How did your first day of The Milk Cure go? Here are the thoughts and observations from Paula, Richard, and me as we began the 10 day journey. Please post the observations and thoughts from your own fast in the comments section. We all want to know how you’re doing!
Paula: Rough start to my fast. Had a computer crash the day before, car broke down and my ice machine broke. Started my fast in a sleep deprived and semi-stressed state. Very tired the first day and nearly fell asleep at my nail appointment mid-afternoon! I do think, however, it was more from the previous day and not sleeping well than the milk.
Worked out at noon like I usually do but it was a sub-par workout due to fatigue. I should have rested instead. I seemed hungrier than I remembered being last year and I consumed 2 cup portions whenever I felt I needed them (based on hunger) which was about every 2 hours. Other than being tired, life as usual. Weighed in at 118.6 that morning and consumed 13 cups total for the day.
Richard: As the day went on, I noticed inflammation in joints and muscle inflammation decreasing. Digestion felt light and unburdened by drinking only raw milk. Felt a little low on blood sugar at some points during the day but drinking a cup of milk quickly alleviated this problem.
Did 1/2 hour of gentle bouncing exercise on our blue exercise ball about 10pm. Only drank about 6 or maybe 7 cups of milk the whole day (plus herbal tea and homemade kombucha).
Slept very well.
Sarah: Am ready to go! Starting weight is 123.5 lbs. First time I’ve weighed myself in months. I don’t own a scale, so will have to go to the same supermarket every couple of days to weigh myself.
Drank my first glass of raw cow milk at 8:30 am after letting it sit on the counter for an hour. I plan to let each glass I drink sit for at least an hour on the counter before drinking it so that I don’t put really cold milk into an empty stomach which is not good for my Ayurvedic dosha (Vata) which prefers warm to hot food and drink as opposed to cold.
Took my regular daily dose of high vitamin cod liver oil and butter oil after drinking my first 2 cups of milk.
By noon, I’d had 4 glasses and felt pretty energetic. Did some semi-strenous yardwork for about an hour as it was so beautiful outside and wanted to get some sun and fresh air.
Got super hungry just after 12:30. Had 2 glasses of raw goat milk on the counter so sipped those down pretty quickly and the hunger pangs subsided in a few minutes.
Took an hour and a half nap from 4-5:30pm as I was feeling a little tired and a little headachy which worried me some since this can be a sign of low blood sugar for me. Got up and drank 2 more glasses. Have had 10 cups by 6pm. No more headache after the nap.
Cooked dinner for the kids and it wasn’t too much torture although I really wanted to eat.
Prayed and meditated at sundown that Vernon Hershberger’s hearing goes well.
Took a baking soda bath to relax and rest. Started to get hungry again after the bath.
Finished 3 quarts by 9pm. Was really hungry even after finishing the 12 cups for the day. Not sure if I should drink more milk because I really don’t want anymore but I don’t want to be hungry either.
Had a cup of herbal tea at 10pm. Not feeling hungry anymore. Went to bed at 10:30pm.
Can’t believe I made it through Day 1. I’ve never made it through even one day of a fast before with no solid food at all.
What if you guys added some herbal tea with a tablespoon of coconut oil in it? Might help with the hunger. Or is that not allowed?
Watching with huge interest. Our grass is not in yet so the raw milk I can get right now is not as healthful as spring milk. May try it then.
I had a good but kinda rough first day also. I have been running around like a crazy woman for the last 24 hrs. Field trip with the school, errans, school program at night just a lot going on. I had a headache off and on but think it was from exhaustion. I only had milk and water. I am wanting to loose some weight and am not sure how much milk I should have but decided to sip it when I got hungry. I think I had about 5-6 cups of milk. I never felt too hungry and slept great. Now I am ready for my 2nd day.
I had a great first day. Have not felt great lately and actually felt better just drinking milk. I have never made it a day without solid food either, and have been having super bad sugar cravings lately, but none to speak of after a day of milk! I did really really want to eat when I smelled the kids dinner, lol, but left the room so I didn’t smell it and it passed. I did get some digestive enzyme pills to take with the milk since I’ve recently developed problems with the lactose and didn’t have access to any kefir grains to culture the milk. They worked like a charm, hope they don’t alter the healing process at all. I need to drop about 15 pounds, did not gain or loose any today after drinking 3 quarts of milk. I wanted to drink less, but felt I needed to drink whenever I was hungry or I wouldn’t stick to the fast. We’ll see how today goes, I’m excited!
