Webster’s dictionary defines the word “gap” as “a pass or way through a range of hills.” I am writing my story after following the GAPS diet protocol for one full year.
I decided to write on this day to share my story of healing – my path through the hills.
For those of you who are not familiar, GAPS stands for Gut and Psychology Syndrome, the bestselling book written by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride MD. It is a natural digestive healing program.
It has been used to successfully treat many diseases/conditions including Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, IBS, Autism, ADHD/ADD, Allergies, Depression, Anxiety, Asthma, Eczema, Schizophrenia, and more.
The GAPS Diet protocol rebuilds the gut by healing the damaged and permeable gut lining. This is the root cause of autoimmune diseases.
Managing Ulcerative Colitis With Drugs
At the time, I was receiving Remicade infusions for the management of Ulcerative Colitis.
I had been dealing with this for over 10 years.
Ulcerative Colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease characterized by abdominal cramping and bloody diarrhea.
Remicade is not a “treatment; it only manages the symptoms; therefore, it does not address the root problem.
To manage and “hide” symptoms throughout those years, I went through the typical pyramid of conventional medications, beginning with Asacol, Colazol, and Prednisone.
Finally, Remicade was prescribed when a major flare-up landed me in the ER. In the hospital, I was first given the highest dosage of IV Prednisone possible in an attempt to stop the bleeding and cramping.
When that wasn’t successful, they told me the only other option besides surgery was Remicade, an intravenous drug that suppresses the immune system.
It had just recently been approved for Ulcerative Colitis when previously it was only approved for Crohn’s Disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
At the time, I had never heard of Remicade but I desperately wanted to stop the pain and bleeding so I started infusions in the hospital. I was soon released with directions for further Remicade infusions and a very high dosage of oral prednisone. In about three weeks surrounding my hospital stay, I lost about 15 pounds but I was encouraged by my doctors that the Remicade would get me better.
In time, I slowly tapered off prednisone and per the advice of my gastro-intestinal (GI) doctor, I began taking Mercaptopurine/6MP (another immuno-suppressant drug).
The Remicade indeed “managed” and hid my Ulcerative Colitis symptoms.
Fortunately, I was able to wean off the Mercaptopurine/6MP. This medication is not safe for fetuses and I eventually planned to have a child.
I remained on the Remicade infusions (a 3- hour intravenous process administered in an outpatient hospital setting).
I received these infusions every 8-9 weeks, continuing without any signs of symptoms.
According to the world of conventional medicine, it appeared that I was doing well with my health and Ulcerative Colitis. I had no signs whatsoever of my disease and I went through college and early adulthood “healthy”.
Unfortunately, this is the typical approach by our conventional healthcare system today – give the drug that hides the symptoms to make you forget that your body is at war underneath. And so, I was only reminded of my disease when I went in for my infusions, the drug that disguised my body’s ill state.
Remicade managed my symptoms, bleeding, and abdominal pain. However, I soon realized that I wanted out of the “managing symptoms cycle”.
You may be wondering why would I want to risk flaring, risk spending more time in a hospital, risk more pain and bleeding, and risk facing many health uncertainties.
There were several reasons that surfaced. First, I usually felt “uneasy” during infusions. It’s a difficult feeling to describe.
I never had any allergic reactions to Remicade and so I never needed to prep the infusion by taking other medications that other patients required. Following infusions, I usually felt a little “out of it” and I usually didn’t plan much for the remainder of the day.
So although I never had any direct reactions to the infusion, throughout the years, I became even more troubled at infusion times.
I also had the “uneasy” feeling (it sort of felt like a string was being pulled within my stomach) when I thought about my hidden disease and what my body was going through underneath the Remicade mask.
I guess that was my gut giving me a sign that something wasn’t right. This wasn’t the way to deal with my body’s ill state for the rest of my life.
I tried explaining my feelings when my Gastro-Intestinal (GI) doctor asked me “Why?” when I approached him regarding my desire to heal myself naturally and get off drugs.
