One of the most popular articles on this site is how I healed my child’s cavity using the protocol recommended by Dr. Weston A. Price DDS, a dentist who penned the incredible book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration back in the 1930s.
Granted, the cavity I healed was an early cavity .. it was a hole in one of my child’s top front incisors and it filled in within weeks to be as smooth as the teeth next to it.
But what about a tooth with a really bad cavity? Â What if the cavity has actually eaten into the pulp of the tooth and your dentist recommends a root canal?
Guess what? Â You can save these teeth too.
The protocol for healing teeth even in such a state of complete degeneration is described in the book Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel. This article on saving damaged teeth without a root canal provides a compelling testimonial of this approach.
I had the privilege of talking to Rami personally at the Wise Traditions Conference last year.
I have no doubt that our conversation helped to enable me to heal my child’s cavity some months later and write about it hopefully helping thousands of people in the process do the exact same thing.
Watch this video featuring Rami Nagel which describes the diet required to avoid and heal teeth at risk for a root canal. Even teeth that are in need of an immediate root canal can be helped.
If you have teeth in such a severe state of decay and think there is no hope, think again. Proper, traditionally based nutrition can work wonders even in these types of situations where the teeth need root canals. Make sure you listen through the whole video to be sure you understand Rami’s description of all aspects of the diet required to heal root canal teeth. It’s much more involved than taking a couple of supplements. There is no quick fix.
In addition, the diet required to heal the root canal teeth needs to be continued so that the problem does not re-emerge in the future.
Avoiding a Root Canal with Dietary Intervention Alone
Need A Biological Dentist Who Understands the Dangers of Root Canals?
I get many requests about who I recommend as a truly holistic, biological dentist. If you are looking for one, I recommend Dr. Carlo Litano of – (727) 300-0044. He sees young children as well as adults. Be sure to tell Dr. Litano that The Healthy Home Economist sent you and get 10% off your first visit!
More Information on Nutrition and Oral Health
Toddler’s Severe Tooth Decay Halted in 5 Days
Whiten Your Teeth Without Dangerous Chemicals
Resolving Periodontal Problems with Bone Broth
Coconut Oil Stops Strep Bacteria from Damaging Tooth Enamel
Cause of Crooked Teeth?
10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic
Could the Cause of Your Illness Be Right Under Your Nose?
Most Wisdom Tooth Extractions Totally Unnecessary
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Hello Sarah,
I have two big holes in my lower molars.I want to know if they can still remineralize. I don’t want them removed as they are essential for chewing.
For those in need of pain relief from a bad tooth try Garlic tabs or capsules, It is one of the strongest natural antibiotics on the planet as well as Oil of Oregano. Scientifically proven. Both are also anti viral!
IF a disease in the body is causing issues try taking mega-doses of vitamin c. The sicker a person is the more vitamin c they need as it gets depleted when any illness crops up. There is a point when you reach saturation of Vitamin C when you get diarehea. When you reach this point just back off a little on the vitamin C. Vitamin C is anti bacterial and anti viral. There are 4 primary reasons people get sick. Heavy metals from food, (from soil), Chemicals from food (sprayed on food to keep bugs or fungus away), A Virus, (see benefits of xylitol ), and bacteria ( doctor will also call it a microbe but it is actually a parasite that is in vegetables, fruits and under cooked meat.) They are in the earth and you can pick them up by skin contact with the soil. Microscopic in size and possibly at the quantum level according to latest theory. Look into bentonite clay for chelating metals and chemicals out of the body. Also, many herbs can do this. Clean your Liver by using a herbal cleanse. It Also cleans gallbladder. Use cayenne pepper on cavity to relieve pain.
Put it on with a damp q-tip. It is hot try not to touch the tongue or side of the mouth. Use baking soda without aluminum to brush teeth. Selenium helps cure some cancers. Cayenne pepper tea will kill a tumor (10 cups per day) Turmeric cures many disease and prevents or helps others. High dose of Vitamin C relieves pain. Type 1 diabetes can be caused by fluke worm in the pancreas. Vitamin D prevents cold/flu. if you take enough!
Much more but not enough room. Oh! 4 glasses of water 45 minutes before breakfast
may cure every disease known according to the Japanese medical society ..issued earlier this year! Research all the above, I am not a doctor but have researched medicine alternatives for years and have read over a million pages of conventional and alternative
medicine. Do not take any herb or begin any protocol without seeing your doctor first and talking about what you are going to do. Cayenne pepper lowers blood pressure. Any medicine you take can be enhanced by cayenne pepper so be careful in what you do. Raisins raise blood pressure! Good luck to you all! Hope this helps someone. Pass it on!
Thanks for the information on Vit C — just what I was looking I wanted.
Hello! Thank you for posting this article and video. I just received news yesterday that I may have either an infection or scar tissue near where I had a root canal twenty years ago. I had a sports injury in middle school, which resulted in a root canal. I was only 12 years old so the decision was not mine. I have to see a specialist now about the possible infection. I am very concerned, because I nurse as well and do not feel comfortable with anything that could affect my milk. Do you have any advice or holistic dentists that you recommend in Iowa? I live in a small town in northeast Iowa. Thank you!
