I’ve discovered over the years that it is important to learn to use your ears to learn and be inspired by others while your hands are otherwise engaged doing things like folding laundry, washing dishes, driving around town doing errands, or that all important task – cooking!
We are all just so busy, aren’t we?
For this reason, I love audio recordings that I can listen to while I work or am driving in the car so I use this time effectively without taking a moment of time away from the tasks that need to get done and any small amount of leisure time I manage to squeeze out of my day.
If finding time to learn and stay current about a wide range of health topics is important to you too, The Healthy Life Summit is an online event you will want to know about.
The Healthy Life Summit 2013
Starting on March 24, 35 quality speakers will be LIVE streaming from The Healthy Life Summit website for 7 exciting days.
5 speakers each day will be featured, many of whom you already know and love:  Sally Fallon Morell, Joel Salatin, Julia Ross, Louisa Williams, Chris Kresser, Kaayla Daniel, and many many more.
Click here to see the entire speaker line-up.
Why am I telling you this now?  It’s nearly two weeks away after all!
Free Sign-Up So You Won’t Miss a Single Speaker’s Presentation
I’m telling you so that you can reserve your spot and sign up so that you receive update emails about when each speaker’s presentation will be live so you can be sure to listen to it!
I can’t tell you how many folks emailed me after the very well received Oral Wellness Summit in January upset because they missed one or more speakers that they really wanted to listen to!
Be sure not to miss a single speaker .. schedules are subject to change for whatever reason and you need to be on the list getting updates so that you are in the loop.
All you have to do is click here and go and fill in your email and you will be getting the same updates that I receive.  That’s it.  You’re not going to get spammed and your email will be completely confidential.  Signing up is just so that you don’t miss out and are in the loop for getting updated information on the speaker’s schedules as the Healthy Life Summit commences.
Summit Package at 75% Off Right Now
If you are already familiar with the Summit format and know that you are going to want every single audio and video presentation downloaded to your smartphone, laptop, or iPad to listen or watch while you do chores or relaxing on the couch, then you may wish to consider preordering the Summit before it launches.
You will save a ton this way — only $49 for the entire Healthy Life Summit package which is 75% off the $199 launch price!
I am excited and honored to be part of the Healthy Life Summit lineup and I look forward to sharing my presentation with you for FREE in the coming days.  I don’t want to receive a single email from a reader who missed out, so do it now — get your email in the Healthy Life Summit database today so you don’t forget!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
what they said!!! looking forward to this!!!
Can’t wait!!!
So excited!
I was certainly glad to get this information as I doubt that I’d have another source for it.
I suggest though that the next audio tape that you get is one on the research into multitasking and driving. I’m sure that there are many people who want to have a Healthy Home Economist around for a while and distracted driving is not a prescription for longevity.
I have signed up but don’t quite understand how it works. Are the talks at a specified time each day, where I have to be at my computer to listen right then or else I miss them? OR, are they available any time for 24 hours so I choose when during the day to listen in? Another question is are they downloadable ONLY if I pay? This looks like an awesome lineup and I look forward to it. I’ve never done anything like this before so am just unsure how it all works.
Ditto Amy. Awesome lineup. Limited internet. Thanks.
Wow, what a lineup! If you’re on the fence about devoting the time to listening, take a look at the speaker schedule! Sustainable farming, natural body care, weight loss, hormonal balance, metabolism, detox, pre-pregnancy, pregnancy and breastfeeding — you name it.
And for anyone with school-age kids, make sure they listen to the 14-year-old presenter:
Birke Baehr, 14-year-old Future Organic Farmer
Birke is only 14 years old, but he speaks volumes about
what’s wrong with our food supply & why you should be very concerned. Learn what you can do to impact change in your community & in future generations.
Why is Matt Stone a speaker?lol Line up looks good for the most part.:) Cant wait to hear and learn from these awesome folks!
If I preorder will I have the files to listen to forever? Or is it set up where you have to be able to listen within a certain window of time? This really sounds great! Thanks!
Yes, you download and they are yours to keep forever.
Ordered it. YaY! Thanks, Sarah. 🙂
And if you don’t preorder but just sign up for the free talks, you’ll have 24 hours to listen to the streamed talks for each day. Preorder and you have access forever.