will let you or until at least 24 months. Especially if there are health issues the child is going through.
not all womens breast milk is worth feeding the child honestly. if a woman is sickly by nature, enemic, alergic, or just plain has bad genetic markers, they should go with something else. If a woman has inverse nipples, she Cant breastfeed effectively ((some may be able to pump and feed, but not even all at that)) and some women just plain dont give a fuck that you think she should act like a cow to suit your aesthetic view of her child rearing . and…AND…cut the “god” crap and Teach Yourself. “God” is where half of this “protecting people from themselves at all costs” bullshit starts from.
trsedwards, the original commenter mentioned God and frankly you don’t have a right to tell anyone to cut God out of their lives, just like no one has the right to step in and tell a good parent how they should feed/teach etc their child. Also, No one here is saying that women don’t have the right to skip breast-milk or have medical reasons that make them unable to nurse. You are sounding unhinged and irrational in your angry tone to strangers that have done and said nothing to you personally.
There is nothing wrong with asking a question. That is what people who want to understand do. Its more useful and effective than ranting because of assumptions like the ones you just made.
Thanks for your concern! 🙂 I intend to breastfeed him as long as possible, we’re just looking to up his calorie intake; I still nurse him 4, sometimes 5, times a day. I am concerned about certain vitamin levels in his body, specifically Vitamin K2, as he’s struggled with a dairy allergy for awhile. I’ve been on Full GAPS while breastfeeding for 8 months, we’re doing the baby GAPS intro diet with him presently, but he hasn’t gained any weight for about a month even though we’re doing lots of fats, etc.
Ah, makes sense now. So sorry you are going through that! Totally check out “Nourishing Traditions” the book has great recipes for home-made formula if you are interested 🙂
You should still be taking your prenatal vitamins and up water intake no alcohol or other meds…
People should learn to keep their damn mouth shut!
Are you still a patriot? WWG1WGA I forgive you for this rude remark
is a great place to find a functional doctor… Also
http://drhyman.com/ is one of the leading functional doctors in the US who goes out and educates doctors who have no knowledge of foods and vaccines. I would contact him since he is always on TV and can make the most noise. Doctors don’t like educated patients. If I was this mom I would have a food sensitivity panel done and most likely dairy would be on it.
I give this information to all my patients so they can say away from gov ran paid by the pharm companies.
The family is receiving state benefits. If that includes Medicaid or some other type of government funded health insurance, you don’t have a big choice of doctors. You need to go to a doctor willing to accept the state funded insurance. If they are on WIC or SNAP, distributed through EBT, the state could have a record of what is being purchased. However, WIC does encourage breast feeding. But, some women are not able to produce enough breast milk and need to supplement. The standard commercial baby formula for babies who can’t tolerate cows milk is to use a soy based formula.
Soy products are full of estrogen. Which is very harmful to males and causing very really deployment in females. Soy is never the answer. It’s weird, but donkey milk is the closest thing to human breast milk known.
Paul soy isn’t bad, it’s the way it’s processed, alcohol wash and high eat, that destroys all the the health benefits that soy has to offer. Here’s a link to start you on your journey to finding the truth about soy. The newsletter is written by Dr. Nasar. Just to give you a little of his background:
Dr. Nasr has a B.S. in Agronomy; M.S. in Biochemistry of anti-oxidants and a
PH.D. in Pharmacognosy (science of bio-active products). He received his M.D.
from Rush Medical College in Chicago, followed by Internal Medicine and
Cardiology fellowships from Chicago Medical School. He is a member of the
American College of Nutraceuticals and the American College of Preventive
Medicine and is Director of the Medical Care & Diagnostic Center, Lake Villa, Il
Also thought you might be open to hearing some of these statistics:
1. Optiflora (a probiotic) and Soy Protein increase the absorption of protein, decrease
gas and discomfort and decrease cholesterol by 23%
2. Sixty (60) studies have been conducted showing soy protein increases
bone density more than just Calcium Magnesium does.
3. Two studies show that soy and vitamin E, together, decrease LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40% and that is 17% greater decrease than Zocor and Lipitor
4. Four studies show that soy protein inhibits oxidation of LDL (bad
cholesterol) by 40%. When cholesterol oxidizes, it becomes “sticky” and builds
up on the arterial walls, which leads to clogged arteries.
5. Soy prevents gall stones. It doesn’t dissolve them but it prevents them.
6. Soy prevents kidneys from damage. Lots of animal protein may be hard on
the kidneys, but soy protein protects the kidneys
7. Shaklee’s protein includes valuable protein and isoflavones that are not
present in other soy proteins produced with heat or chemicals. Shaklee’s low
heat – water wash process keeps the isoflavones in the protein. Isoflavones
are natural cancer fighting ingredients that occur naturally in soy.