I had just begun the health coaching certification program through The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and I wanted to jump on the right track and embark on my own journey for true health.
In addition to the “uneasy gut feeling,” the possible effects of Remicade are very serious. They can include a weakened immune system, infection, liver damage, tuberculosis, and lymphoma (cancer); not to mention the unknown long-term side effects since Remicade was only approved in 1998.
My answer to his question was that I wanted to address the core problem and heal the chaos that my body was experiencing while hidden under the meds. I also was extremely terrified of all the side effects and the unknown future ramifications of the medications.
Remicade is classified as chemo-therapy when billed to an insurance company (each infusion costs about thousands of dollars!) My GI doctor seriously recommended that I continue Remicade.
He cautioned that if I were to stop infusions, I could build resistance and it would not be effective the next time. It was odd to me that he questioned why I would want to stop a “treatment” that was successful.
His approach was to keep his patients on Remicade as long as his patients don’t develop an immediate reaction.
Well, I don’t consider that successful. He also said that he didn’t know about any natural treatments.
He then said that IF I chose to stop Remicade, he wanted me to transition to another oral anti-inflammatory medication.
Of course, that medication came along with another list of side effects. Obviously, we weren’t on the same page and not even in the same book!
My objective was to heal my disease without the dangerous medications that are pushed upon patients too quickly every day. I wasn’t worried about building resistance to Remicade because I knew I wanted to stop putting that poison in my body and never go back.
I decided that I wasn’t going to receive the support that I needed from him. That was the last time that I saw a GI “specialist.”
My Search for Natural Healing
So, that brought me to my search for natural healing.
The role of food, which passes through our digestive system several times a day, was NEVER discussed during the 10-plus years dealing with Ulcerative Colitis.
I was told that I would have to manage the disease by taking medicines for the rest of my life. My former GI doctor mentioned that certain foods may trigger a flare-up but it is different for everyone. I was never questioned about my regular food intake.
Gluten is a well-known digestive irritant but I was never tested for a gluten allergy until I requested the test.
The test came back negative but that didn’t matter to me. I suspected gluten sensitivity in my body. After removing gluten from my diet, the chronic knee pain that I experienced for years dramatically decreased.
I found it very hard to believe that food didn’t play a major role in our gut health. But that is what we are told by most physicians.
Through the program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I was introduced to the teachings of Weston A. Price and the true meaning of health with traditional, nutrient-dense, and real foods.
I immersed myself in that lifestyle and approach to life and health. It resonated very deeply with me and my body.
Even though I did not return to my GI doctor, I decided to continue with infusions until I had a clear plan for healing. It was during a Wise Traditions Conference that a good friend talked to me about the GAPS program. She was about to begin it for her own personal healing.
After reading and learning more about it after the conference, I decided that it would be my path to healing.
Next, I consulted with Dr. Thomas Cowan, a physician who utilized the GAPS healing program. We determined how I would taper off Remicade meanwhile implementing the GAPS diet program.
GAPS Diet Heals Ulcerative Colitis
So, I prepared for GAPS. Fortunately, I was living the traditional food lifestyle already, so the transition wasn’t as shocking as I can imagine it could be.
However, there were still many procedures, routines, and foods that the GAPS diet highly stresses and I needed time to consistently incorporate them into my life. After a few months of preparing, I started the GAPS Introduction phase.
As I look back at this year on GAPS, the food aspect was of course challenging. Obstacles, trials, and of days of utter frustrations with food were always present.
It wasn’t easy.
I remember staring often into my refrigerator and thinking “I have nothing to eat!” even though I just spent HOURS preparing food ahead for several days.
Sometimes, especially in the beginning, I just got tired of stock and ferments. One time, I had a minor breakdown over acorn squash! I couldn’t find jars full of acorn squash that I had roasted over the weekend.
I prepared them ahead of time so that I would have some ready for meals during my busy work week. Oh, that was a fun morning, when I realized that I would just need to cook and prepare even MORE food than I already had in the previous days.