I had a pretty busy day for my 1st day. I let my milk sit out until it got a little warm. I filled my glass to what I thought was 2 cups, but found out it was 3. That is ok. I have decided that I am not going to be too picky on measurements. If I loose weight that will be a Blessing, but if I don’t I am OK with that. I took my FCLO, my meds that I am decreasing and drank 1 glass of water as well. I had to do 1 breathing treatment. I am a little worried, but am pushing on. I poured some milk in my thermos as was out the door with the kids. I also brought water with me. I was in the heat a lot day. Didn’t have to use any inhaler, but did feel light headed. I drank little sips throughout the day along with large glasses of water.
I came home and took a 1 1/2 hour nap. Got up and was feeling pretty good. Made dinner ( really would LOVE to taste it!! but used my daughter as the seasoning tester). Had another glass of milk and green tea. Fell asleep rather quickly( which is great for me). Looking on the whole day, I have drank about 1/2 gallon. I will need to tweak this a little tomorrow. But am happy that I have only used my nebulizer only 1 time today!!! So, all and all it was a GREAT day for me!!
Fantastic Mary Kate! So glad to hear Day 1 worked well for you 🙂
I am on day 4 already. I am having plain yogurt and kefir as well. I have never felt extremely hungry, though I really would like something to eat! Have not noticed any major physical changes, but am dealing with some constipation so I’m trying to drink more water. I am down 4 pounds, which I am glad for as that is the main reason I am doing the fast.
I am actually contemplating staying on this fast until I have reached my ideal weight, which would be about a fifty pound loss. Anyone know if that would be okay??
Rachel, a warm water enema will completely alleviate the constipation. Constipation is dangerous and poisons the system so don’t let that go on too long. Enemas are the safest and best way to deal with it as opposed to pills and powders from the store. Enemas are also really easy to do (an enema bag is about $10 at the local pharmacy) and what the Mayo Foundation utilized during its implementation of The Milk Cure.
There are several accounts mentioned online that describe people who have lived on nothing but raw milk for years. I’ve got 50# to lose also and if I didn’t have to prepare meals for DH & DS I might stay on it for awhile too. I’ve already lost 2.2 lbs after only two days so I am pretty psyched about sticking with it for the 10 days (or maybe longer :-).
I’m thinking the same thing, Jeannette.
In Ron Schmid’s The Untold Story of Milk he talks about a gentleman whose throat was burned by lye as a 2 year old child. He was physically unable to eat any food and drank raw milk exlusively his whole life. He was about 50 or so at that point. He was not only alive, but was extremely healthy, was a successful businessman and had never been ‘down’ because of an illness. I thought that was just about the coolest thing I had ever heard in my whole life!!!
I had a really rocky start, if you can even say I started. Yesterday morning, I had a cup of herbal tea in the morning, because I really need to start my day with something hot. It was super hard to avoid the coffee, even though I only ever drink decaf. By mid-morning, I was exhausted and had a growing headache. But I was getting ready to go out of town. I had 2 cups of kefir mid-morning, which helped with my hunger, but my headache continued.
About an hour and a half into my two-hour drive, I realized I had left my milk at home! But since I’d already committed mentally to starting a fast that day, I decided to fast with herbal tea, and a little fruits and vegetables. I did end up having 1/2 a cup of decaf coffe in the evening because my headache was so bad, and that helped take the edge off. Apparently, even only drinking decaf, my body is so used to having a little caffeine that it affected me.
I wont be back in town until tomorrow, so today I will just continue to drink herbal tea, and eat a few fruits and vegetables. I’m looking forward to getting some raw milk in my system tomorrow.
I do drink alot more in the morning..as day goes on….I need less.
I started a little earlier with the fast. The first day…really no hunger but I did feel a little light headed if I didn’t drink some raw milk often. I added a 1/4 cup of cream to every 2 cups of milk and that helped alot with hunger pains. I think I drank close to 12 cups of milk by the end of the day. I was happy to see that I had no cravings for bread or sugar. A little tired through out the day but slept well. I noticed too that my joints felt much better. In fact, yesterday I didn’t do the fast and last night my hip joints hurt enough to wake me up. Back on the milk today. Not concerned about weight loss but would like to conquer cravings.
You are such an inspiration to me! I intend to do a milk fast when our grass starts to grow which will be in about a month here in Ohio. I am watching closely how your journey goes to pump myself up for mine. Keep up the good work!
Oh I made it until about 2pm – then I had some ice cream and some leftover meat loaf. BUT I am still drinking raw milk like it’s going out of style and it makes me feel grrrrreat!!!