What I would love to know is what one should do about teeth that have already had root canals and about replacing teeth that have been lost. My root canals have failed and I have lost 5 molars. I have other issues that need tending to.
I avoid the dentist because of dread, fear and cost.
I have followed you and your site for years (as well as others) but have never commented. I now feel at a lost thou and am seeking direction on what to do about my teeth. In addition to the tooth issue I am seeking any clarification possible about “Traditional” diet verses a more plant based/raw/whole food diet.
I have teetered between a “Traditional” diet and a more Vegetarian/Vegan/raw food diet for years. I am not convinced of any approach and try to strike a balance.
I make my own Kombucha, milk kefir, butter and broths, I buy organic, I buy only grass fed/free range meat and poultry, and I buy raw milk, cream etc.. I am 53, have not been to a “Allopathic” doctor in over 13 years, take no RX meds, and only seek out homeopathic/ayurvedic healing solutions. I avoid all wheat and most grains I use in moderation. I know the drill…
I have been doing “oil pulling” for several months.
I have struggled with thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue for over a decade but have managed to stay off the drugs and remain fairly healthy with occasional upsets. It has been a battle thou.
Heres the thing about a “Traditional” diet for me: I gain weight hand over foot when I am drinking/eating dairy and meats. And yes I use my head and practice moderation. The other annoying symptom I get is gut issues such as bloating, gas and constipation. (I know TMI! But they’re the facts) I also have an issue with murdering animals. It haunts me… But on the flip side of that every once in a while I would do anything for a big fat juicy steak or a plump roasted chicken which I usually heed.
I digress… But I feel I need to illustrate my position…
More recently I have been focusing on cleansing. I did a 2 week juice cleanse and could not believe how much better I felt. I lost over 10 pounds. (I am not morbidly obese but was about 20-25 lbs over weight). Most of the time I do have one evening meal which consists mostly of fruits vegetables, beans, Quinoa and occasionally fish or chicken and more rarely red meat.
I am a big picture thinker and do see the value in all positions but I also see the down side. I do not believe that there is only one answer. I am not one of these people who will go Natzi on someone because they are Palio, Vegan, Traditional or what have you. I am a seeker.. I believe in looking for answers and solutions. I believe in (trying) to be the change I want to see in the world. My motto is “Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy?” (or have balance and serenity)
I have a friend who is what I would deem as a “Vegan, animals rights” Natzi. Her FB posts are constantly floating across my feed. Things like “we are the only animals that drink milk beyond infancy and it’s another animals milk to boot.” Or tonight it was a recipe for a “Buddha bowl” in which you throw anything that did not involve “bloodletting” into a pan…….
She is a extremist and I know it but some of it does have a ring of truth and does cause me to question it all. And so it goes… Round and round….
So with all that said let me ask you, and any dental professionals frequenting this thread, this: Is it possible to save already root canaled teeth that are drying out and cracking or do I need to have the remaining ones pulled? Is it acceptable, in this traditional/holistic approach, to get implants? Do you believe it is possible to have a balance between raw foods (vegetables, fruits and the juicing of them) and a traditional diet that is not so heavy with milk, cheeses, and red/organ meats?
Also, I need to go to a darn dentist! But I just can not bare to go to a traditional dentist. I live in Oklahoma, any suggestions? I am willing to travel within reason.
My dental tail began when I was a child and is long and painful. Suffice it to say that it has been a nightmare. I am at my wits end with it and just need a little help figuring out where to go from here.
And do I really have to eat a heart? UGH! BLEA!! Really? And I think I would rather go to the dentist than eat liver…. Which is really saying something!
Although I have followed and read avidly on the Weston Price foundation site I have not read this book. I am going to order it now. (while keeping an open mind)
Any input, direction, feedback and/or resources will be greatly appreciated…
Thank you
My Name is Lara from usa. i am really happy to share my life testimony on this forum because the sickness of HIV that i think is impossible to cure was possible when i meet a grate spell caster, i know so many people have same problem which they are finding difficult to solve. i have been sick for over 4 years now. i have been to so many hospitals and i could not get any solution to my sickness. i decided to discussion my problem with my friend Mrs Susan. she introduce me to a powerful spell caster in African . i never believe in black magic,until my boss introduce me to the same man called Dr Eduka.who happen to be the grates healer in the hole of African, [email protected]. i contacted him and he assure me that he will help me cure the sickness of HIV that i have. he instructed me on what to do and i obeyed him. to my greatest surprise, i was healed within three days. after the spell was being cast.i am now using the opportunity to tell all of you that have the sickness to quickly contact this man a get a good result as soon as possible, is email is [email protected]. is spell is for a better life.
I wish I had known these things years ago! I had a root canal probably 10-12 years ago. Well, just this week that tooth has been giving me pain, so I went to the dentist. This is not the same dentist who performed the root canal, but he is saying I need re treatment, meaning another root canal on the same tooth. Do you think it’s possible to treat this nutritionally? Or am I going to have to go through with a second root canal on this same tooth? Please advise!!