My call to action to boycott Organic Valley resulted in a firestorm of comments from farmers, consumers, and even an Organic Valley executive.
It seems that Organic Valley’s ban on the sale of raw milk by its co-op member farmers is quite controversial indeed. Many consumers and farmers have expressed outrage at this self-serving decision by Organic Valley which does nothing but harm farmer independence and economic sustainability over the long term.
Now, it seems, the plot has thickened. Â
One very astute reader posted a link in the comments section of that blog to an article which details a Federal grant of nearly $1 million to the town of La Farge, WI for infrastructure improvements for its rapidly growing organic food industry. Â Â The Federal grant is expected to result in an additional $5 million in private investment to help the region create jobs.
Ok, readers. Â This is a tough one, so sit down and take a deep breath.
Guess what company built a brand spanking new headquarters in La Farge, WI in 2004? Â Â
You guessed it! Â Â Organic Valley!
Here’s another hard one, dear reader.  You might even need a dose of cod liver oil before answering.
Guess what infrastructure is being built in La Farge with the grant money? Â Â
Right again! Â A road extension, street lights, sewers, and water mains will be built using the grant money to a site that the town anticipates will be another facility for Organic Valley!
Cecil Wright, Organic Valley’s vice president of sustainability and local operations, says that Organic Valley has not decided on the types of new facilities that it needs but acknowledges that the company is indeed growing. Â The company is currently hiring 50 new employees to add to the 350 that already work in La Farge and the hiring is expected to continue into 2011.
50 new employees out of 350 is quite a large percentage jump in the number of folks that work at OV headquarters in La Farge, WI, don’t you think? Â Â It seems improbable that 50 new cubicles/offices are available for these new hires in existing facility space.
It also seems likely a new facility will be needed to house these new workers and the ones that will be hired into 2011.
I feel so very bad for the 10% or so farmers of Organic Valley who sold raw milk on the side and now are forbidden by OV from this diversification of their revenue base which is in the best interests of themselves and their families as well as future generations who inherit these farms. Â Â It seems these farmers may have been sold out for $1 million in Federal Grant money.
I used to be such a big fan of Organic Valley just a few short years ago. Â First, the product quality began to decline and now this. Â What has happened to this once groundbreaking company?
While I must make clear that I have no evidence of collusion between the US Department of Commerce’s Economic Development Administration and Organic Valley with regard to this grant and its connection to the ban on the sale of raw milk by its co-op farmers, it seems highly likely to anyone with half a brain and a pinhead’s worth of common sense that there is a connection somewhere. Â
I don’t know about you, but finding out this information about a Federal grant which appears to directly benefit Organic Valley given that Wisconsin is in the midst of a governmental crackdown on raw milk convicts me more than ever to never again buy a single blasted thing from Organic Valley.
I am new to this blog and coincidentally was looking at the OV milk in my grocer today. In an effort to eat right and get all of the junk in my families diet, I was checking out the OV milkand realized it is ULTRA pasteurized. In a "duh huh" moment, thinking that they ship this milk all over the country and must make it last, of coursse they ultra pasteurize. That is one factor in my not buying the product and compounded with this current thread, it seems I will have to find a local farmer that can sell me his milk.
It seems that with the concept of a coop, you are promoting freedom- freedom to decide where to sell your wares and the ability to benefit by coming together with other like minded people. Usually, this is under a voluntary basis. If OV is dictating anything other than quality standards to their participating farmers, then how much of a coop is OV? Additionally, whenever you accept something from someone, you should expect to have to give something in return. Rarely is anything a gift without expectation of a return. This holds true ten fold when you involve the government, any gov't w/o regard of political affiliation. So OV was not involved DIRECTLY with the govt grant, but their hometown is benefitting from it and the town ultimately may be forced to dictate requirements that the feds may be dictating to them…
Very interesting….
