My friend Kristin over at Food Renegade – a fellow Real Food Media blogger – is currently accepting enrollments for the Summer semester of her Real Food Nutrition and Health E-Course.
This course is geared for children ages 12 and up to teach them the principles of Real Food and how what we eat determines our health.
In my view, teaching your children how to preserve their health by eating right after they leave your home for college or work is almost as important as feeding them right when they are living under your roof. After all, what good is it if you grow your kids sturdy and strong with Real Foods while they are young only to have them squander their health in a matter of months when they get out on their own?
Taking the time to teach children how to cook and the principles of nutrition and how to preserve the gift of health is of critical importance today considering the processed food landmines that one must navigate each and every day as part of living and working in the modern world.
Whether your child is homeschooled or attends private or public school, this course is sure to enhance the curriculum in a very hands-on, practical way.
Enrollment ends this Thursday June 30, 2011 at midnight.
Help Sarah! After losing my old computer to old age, I also lost my list of favorites and one was a site I’m sure I got from your favorite links called Food2Table. When I google this, I cannot find it. She’s a chef and young mother in NYC. Do you have this link? Maybe it’s called something else?
I would love for my niece to take this. She loves cooking. Her parents know I am a real foodie nut, but they don’t quite “get” it. Maybe I can buy the ebook for her.
This is fantastic! My kids are a little young yet for this course, 4 and 1, but I love that someone puts these resources out there! I just had a discussion with my own mother today about how she raised us from supermarket boxes and cans because that is how she was raised. We as parents have the power (and obligation) to change this.
We have frequent family discussions, most started by my boys, about food and how it works in our bodies. On conversation was about veggies and if we could eat too many! :oD That was a fun discussion. :oD