There’s no free lunch, Moms and Dads. Â That trip through the drive-thru may be easy and convenient, saving you the hassle of preparing dinner at home, but it is having lifetime implications for your children.
A study conducted by an academic at the University of London reports that children who consume more fast food grow up to have a lower IQ than those who regularly eat freshly-cooked meals.
4,000 Scottish children aged 3-5 years old were examined to compare the intelligence dampening effects of fast food consumption versus  “from scratch”  fare prepared with only fresh ingredients.
Dr. Sophie von Stumm of the Department of Psychology at the University of London said:
“It’s common sense that the type of food we eat will affect brain development, but previous research has only looked at the effects of specific food groups on children’s IQ rather than at generic types of meals.”
Higher fast food consumption by the children was linked with lower intelligence and this was even after adjustments for wealth and social status were taken into account.
The conclusions of this study confirm previous research which shows long lasting effects on IQ from a child’s diet. An Australian study from the University of Adelaide published in August 2012 showed that toddlers who consume junk food grow less smart as they get older.   In that study, 7000 children were examined at the age of 6 months, 15 months, 2 years to examine their diet.
When the children were examined again at age 8, children who were consuming the most unhealthy food had IQs up to 2 points lower than children eating a wholesome diet.
Tips for Keeping Kids off Processed Food
How to keep your children from eating fast food and nutrient poor processed foods? Â Just don’t buy it or bring it into the house. Â If it’s not in the pantry, your kids won’t be eating it and neither will you. Â Simple as that.
Keep a few containers of healthy snacks like additive and MSG free jerky (here’s the one I buy) and nuts with you in the car for when the family is ravenous and tempted by the drive thru or other unhealthy snacks.
If your kids don’t want the healthy snacks and only are asking for junk food, they aren’t really hungry. It’s either boredom or emotional eating so just say no and wait until you get home to prepare them a decent meal.
For a crazy and extreme video clip of how I taught my kids to hate fast food, click here. Â Trust me, your kids will thank you later when they have an easier time with school and life in general as a result of your efforts!
If you have drawn a line in the sand about fast food at your house too and have tips to share, please tell us about it in the comments section!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
It all comes down to the poor quality of fats. Do you think fast food would ever consider using olive, coconut or avocado oil? I would be afraid to find out how often the oil is replaced in their fryers. Healthy fats, healthy brains. Add some filtered water to those brains and watch out!
People are shocked, and some even think its unfair, when i tell them my kids have NEVER had fast food… its possible, and its not abuse,lol.
Great business plan. Bad food = stupid children, stupid children = stupid parents in 20 years, more stupid children and parents = more customers, more customers = even more stupid people, even more stupid people = lots and lots of potential employees.
As do their parents 🙂
Thanks for sharing
Christina Maria…what were we talking about yesterday?!?!
So do their parents.
Being my son was/is a single father of 3 children since they where under 5. There was many times he would stop on the way home after picking up the kids at school, and get fast foods..
Although never in the morning for breakfast…
Although If that is what some parents have to do, it is better for the children to eat before going to school even crapy food, then not to eat anything.
His children, My Grandchilden are now 23, 24, & 26..
They went through school getting almost all A’s without studying, and do very nicely for them selfs.
That said they all have high IQ’s…The younger ones is 165 IQ..
I mainly eat Organic, and have been studying foods for sometime..When the kids where at my home, and it was often, they did ate healthy..
Btw I think there is moderation…We know more about healthy, and Un-healthy foods today then they know a few years back..
That said, I think this study is BS…
My children are now grown. Having been brilliant students, they now have very successful business careers, despite having eaten a lot of fast food as kids.
Everything is moderation.