8. Soy’s protein and Isoflavones inhibit the mutated cell´s ability to
make an enzyme that would cause the cell to continue reproducing and form a
9. Soy inhibits the cancer cell from making blood vessels that invade
arteries and zap nutrients (this process is called angiogenesis).
10. Soy increases the killing effect of the white blood cells (phagocytosis).
11. Soy’s amino acid Lysine when combined with Vitamin C decreases Colon
Cancer by 90%.
12. The flavanoids (like those in Shaklee’s Flavomax) when combined with Soy
Protein are synergistic (they work even better together) and decrease breast
cancer 10 fold.
13. Beta carotene (like those in Shaklee’s CarotoMax) when combined with Soy
Protein and Calcium with Vitamin D are 10 times as effective at preventing
cancer cells from getting an addition blood supply.
14. Women in the Orient get about 80mg of Isoflavones a day¦.women in US and
Europe get about 1.0 mg. That is an 80% negative difference for US and Europe.
15. Soy protein helps the differentiated cell (bad cell) convert back to a
normal cell.
Soy is loaded with estrogen and that has adverse effects on our hormone systems. One litter girl here in Maine was forced (by DHHS) to consume Pediasure after every meal via a feeding tube up her nose and when she was 18 months old it was discovered that her ovaries were maturing. The young lady now has adrenal problems because of the forced soy consumption.
Thelma, as I said it’s the quality and the processing of the soy that counts. Not all soy is created equal. The formulas, unfortunately are made with GMO soy that is highly processed, thus the problems exist which gives soy a bad reputation. Please go to the link I posted and start to educate yourself. God would not have but soy on this earth if it was to do harm. It is man’s manipulation of the soy that does harm.
Ginger…. Are infiltrating your opinion on this blog for a reason? Looks like you are being paid to do it. You people will stop at nothing!!!! Sarah’s blog isn’t here fr others use. Make your own blog. I won’t be visiting.
Good point Sarah. And Ginger as for the lord making harmful plants, well he has created many that are toxic to humans.
A VERY large percentage of SOY is GMO….and the only way soy is good for you is if it is organic and fermented.
Sarah, Obviously you misinterpreted my comment. This is information that I have discovered through research. and wanted to share. I too was concerned about soy, until I spoke to a highly respected functional medical doctor and a highly respected nutritional MD who clarified the issues resulting from the way soy is commercially processed. Highly processed soy raises a lot of health questions because of the brake down and disruption of the isoflavinoids.
Here’s a video for you to review that helps to dispel some of the urban myths surrounding soy. It’s presented by Dr. Stephen Chaney.
Here’s some of his bio:
“He is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina. At the time of his retirement he held the title of Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics and the Department of Nutrition at the University of North Carolina where he taught biochemistry and nutrition to first year medical and dental students for 40 years. ”
“Dr. Chaney also ran an active cancer research program for 37 years. He is internationally known for his research on the biochemistry of anticancer drugs.”
You can see the rest of his bio at the video site:
And, yes, Sarah, I do take offense to you referring to me as “you people”. I care about people, I care about their health and want to share information that might help them. I was not paid to make my original post. Yes, I believe in Dr. Shaklee and the products his company has created with the utmost integrity and passion for humanity. Sorry if that offends you. If I wanted something monetary from this post I would have included a website or some type of contact information…. I didn’t.
The bottom line here, the commercial soy formula is the worst thing that the doctor and DHHS should be demanding the baby be given, but not for the reasons stated by the post that started this thread, but because it’s not processed in a healthy way. I’m confident that the goat’s milk formula has many more advantages for the baby and applaud the mother for taking the initiative to make her own formula. She is a true inspiration.
To Thelma….. God’s plants all have a place and a purpose. Did you know that poison ivy, a plant that is toxic to many, is a very effective homeopathic remedy?
Thanks Harley. You nailed it.
Thanks for this info~thankful there’s still people like that out there, willing to share publicly.
I too have done lots of research (19 years of natural healing) and I never take one persons website as proof of anything. I guess we will have to agree to disagree because I believe that only fermented soy is usable and even that has to be made with non GMO and organic soy.
Thelma, we are in agreement. It’s all about how the soy is processed. We also agree that it must be non GMO. We also agree that the processed soy formula they market for babies is not suitable. We are on the same page.
