How sulfur deficiency may contribute to the inability to raise Vitamin D levels and chronic diseases like dementia. Where to get this critical nutrient naturally in whole foods to help support natural detoxification via the body’s elimination pathways.
A neighbor of mine who is in his 70’s, looks 50, and still does triathlons once told me that his mother used to make him drink well water. He hated it because it stunk to high heaven of rotten eggs! That rotten egg smell is, of course, hard water with high amounts of sulfur in it. She told him that it would boost his immune system and keep him healthy.
Smart lady.
Unfortunately, sulfur, also spelled sulphur, is all but forgotten as a critical nutrient in recent decades. Yet, this important element is very necessary for the maintenance of health. Moreover, it is important for the prevention of debilitating illnesses such as Metabolic Syndrome and perhaps Alzheimer’s.
Shockingly, a Minimum Daily Requirement (MDR) to avoid sulfur deficiency does not even exist! This despite the fact that this mineral is the eighth most common element by mass in the human body.
Countries With High Sulfur Intake Are Some of the Healthiest
The countries of Greece, Italy, and Japan are the primary suppliers of sulphur to the rest of the world. Isn’t it coincidental that these same countries enjoy some of the lowest rates of heart disease and obesity on the planet?
Perhaps not. Icelanders’ remarkably low rates of depression, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease can possibly be attributed to the country’s distinctive line of volcanoes. Periodic eruptions blanket the soil with sulphur containing volcanic rock. This enriched soil is of tremendous benefit to any plants grown or animals grazing there. In turn, people who use these plants and livestock for food enjoy greatly enhanced health.
It was once thought that the Icelandic diet was so protective against chronic illness due to a high intake of fish. This theory does not hold up, however, as Icelanders who move to Canada and continue eating a lot of fish do not continue to enjoy the same low rates of disease.
It seems that the Icelandic soil which is unusually rich in sulphur may indeed play a pivotal role in the health and avoidance of sulfur deficiency of its residents.
Sulphur’s Critical Role in the Body
Sulphur is critical to many of the body’s biological processes, metabolism included.
Without adequate sulphur, glucose metabolism becomes defective. This leads to muscle and fat cell damage as the result of becoming glucose intolerant. Over time, sulphur deficiency can lead to all manner of skeletal and muscle disorders with corresponding pain and inflammation.
This impaired glucose metabolism resulting from insufficient sulphur is also implicated as a factor in obesity and the dangerous condition known as Metabolic Syndrome. This occurs because one way the body compensates for defective glucose metabolism is by gaining weight.
When sulphur deficiency occurs within the context of a lowfat diet, the problem becomes more serious. Additional sources of glucose present in a lowfat diet in the form of carbohydrates are converted to fat. Worse, these lipids are released into the bloodstream as triglycerides to fuel damaged and inflamed muscle cells.
Alzheimer’s Disease Partly Due to Sulfur Deficiency?
Analysis of the minerals present in the cells of the typical Alzheimer’s patient reveals that sulphur is almost nonexistent compared with a normal profile.
Some research has indicated that the reversal of a serious sulphur deficiency state can prevent or halt the progression of this disease. In addition, it may potentially reverse it provided the patient is still in the early stages where little brain damage has occurred. Coconut oil for Alzheimer’s has shown promise as well.
Could the skyrocketing cases of Alzheimer’s in recent years be related to the shunning of eggs by older Americans? Eggs are an excellent source of sulfur! Yet, in adult living facilities and nursing homes, egg replacements like Egg Beaters are commonly used instead.
Sulphur Helps Mobilize Vitamin D from the Sun?
When unprotected skin is exposed to the sun, the skin synthesizes vitamin D3 sulfate. While vitamin D is fat-soluble, vitamin D3 sulfate is a form of the vitamin that is actually water-soluble. This allows it to travel freely in the blood throughout the body.
On a side note, the vitamin D3 in supplements is not the same vitamin D3 as what you get from the sun and should not be considered an adequate substitute.
Sunlight exposed skin also produces large amounts of cholesterol sulfate, providing cholesterol levels are sufficient for this to happen.
The sun, then, has the potential to provide sulfur to the body in the form of vitamin D3 sulfate and cholesterol sulfate.
Could undiagnosed sulfur deficiency and/or insufficient natural cholesterol in the diet be contributing to the epidemic of undiagnosed Vitamin D deficiency?
Make Sure You Get Enough to Avoid Sulphur Deficiency!
It is quite shocking that sulfur is basically ignored in nutritional circles. Nonetheless, it is a critical nutrient and one that is necessary for vibrant health and prevention of chronic disease.