I remember bawling to my cat, Lewis, saying “I just don’t want to MAKE any MORE food!”
That happened often in the beginning. Also, a GAPS girl always has to be prepared!
Traveling with lunch bags/coolers, thermoses full of homemade stocks and soups, and my trusty mini-crockpot to reheat homemade meals in hotels was (and still is) a must!
There were many times when I just wanted to have some gluten-free bread (grains are not allowed on GAPS). I often thought, what would happen if I just had one piece? Or what if I just had some roasted sweet potatoes?
Those thoughts definitely flew around in my mind. It was in those times, I had to dig even deeper, and envision my life healed and free of medications. I refocused and kept on.
The most challenging aspect of GAPS, especially during the first 8 months, was my body’s unknown reaction in reference to my previous symptoms.
I had NO clue what to expect while tapering off Remicade in addition to introducing a limited food regimen.
Questions such as “Will my symptoms return?”, “What will I do if they return?”, “Am I ready to possibly go through those severe symptoms again?”, “Will I be able to work?”
Since I had not experienced any symptoms since being on Remicade several years earlier, this was very scary for me. I had read several successful testimonials about healing digestive disease with the GAPS program.
I even found a new friend, a former patient of Dr. Cowan, who healed her Crohn’s disease with GAPS. She was and still is a great support throughout my GAPS journey. However, I was unable to find someone that decided to completely forgo “successful conventional treatment” (which was managing the symptoms of digestive disease) and choose natural healing when symptoms weren’t at all present.
All of the testimonies and stories that I encountered thus far were about taking on the GAPS program while symptoms were present and conventional medications were not managing symptoms. It was scary and I was in the dark.
While I began to taper off Remicade and start the GAPS program, I was also finishing up my health coaching program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. I was working on building my health coaching business.
I had a lot on my plate, literally!
At the same time, I knew I needed to rest and let my body figure out how to heal. I remember countless days on end (I called them “healing weekends”) when I experienced setbacks. I stayed in the house, wore my pajamas for days, looked a wreck, slept, drank stock, sat in the sun, and didn’t do much at all.
My energy was greatly affected and I lost about 14 pounds; definitely not weight I needed to lose! However, I kept on with my journey, one day at a time, keeping my heart on true healing. I continued on and I began to see improvement.
While I once managed symptoms with the icy cold Remicade infusions, I was now finding true health through the warmth of the deeply nourishing homemade stocks.
Drug-Free At Last
It has been quite a year on GAPS. With any natural healing process, there are ups and downs, plateaus, and hills. It’s a long road. So far, through it all, I can say today that I am doing very well and I trust in my heart and gut, that this is the path for me. I have regained most of my lost weight — a sign of healing.
From the extra nourishing GAPS diet, my triglycerides are a record low! By the way, I am consuming a ton of fats! My energy has also increased. I remain on GAPS and I plan to do so in order to heal completely. I know that I have come a long way but I have more healing to go.
In addition to more gut healing, loads of pharmaceutical drugs throughout the years took a toll on other aspects of my health and GAPS will help in regaining balance with those aspects as well.
As I look forward, I am positive and full of thankfulness. I am so appreciative of all the support from my friends and family this past year.
Their continued love and support have been a tremendous reason for my success so far. In addition, Dr. Cowan’s continuous guidance has been nothing short of supportive and genuine care.
I hope that my story has inspired you to take a step toward natural healing. I truly believe that anyone can take back their health.
If you or anyone you know is dealing with any of the conditions I mentioned at the beginning of my story, I encourage you to read the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natasha McBride.
While it is slow progress, it is REAL progress and TRUE healing. It is extremely worthwhile. I wake up and I know that pharmaceuticals aren’t masking my body’s signs and feelings.
We all deserve to be well and to experience optimal health. We CAN get to that place naturally, without pharmaceuticals, with the strength of our bodies and heart, and with REAL, nourishing foods Let your healing journey begin!