Thelma, please read some more before going around stating untrue things. U look like u have been paid to do so. Soy and estrogen was dismissed some time ago, good morning, it’s the way is being processed and if u consume organic one, no estrogen there! Can u work your brain around this and research it yourself, or is the payment u took holding u back? :)))
So tragic, the ignorance that is enforced by well-meaning, but terribly misinformed professionals who are in positions of authority! Thanks for posting this article, Sarah. It drives home the importance of not taking for granted that others will understand. Unless a the healthcare provider is a naturopath or physician who a parent KNOWS for certain is on board with Weston A. Price nutrition principles and natural living, it’s best to keep this stuff to ourselves!
They aren’t well meaning. They are power hungry. The more kids taken away from families the more money THEY get.
You are exactly correct…I used to work for DHS…CPS.
They are also selling custody to abusive fathers who have lots of money. Check out the website Abused Swan. I have found the VP of Fifth Third Bank in my case and his wife, Attorney Donna Mobilia the GAL in my case making some great money. So it is not just CPS or DHS. Can’t wait to run against Debbie Stabenow in 2018. Wonder what she is going to have to say about the corruption.
I hesitated and was very nervous when I told my doctor about our cows milk formula. She wanted to know because my child was a preemie, and he started out having a slow time gaining weight (before starting the formula). So it was medically relevant that she asked, but boy was I scared to tell. And so by being so intimidating, doctors and the state are making it so no one will tell them anything. then when a parent really does need some guidance, they’ll never get what they need because the parent will be too scared to confide in them. not like they know too much about kids and nutrition anyway, but still…
We are not supposed to be scared of our government, our government is supposed to be scared of us.
Well, they are scared. This mother didn’t bring her premie in for medical appointments, which is typical for MaineCare clients. If the mother wants to kill herself off in various ways, that’s her adult privilege, but if she is inadvertently starving her infant, then perhaps a conscientious physician should not allow such behavior when a simple solution is available.
Starving her baby? You are underedu cated. Why take a baby to the dr unless the child is sick? So it can get sick from people in the waiting room? Well checkupsare for vaccines.
I agree, this is a real problem. Sarah’s DO friend wrote a good post last week about the good aspects of conventional medicine. It can be helpful. However, I, too, learned not to tell my kids’ pediatrician much of anything, after repeatedly being told to give my preemie Ensure powder to help him put on weight, etc. So I basically ignored the doctor when he said the baby wasn’t gaining weight. This was my fourth baby, and I’d heard from doctors throughout my mothering/breastfeeding experience about how my babies didn’t gain enough weight/follow their growth charts. So I tuned out the latest doctor. A couple of months later, I was told my preemie was severely anemic, something only picked up by the one-year old blood draw. I felt horrible. What a tragedy, this breakdown of trust between parents and medical professionals.
And yet the states have no interest in protecting kids being fed Kraft mac n cheese or Fruit Loops. Oy!
That’s why I keep what I do for my daughters to myself. Granted, our pediatrician is on the crunchy side and allows us to decline vaccinations without pressuring us, I do not tell her about the egg yolk or tell her that instead of inhaled steroids all my five year old needs to keep asthma away is FCLO. I want to keep myself well below any imposed radar that will tell me how to raise my child according to corporate lobbied rules and regulations. I love the WAPF but my raw milk, nonvaccination lifestyle is my little secret.
I get that FCLO is feremented cod liver oil, but what is WAPF? thanks so much.
WAPF = Weston A Price Foundation 🙂
Vicky, even though I’ m retiree, I never mention to doctors about my health food ritual (coc. oil, eating butter, wheat grass, food supplements, etc.) because it is none of their XXXX business. Good idea for all age groups to avoid vaccines. It is unreal the number of vaccines kids get today that didn’t exist in my time! I know several younger couples who won’t have kids because they know the gov. agenda : control freak agencies, anti family to the hilt, to incl tax breaks for couples that live together and not marry. I would encourage every young person today not to breed; America is without hope, headed into the abyss of Fascism and dictatorship and the train has left the station without brakes. Prepare and get with close knit friends for security/bartering when this country collapses.
#Operationdepopulation … Its sad man
And yet, when you need medical attention, where’s the first place you go? The health food store?
Here in West Virginia, our legislature passed a law this year requiring our DHHR to sign off on ALL vaccine exemptions. Exemptions can no longer be made by a doctor. It’s INSANE.
Oh my! That is horrible, Kiya!
I would FN move!
You can buy home made formula of goats milk all day long if you know who to call. Fed all four of my babies goats milk that was raw and they have never been sick. Screw the state.