Warning to all parents who use a homemade baby formula recipe for their children instead of feeding them toxic, GMO laced commercial formula.
DON’T tell a conventionally minded doctor it is made with raw milk else your baby might end up in foster care!
This is the nightmare Alorah Gellerson of Brooklin, Maine is experiencing right now because she made the mistake of telling her doctor about the homemade goats milk formula she proudly and carefully makes for her healthy, happy, three-month-old son Carson.
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) quickly responded when the doctor reported Alorah and that’s when things got messy.
The state came in and threatened to take Carson away and put him in foster care unless Alorah followed DHHS orders to go and have the baby examined by a doctor. Unbelievably, DHHS also mandated an overnight hospital stay and a switch back to store-bought GMO commercial formula.
Despite complying with every single DHHS demand, Gellerson, who receives state benefits, is still being harassed with threats of foster care for her son. “I hope this all goes away. It’s been so terrible and hard on us. We’re just trying to live our lives and they keep bothering us. I just want it to be all over”, she said.
Tania Allen, Gellerson’s mother added,
It’s so frustrating. She’s a great mom. The baby has a great dad too and they love this baby very much and they would never do anything to hurt him and if we thought the formula was harming him, we would not do that.
DHHS refused to comment and instead directed inquiries to its website for the procedures they follow, one of which is from the USDA which states that goat milk is not recommended for infants because of inadequate quantities of certain vitamins.
Jack Forbush, DO, of The Osteopathic Center for Family Medicine in Hampden, Maine disagrees with the state saying,
I don’t know what’s really driving it other than perhaps some different cultural belief system. I’ve got plenty of kids in my practice that have been given goat’s milk, for example, and they’re growing and developing fine.
The Weston A. Price Foundation concurs with Dr. Forbush’s assessment. Homemade formula from goat or cow milk is much better for baby than commercial formula as this chart listing the nutrients contained in goat milk formula illustrates.
State Violation of Parental Rights Becoming More Common
This is not the first time a parental judgment call regarding the health of a child has landed a parent in hot water with the State. This type of violation of basic parental rights is becoming more and more common.
Recall the story of Alex and Anna Nikolayev just a few months ago who had their baby forcibly removed from their home (with the entire assault captured on home video) simply because they took their baby to another hospital for a second opinion regarding their child’s heart condition. In both cases, the children were eventually returned to the parents, but not before much grief and stress were endured by the family.
References and More Information
Brooklin Mother Says State Not Happy With Her Formula Choice
Baby’s mother in trouble with state over homemade goat’s milk formula
USDA: Infant Formula Feeding
Camel milk baby formula
Homemade sheep milk formula
Is it the state social services agencies? Is it the conjured up “Big Government”?
Who is really at fault for transgressing the right of parents to feed their tots
raw goat milk?
When I visited Mark McAfee at his Organic Pastures dairy near Fresno CA and
Ron Garthwaite at Claravale near Hollister California, I got the answer.
And when I read “The Raw Milk Revolution” by David Gumpert, it became
even clearer.
There is a conspiracy in this country to destroy every threat to the agricultural
establishment’s profitable control of our food supply. That explains the persecution of Mark and Ron. That explains the brainwashing of the social services agencies.
They have been propagandized to believe that raw milk is dangerous. The exact
opposite is the truth. Pasteurized, homonogized milk is dangerous.
For example, the Republican congressman from Modesto is Jeff Denham. He has deep roots in the agricultural establishment. And he has ties to the California
Department of Food and Agriculture. Democratic Senator Feinstein is no better.
So it is BIG AG that is infringing on our rights, acting through the FDA and their
state pawns.
I worked as a child protective worker in Maine at the Lewiston DHHS office. I was terminated within 1 month because I saw caseworkers violating the rights of parents (and I was actually TRAINED to do just that on my first day of training) and I started asking questions. I was pulled into a meeting with the program administrator (Cathy Lachapelle) and told I was “not a good fit” for the position, and let go. When I told Cathy that there were provisions in Title 22 so that the job could still be done WITHOUT violating people’s rights, she told me that was true, but that it was take far too much time and that we, as caseworkers, would never be able to get our work done.
Better to violate people’s rights than to actually work a bit.
Still looking for a job.
Our Govenment needs to be shown it’s place, and it isn’t involving itself in people’s lives, it is for our National Security, Workforce, and Interstructure, not telling people what they can and cannot do! This current Administration, under the mentally distrubed President, Obama, are following the footsteps of Communism and needs to be stopped. Obama should be removed from office and society for the safety of our Nation and it’s people.
Goat’s milk for babies has been used for thousands of years. Our government is totally out of control. Especially under the commie fascist Liar in Chief and his Head Goon Eric Holder.
And these rotten scum never have a convenient “contact us” at their websites. They try to make themselves as inaccessable as possible. I just spent an hour trying to find an email address to their main office. It doesn’t exist.
One of these days I’d like to start a website with a list of what happens after the revolution. Specifically those who would have to go into hiding to keep from being strung up for their treasonous deeds. Like most politicians and government employees like those at the DMV, Family Law/Child Support, IRS, City Hall, the County, Code Enforcement, etc.
These people would be at the top of the list.
Aside from that the best solution to this countrys problem can be found in Vince Flynn’s book “Term Limits” Where is Scott Coleman when you need him?
The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men by Christina Hoff Sommers
Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage and the Family by Stephen Baskerville (At least go to Amazon and read the Preface and Introduction to these two books.)
Purple Heart’s Final Beat – A Soldier Suicide Story
Plunder: How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation by Steven Greenhut
One Nation Under Arrest: How Crazy Laws, Rogue Prosecutors and Activist Judges Threaten You Liberty by Reosenzweig & Walsh
Mean Justice: A true account of a prosecutor’s power and betrayel by Edward Humes
The Man by Irving Wallace (The “Black” President we should have had.)
The Innocent Man by John Grisham
with the rate of autism increasing and children being born with thyroid problems due to our government covering up the severity of the Fukushima incident to it’s own people and instead raising the level of acceptable toxins in seafood……the last thing we need is parents being forced to use toxic formula to raise their children.
slowly but surely we are no longer a free country. as long as companies like Monsanto are backed by government officials and allowed to create toxic foods that alter our bodies in ways we cannot imagine, we will never be okay.