One of the most popular articles on this site is how I healed my child’s cavity using the protocol recommended by Dr. Weston A. Price DDS, a dentist who penned the incredible book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration back in the 1930s.
Granted, the cavity I healed was an early cavity .. it was a hole in one of my child’s top front incisors and it filled in within weeks to be as smooth as the teeth next to it.
But what about a tooth with a really bad cavity? Â What if the cavity has actually eaten into the pulp of the tooth and your dentist recommends a root canal?
Guess what? Â You can save these teeth too.
The protocol for healing teeth even in such a state of complete degeneration is described in the book Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel. This article on saving damaged teeth without a root canal provides a compelling testimonial of this approach.
I had the privilege of talking to Rami personally at the Wise Traditions Conference last year.
I have no doubt that our conversation helped to enable me to heal my child’s cavity some months later and write about it hopefully helping thousands of people in the process do the exact same thing.
Watch this video featuring Rami Nagel which describes the diet required to avoid and heal teeth at risk for a root canal. Even teeth that are in need of an immediate root canal can be helped.
If you have teeth in such a severe state of decay and think there is no hope, think again. Proper, traditionally based nutrition can work wonders even in these types of situations where the teeth need root canals. Make sure you listen through the whole video to be sure you understand Rami’s description of all aspects of the diet required to heal root canal teeth. It’s much more involved than taking a couple of supplements. There is no quick fix.
In addition, the diet required to heal the root canal teeth needs to be continued so that the problem does not re-emerge in the future.
Avoiding a Root Canal with Dietary Intervention Alone
Need A Biological Dentist Who Understands the Dangers of Root Canals?
I get many requests about who I recommend as a truly holistic, biological dentist. If you are looking for one, I recommend Dr. Carlo Litano of – (727) 300-0044. He sees young children as well as adults. Be sure to tell Dr. Litano that The Healthy Home Economist sent you and get 10% off your first visit!
More Information on Nutrition and Oral Health
Toddler’s Severe Tooth Decay Halted in 5 Days
Whiten Your Teeth Without Dangerous Chemicals
Resolving Periodontal Problems with Bone Broth
Coconut Oil Stops Strep Bacteria from Damaging Tooth Enamel
Cause of Crooked Teeth?
10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic
Could the Cause of Your Illness Be Right Under Your Nose?
Most Wisdom Tooth Extractions Totally Unnecessary
I’ve not heard of this happening. Not to say that it couldn’t but once a tooth is drilled and filled that is a whole other ballgame entirely though. The drilling required for metal (amalgam) fillings is particularly damaging also. I would not try it. Better to have the amalgam removed by a biological dentist and have it replaced with a bio-compatible composite filling.
Mary, my husband has been wondering the same thing. It would be amazing if we could do that. He has several metal fillings we want to get rid of….
I saw some naysayers on your other post….don’t worry about them. They get a unique pleasure out of making others angry. BTW, do you think this would work on previously filled cavities? For example, I have a metal filling (eek) that I’d like to have removed. I wonder if I can have it taken out (safely) and then instead of having the dentist refill it, try the diet. What do you think?
I’ve been wondering the same thing.
Mary, just the thought of exposed teeth makes me cringe, sounds so painful. I would think it would depend on just how deep some of those cavities were as to if they could be removed. If you are exposing nerves I would thinkt here would be significant pain. The metal fillings do damage to the teeth and weaken the tooth, I know this, I have many metal fillings and my teeth that have the fillings are very weak and breaking. I guess it would be the dentists call and yours as to if the holes in your teeth would be to big.
Before I found out all of this amazing information, I had brauxism and had cracked my two left molars all the way down to the root. I couldn’t eat without cringing in pain. I got root canals on those teeth and got so many problems and couldn’t figure it out. Then I came across a holistic dentists website in my area and found out how horrible root canaled teeth can be for your health and he removed them. So my question is, since I no longer have those 2 back molars, does this mean the organs in my body which those teeth were related to will always have problems?
You may have weakness in that area that you need to be careful of. I would ask your holistic dentist about that.
Cecilia, so do you just have spaces where those teeth were or do they put in a bridge of some sort?
It is my understanding that a root canal tooth creates a “blockage” (and retains dead bone), which is the problem, but when you have the tooth extracted, the blockage is gone. I don’t think the meridians “need” the tooth. Also, with the theory of focal infection, the infection site is gone when the root canal tooth is removed properly.
Please let us know if you find out otherwise!!
I had a root canal tooth removed about a month ago and I can really feel the difference! (For the better!!)
I doubt it. Your body is DESIGNED to lose teeth. When we were developing humans OFTEN smashed each other in the mouths with ROCKS! LOL.
What the human body is NOT designed to do is to carry around dead body parts such as dead teeth. IMO get those “Root Canals” GONE.
A seriously infected tooth results in the loss of the tooth. If you can stop the infection you may regain a HEALTHY tooth but hoping for a healthy “root canal” is a dangerous bet IMO.
