One of the most popular articles on this site is how I healed my child’s cavity using the protocol recommended by Dr. Weston A. Price DDS, a dentist who penned the incredible book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration back in the 1930s.
Granted, the cavity I healed was an early cavity .. it was a hole in one of my child’s top front incisors and it filled in within weeks to be as smooth as the teeth next to it.
But what about a tooth with a really bad cavity? Â What if the cavity has actually eaten into the pulp of the tooth and your dentist recommends a root canal?
Guess what? Â You can save these teeth too.
The protocol for healing teeth even in such a state of complete degeneration is described in the book Cure Tooth Decay by Rami Nagel. This article on saving damaged teeth without a root canal provides a compelling testimonial of this approach.
I had the privilege of talking to Rami personally at the Wise Traditions Conference last year.
I have no doubt that our conversation helped to enable me to heal my child’s cavity some months later and write about it hopefully helping thousands of people in the process do the exact same thing.
Watch this video featuring Rami Nagel which describes the diet required to avoid and heal teeth at risk for a root canal. Even teeth that are in need of an immediate root canal can be helped.
If you have teeth in such a severe state of decay and think there is no hope, think again. Proper, traditionally based nutrition can work wonders even in these types of situations where the teeth need root canals. Make sure you listen through the whole video to be sure you understand Rami’s description of all aspects of the diet required to heal root canal teeth. It’s much more involved than taking a couple of supplements. There is no quick fix.
In addition, the diet required to heal the root canal teeth needs to be continued so that the problem does not re-emerge in the future.
Avoiding a Root Canal with Dietary Intervention Alone
Need A Biological Dentist Who Understands the Dangers of Root Canals?
I get many requests about who I recommend as a truly holistic, biological dentist. If you are looking for one, I recommend Dr. Carlo Litano of – (727) 300-0044. He sees young children as well as adults. Be sure to tell Dr. Litano that The Healthy Home Economist sent you and get 10% off your first visit!
More Information on Nutrition and Oral Health
Toddler’s Severe Tooth Decay Halted in 5 Days
Whiten Your Teeth Without Dangerous Chemicals
Resolving Periodontal Problems with Bone Broth
Coconut Oil Stops Strep Bacteria from Damaging Tooth Enamel
Cause of Crooked Teeth?
10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic
Could the Cause of Your Illness Be Right Under Your Nose?
Most Wisdom Tooth Extractions Totally Unnecessary
My last and only root canal 12 years ago, after two weeks and over 1000.00 bucks feel out!
could hubby’s root canal have attributed to ulcerative colitis, I wonder? living off of microwave tv dinners didn’t help.
Susan, just get the capsules I linked above. I can’t remember all the science to it, but there’s some sort of synergy to the liver oil + butter oil thing.
i have had about 5 root canals over the last 7 years. after the last 3 i had sinus problems that i attributed to shaking hands with nasty people!! it took me several years to figure out the connection between root canals,sinus issues and other baddies. i wish i’d known about this book then. i swear i would never have put myself through the agony of having that f*cking drill in my head.
How do you go about getting Root Canals removed?
I have the same question as Denise. Also.. what about a dead tooth that has died? Mine literally broke in half and I did not even feel any pain till my jaw was infected nearly a year later. That tooth was dead and rotting in my mouth. I “should” have had it pulled. But did not know better at the time. I do think you can heal some of them.. but where is the line ?
I really think I would rather have a root canal than eat heart. Even liver! I know how healthy it is but I just can’t wrap my mind around it, so I bought desicated liver pills. Are they a good substitute, Sarah?
I watched a cavity shrink over 2 mos in my son’s mouth while giving him fermented cod liver oil. This was after horrendous dental experiences. I use a cake decorator bag to fill gel caps with the cod liver oil/butter oil mix – he can’t taste a thing!
Ohhh! Thanks Anthony!! <3