One very simple way to improve the body’s sulfur status quickly is through regular Epsom salt baths. 2-3 per week soaking for 20 minutes is a sensible regimen. Epsom salt is comprised of magnesium sulfate, and both magnesium and sulfur absorb readily into the body via the skin. One caveat: Be sure to buy USP certified Epsom salts. Avoid lower quality agricultural grades.
With regard to dietary sources, another excellent way to ensure you get enough is to eat more eggs! The incredible edible egg contains high amounts of natural sulfur. Eggs also supply natural cholesterol to ensure enough is available to mobilize sulfur combined with Vitamin D in the blood. Other foods high in this element include onions, garlic, and cabbage.
Do not rely on dried fruit treated with sulfur dioxide. This is not a healthy source of sulfur!
Another caveat to note is that while certain plant foods should contain lots of sulphur, it is likely the amounts are low. Why? Sulfur rich produce is dependent upon cultivation in sulfur-rich soil.
Most soils today are depleted of this critical nutrient (unless of volcanic origin or organically treated with azomite volcanic rock dust). Thus, unless you are sure about where your vegetables are grown, relying on eggs for adequate sulfur in the diet is the decidedly better way to go!
A Possible Contributing Factor in Obesity, Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s and Chronic Fatigue
A cheap way to get sulphur is through “flowers of sulphur” which is the bright yellow fine powder that is most commonly used for horses.
We have a tiny tip of a teaspoon a couple of times a week. With a teaspoon of unsulphured blackstrap molasses.
You could also add the sulphur into your veg bed but it does tend to lower the ph of the soil so may need to counterbalance that with dolomite. Both add important minerals into the soil and inevitably some of that is absorbed into the veg that you then eat.
This is so interesting! I am allergic to Sulpha drugs.
I Crave eggs, cabbage, garlic, food cured with nitrates,
for the folks who cannot take sulpha
try Dr Schusslers Tissue salts
They are amazing I have used them since 1972 with miraculous results
I so appreciate your wisdom! Thank you for the constant education you have given me!
What about unsulphered blackstrap molasses?
Unsulphured molasses has no sulphur in it.
Since you mentioned that sulfur is critical to a person’s metabolism, then this could mean that the reason I’m suffering from many health problems could be due to my deficiency from it. I’ve always developed back problems ever since I started reducing my egg intake five months ago since I was recommended by my dermatologist to avoid dairy and eggs to clear up my skin. I think I’ll try taking some MSM organic sulfur crystals in the meantime so I can make up for lost nutrients.
Onions and garlic are very high in sulfur also. Would be best to get it from food if you can rather than a supplement.
Margret, scabies is endemic here in North Queensland, Australia. Here is a reference to research done with clove essential oil in a carrier oil which might help.
Hi guys I live in the uk and have adrenal fatigue and have lost a lot of hair . Can anyone recommend a sulfur powfervi can order ? ThAnkyou so much
I believe you are referring to D2, what doctors dispense and what is put in milk…
What do you recommend doing if –
Sulfur foods and supplements cause symptoms.
I gain weight. Have gas. Feel crazy. Feel EXHAUSTED.
My doc says he believes I have a CBS-mutation. And my life so far does point in that direction. I can’t even take B6 without feeling mentally ill.
I’m as healthy as a fiddle otherwise. Even great nutritional stores on both blood and hair tests. And great digestive function in most ways. No auto-antibodies, low inflammation, perfect hormones profiled, thyroid is good, blood glucose and cholesterol is good, and so on. For over a decade NO doc can tell me why I’m tired.
I know all about a variety of exposures and functional medical tests and so on.
A couple years ago I spend a couple years killing a bacterial/protozoan infection(s). … “lyme”. … Apparently the CBS- mutation, and problem with the transulfuration pathways ~ make a person prone to (bacterial) infections.
It could be genetic. Or it could be that I am vax injured and have mercury toxicity. I think it’s both actually. Even though I have not yet run the genetic test.
I CRAVE sulfur, too. And have a history or eating tons of it. But if you can’t metabize it – they say – you are both deficient in sulfur AND simultaneously being poisoned by it.
If I stop eating it, like I did last week, my symptoms resolve at first. I even start dropping weight (nice!); who can live off of potatoes and slim down haha. …. But by day four I started feeling like I was having symptoms of early dementia. So, I ate sulfur- and my memory came back. But so did the weight. Along with gas.
I started Molybdenum. But I’m afraid of Molybdenum toxicity. It can cause metal madness
Honestly, it sounds like you have severe gut imbalance issues. I would suggest a consultation with a GAPS practitioner to help re-balance the intestinal environment so that you can digest sulfur containing foods properly.