For an update on this inspiring story, click here!
More Information
GAPS Diet: Heal Your Autoimmune Disease Now
Overwhelmed by the GAPS Diet? Help Has Arrived
FPIES: Resolving the “Other” Food Allergy
How to Speed Healing and Shorten Time on the GAPS Diet
The Five Most Common GAPS Diet Mistakes
Hannah’s Story: 2 Years on GAPS Diet Heals Autism
Chronic Stomach Pain and Bloating Gone!
Can we take wheat grass juice.
my daughter was just diagnosed and they want to put her on steriods to get it under control. i want to avoid that at all costs. do you think it’s possible? she has had flare up for 10 weeks.
Been on GAPS for over 2 years and my UC just keeps getting worse. I also wound up with an anal fissure along the way, which is excruciatingly painful almost all of the time, and the area never gets time to heal with using the bathroom 6+ times per day. I was in such a bad flare up last week that I had to have my husband come home from work to take care of our kid.
Have a read of Paul Jaminet’s blog. He has a lot of information on bowel disease. His diet is similar to GAPS in many ways but a bit different in some ways: http://perfecthealthdiet.com/category/disease/bowel-disease/
There might be some useful info. You might want to do a stool test to check for gut infection eg Doctor’s data or Metamtrix or BioHealth.
Hi Nancy,
I’m sorry to hear that you aren’t doing well. There is a lot to GAPS and I often find that many have missing pieces. That’s always something to look at in addition to the food. There is often digestion support warranted, for example, with HCl or fat digestion support. It is individualized but incorporating additional support to the actual diet is extremely helpful! I have seen that with myself and also with my clients.
My son has UC / CROHN since 2006. In the beginning his Doctor said he has UC but now he thinks he has Crohn. His doctor think they are the same. Do you think it is ok for him to take PROTANDIM while taking LIALDA? His doctor suggested for him to have colonoscopy every year which I am against with. What do you think of this? Can you suggest a doctor that he can see for a second opinion? Please e mail me . I need to personally get a email from you since I seldom have a chance to go online.
Thank you./
I’ve been doing some research and I heard the auto-immune paleo diet might be a better option. I know I have to do something about my UC soon but i’m scared. I don’t want to give up the luxuries of food and life. I’m also a busy working mother of three!
Check out moringa has both water soluble and fat soluble nutrients in one plant and 36 anti inflammatories. I have a friend who has seen healing by the body with this “miracle tree”
Naturopath Dr. Garrett Smith has a great post about colitis on his FB page. He stated something to the effect that hair mineral analysis often shows overly high levels of calcium. He recommends vitamin A, C, E and K2 to resolve this. He quoted a study that showed the colitis patients with the greatest damage to their intestines were those supplementing with vitamin D. I suggest following his FB page. He is from Arizona.
My mom has UC, state of mind is also crucial. You have to keep your stress way down, stress causes flare ups. For my mother, prayer and meditation does wonders.
My UC was induced by mercury toxicity…having 3 amalgams removed unsafely. The SCD diet, probiotics, vitamin D, protandim, and N-acetyl glucosamine (NAG) have helped immensely.
Someone close to me has also been suffering from colitis for about 8 years. The GAPS diet has helped him tremendously. High fat and fermented foods do not irritate the wounds and are especially important when digesting hurts so much you want to stop eating all together. He has also been using fenugreek powder and nigella seeds/oil and noticed it speeds the healing process. Thanks Sarah for posting this.
So great to hear someone else is managing colitis without the side effect ridden medication. I completely manage my ulcerative colitis with diet too after suffering with horrible side effects and hating putting all that medication in me each day. I’ve started a site that has a whole load of the recipes I cook with now that don’t aggravate or upset my gut. Including all sorts of things I didn’t think I’d be able to eat when I switched to a vegan diet. Take a look, I hope there’s some recipes that can help you too 🙂