I wonder why Organic Valley has so much time that they search the web and respond to all blog posts that speak out against them. My blog isn't nearly as big as this and when I posted against them (entitled "Why I don't like Organic Valley," and making no claims that anyone else should or shouldn't like them or boycott or anything) they immediately responded to my post too! Have they hired someone just to read all the blogs that mention them everyday? Seriously?
Plus, 350 jobs in a town of 600 people…that's just not possible unless EVERY member of the town, including some children, were working for them. Even if you go to the surrounding towns, if it's such a small area, that's a LOT. Hmm.
Mr. McGeorge, if there is no connection then OV needs to make a statment as such. And by statement, I mean action, not words that have no meaning. Overturn the raw milk selling ban. OV has no business controlling its farmers in such a way. Raw milk has nothing to do with OV. What's next? Will you dictate that farmers who sell you milk can't sell vegetables at a farmer's market? Personally, I will not buy OV products until this policy is changed.
As a blogger posting her oppinions she has every right to assert her position. Organic Valley has much more ability to assert their side of the story without bloggers having to check in with them before stating their oppinion. My point is that if Mr. McGeorge, who represents Organic Valley, wants to sway people like me who have not made up their minds he needs to be sure he doesn't come off sounding like he is trying desperately to control what people are saying. By all but calling her a liar or crazy without specifically pointing out which falicies she has claimed are facts he does nothing to convince me that I should remain an Organic Valley consumer. From a PR standpoint it is reactionary and a little insulting because it does not give credit to their consumers for being smart enough to tell the difference between fact and oppinion.
Wow,what a coincidence. Except I just do not buy it. Organic Valley is acting like a large Big Ag corporation, which is what they have become. I think you are right on target once again, Sarah.
Dear UC,
It's pretty clear that Sarah's assertion of a collusion between OV and the Fed for $$$ is in his opinion a conspiracy theory. 97% of the post from Sarah pushes her belief that there was a "deal" between the Fed Gov and OV. She uses one sentence as a disclaimer. Even then she claims anyone disagreeing with her assertions to be a pinhead lacking in common sense. JM from OV seems to be asking her to get their side of the story before posting. I see nothing wrong with JM wanting OV's side of the story shared with folks. Let's all take a deep breath and remember there can be two or more sides to a story.
Mr. McGeorge,
For my benefit, as a consumer who hasn't made up my mind either way, would you please specifically quote the misinformation you are alluding to. The "conspiricy theory" has not been presented as fact, but rather the oppinion of the blog poster. Why would she need to consult you before posting her oppinion? Nothing in your reply changes the oppinion she is sharing nor the facts she has stated. As it stands your replies do nothing to help me decide whether or not I will continue to buy your products and smacks of corporate spin. That is my oppinion of course.
Of course you are going to deny it, Jerry! The raw milk crackdown in WI combined with the Federal Grant to La Farge WI and OV's ban on the sale of raw milk by its co-op farmers all at about the same time is a bit too coincidental! If they aren't related, then overturn the ban on the sale of raw milk by your co-op farmers! If you don't overturn the ban, everyone will know its just typical government/corporate tit for tat.
Dear Sarah, I would like to once again clarify the false information in this article in order for your readers to make educated decisions: The assumption that the grant our hometown recently received played a role in our farmers' decision about off-farm milk sales is false, and it is highly unfortunate that Organic Valley was not contacted prior to reporting on this alleged "conspiracy theory." The village of La Farge, WI (population 600) applied for this funding independently, and because Organic Valley is commited to staying rooted in this small, rural town rather than relocate to a larger city, the village continually keeps an eye toward possible infrastructure improvements that we will need in order to remain located here in the future to support our farmer-owners and those who live in this rural community.
Jerry McGeorge
Cooperative Affairs Director, Organic Valley
I was so hoping that the communications and decline in sales from consumers might cause OV to overturn it's raw milk ban. If you are right my hopes are dashed. So sad. This might be the kick in the butt I need to start making my own cheese.