“With this thought in mind, although her root filled tooth looked fine, he advised this arthritic patient, to have it extracted. He told her he was going to find out what it was about this root filled tooth that was responsible for her suffering. “All dentists know that sometimes arthritis and other illnesses clear up if bad teeth are extracted. However, in this case, all of her teeth appeared in satisfactory condition and the one containing this root canal filling showed no evidence or symptoms of infection. Besides, it looked normal on x-ray pictures. “Immediately after Doctor Price extracted the tooth he dismissed the patient and embedded her tooth under the skin of a rabbit. In two days the rabbit developed the same kind of crippling arthritis as the patient – and in ten days it died. The patient made a successful recovery after the tooth’s removal! She could then walk without a cane and could even do fine needlework again. That success led Dr. Price to advise other patients, afflicted with a wide variety of treatment defying illnesses, to have any root filled teeth out.” GEORGE MEINIG, D.D.S. author “Root Canal Cover-Up EXPOSED – Many Illnesses Result”
Hi Sarah – I took my son to have his teeth cleaned back in August. We went to a new dentist, one that I’ve been told by various folks in our area is more “holistic”. What I found out is that although he’s not 100 percent holistic, he does not use flouride or amalgam fillings, and that he is very reasonable about many other things I wouldn’t expect a conventional dentist to be. We’ll be going back to him again because he was so accepting of my views. I mentioned WAP to him and he said he definitely agrees that the research he did was important and that more people should be paying attention. But when I talked about being able to fill in a hole in a tooth with good dietary habits like those recommended in Rami Nagel’s book (I brought it with me to the visit), he said the following: teeth are partly made up of stem cells, and when part of it becomes decayed, it is simply physically impossible for it to fill in again because those stem cells don’t regenerate themselves. I thought that was interesting that he said this. I still don’t agree with him, but I’ve never heard that response to the mention of teeth filling in holes when the appropriate dietary conditions were present.
Teeth Needing Root Canals Can Heal with Diet Alone
Can anyone recommend a good holistic dentist? I can’t seem to find one in Michigan who does cavitations and will remove a tooth with a root canal that isn’t causing pain at the moment. Thanks!
Try the resources listed on the Cure Tooth Decay website:
There are several holistic and natural dentistry organizations that you can try. Hopefully you can find a dentist somewhere in your area.
Maybe we should ask green pastures to set up some kind of sampling system for people to try several flavors and types for the $60. That way even if you don’t like some flavors you try, you would probably at least tolerate a couple and be able to go from there.
I’m a little scared to order again and waist another $60. It takes me quite a while to save that much (my husbands a full time student right now money is tight to say the least).
I’m thankful though, for company’s like Green Pastures that are trying to make a truly healthy product that will help people to regain health instead of just trying to make money at other peoples expense.
I’m thankful too, for people (like Sarah the healthy home economist :)) that are willing to share their knowledge with others that enable us to help our families to be healthier, and help us be informed about all the lies that are constantly being told to us in our everyday life.
Try the liquid FCLO cinnamon … I don’t think you will be disappointed. It tastes terrible like all the flavors, but is very tolerable and my kids take it without complaining. I think the liquid is preferable to the emusified .. just my opinion here. I’m sure others might disagree. The thickness of the emulsified makes it less pleasant at least in our family.
Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely try that one next.
I bought a few bottles of the peppermint without realizing it did not have the butter oil too. I ended up buying the butter oil seperately and blending it with the FCLO with some honey, cinnamon and chocolate extract. It still tastes a bit medicinal but my 5 and 2 year old actually ask for it. Everyone agreed the emulsified cinnamon FCLO/butter oil was much better, though. Both are great with some milk as a chaser, it really washes down any of the aftertaste.
Definitely try the cinnamon tingle FCLO/BO blend. It’s a bit spicy, but it’s not at all nasty. They’ve done a good job with that flavor. I put a dollop of honey on top of my 2year old’s dose, just to lessen the spicyness of the cinnamon, but an older child probably wouldn’t need that.
Hi Sarah
I also use the cinnamon tingle and am wondering what dose I should give to a 3 , 7 and 10 year old as the amount it says on the green pastures bottle does not seem to match to Sally Fallon recommendations.
Any ideas on how to get gets to eat some organ meats.
I love what you do -I put yourself out there to be ridiculed and you follow it through always. You are an inspiration. Thank you
Hi Lara, I give my kids 1 tsp of the FCLO per day. That is equivalent to 3000 IU of vitamin D and from my current research, this is an appropriate maintenance dose for a child over the age of 3 or 4. You will have to come to your own conclusions on what you think is appropriate. The levels recommended for vitamin D vary depending on the source.
This may seem like a lot but considering that 20,000-30,000 IU of vitamin D can be synthesized in just a few minutes of midday UVB sun exposure on most of the body (unprotected skin), it really isn’t all the much in my view.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for your website. I’ve been learning a lot through your blogs & your YouTube videos. Just to clarify, Your kids take 1 tsp per day of a blend OR 1 tsp of FCLO and 1 tsp of HVBO? How about you & the cameraman? Do you double it?
I should add that the first couple weeks of a new flavor are always a bit of a battle, but they get used to it (even the chocolate).
Thanks for the reply, Bonny!
Sounds like it’s just yucky stuff! 🙂 I’ll have to try to save up for another flavor. I don’t think i can get my kids to take this and that’s really saying something, because they take some pretty nasty stuff. One of my daughters and son have both had to take some really nasty tasting herbs in water or juice for a long time because of the health problems they have had from Celiac Disease. I honestly thought they would take the FCLO even though I can’t keep it down.