How did your first day of The Milk Cure go? Here are the thoughts and observations from Paula, Richard, and me as we began the 10 day journey. Please post the observations and thoughts from your own fast in the comments section. We all want to know how you’re doing!
Paula: Rough start to my fast. Had a computer crash the day before, car broke down and my ice machine broke. Started my fast in a sleep deprived and semi-stressed state. Very tired the first day and nearly fell asleep at my nail appointment mid-afternoon! I do think, however, it was more from the previous day and not sleeping well than the milk.
Worked out at noon like I usually do but it was a sub-par workout due to fatigue. I should have rested instead. I seemed hungrier than I remembered being last year and I consumed 2 cup portions whenever I felt I needed them (based on hunger) which was about every 2 hours. Other than being tired, life as usual. Weighed in at 118.6 that morning and consumed 13 cups total for the day.
Richard: As the day went on, I noticed inflammation in joints and muscle inflammation decreasing. Digestion felt light and unburdened by drinking only raw milk. Felt a little low on blood sugar at some points during the day but drinking a cup of milk quickly alleviated this problem.
Did 1/2 hour of gentle bouncing exercise on our blue exercise ball about 10pm. Only drank about 6 or maybe 7 cups of milk the whole day (plus herbal tea and homemade kombucha).
Slept very well.
Sarah: Am ready to go! Starting weight is 123.5 lbs. First time I’ve weighed myself in months. I don’t own a scale, so will have to go to the same supermarket every couple of days to weigh myself.
Drank my first glass of raw cow milk at 8:30 am after letting it sit on the counter for an hour. I plan to let each glass I drink sit for at least an hour on the counter before drinking it so that I don’t put really cold milk into an empty stomach which is not good for my Ayurvedic dosha (Vata) which prefers warm to hot food and drink as opposed to cold.
Took my regular daily dose of high vitamin cod liver oil and butter oil after drinking my first 2 cups of milk.
By noon, I’d had 4 glasses and felt pretty energetic. Did some semi-strenous yardwork for about an hour as it was so beautiful outside and wanted to get some sun and fresh air.
Got super hungry just after 12:30. Had 2 glasses of raw goat milk on the counter so sipped those down pretty quickly and the hunger pangs subsided in a few minutes.
Took an hour and a half nap from 4-5:30pm as I was feeling a little tired and a little headachy which worried me some since this can be a sign of low blood sugar for me. Got up and drank 2 more glasses. Have had 10 cups by 6pm. No more headache after the nap.
Cooked dinner for the kids and it wasn’t too much torture although I really wanted to eat.
Prayed and meditated at sundown that Vernon Hershberger’s hearing goes well.
Took a baking soda bath to relax and rest. Started to get hungry again after the bath.
Finished 3 quarts by 9pm. Was really hungry even after finishing the 12 cups for the day. Not sure if I should drink more milk because I really don’t want anymore but I don’t want to be hungry either.
Had a cup of herbal tea at 10pm. Not feeling hungry anymore. Went to bed at 10:30pm.
Can’t believe I made it through Day 1. I’ve never made it through even one day of a fast before with no solid food at all.
Day 7 went pretty well… I think I must have had some good detoxing going on, though… I was feeling pretty lousy about 6 last night and getting really frustrated with it since I’d felt so good for the whole week. Then (TMI alert) I had two bathroom trips in just over an hour and both urine and bm smelled awful. Almost immediately afterward, I felt fine again! I haven’t lost any more weight since the first 3-4 days, but someone commented that my face looked thinner 🙂 Still no real cravings, really… at least none of the distracting kind. I’ve slept heavy every night, which is not always the norm for me.
Britney .. you are a great encouragement!!!!
Day 1 was a good day, was a little hungry as I stuck to 2 quarts cows milk and I found myself not drinking water. Took an ES bath and slept fairly well.
Today I started with a glass of water and am drinking goats milk. My stomach feels a little achy, not sure why and I have a slight headache. The inflammation in my fingers has not subsided nor the achy bursitis in my hip.
I am going to buy an enema bag today. Is there anything besides warm water I should but in the the bag?
Oh, and I had a one pound weight loss. But, I had an unexplained weight gain of two pounds the day before I started, so it isn’t that great.
I had a great start. I drank a quart throughout the morning and another quart throughout the afternoon. I was down one pound this morning. I am weaning myself off coffee by adding more raw cream to it each morning. When I get to half coffee, half raw cream, I think I will be able to give up the coffee completely. I gave up iced tea a couple of weeks ago, which I had been drinking instead of water. My daughter noticed this morning that the blotchiness I usually have on my face is now gone. Although yesterday was my first day of complete milk fast, Monday through Wednesday of this week I drank raw milk for breakfast and lunch. I have lost five pounds total this week. I think a lot of it is fluid. My bladder is sending me to the bathroom more frequently, even though I am not drinking anything but milk, and the most I have had in one day is two quarts.
My first day went well. The biggest hiccups were that 1) I didn’t bring enough milk to work and ended up getting hungry and having low blood sugar in the afternoon and 2) that I didn’t realize how dependent I am on my morning cup of black tea. It is the only caffeine I have all day, and I have always thought, “Oh, it’s just tea, and there’s not much caffeine, so its fine.” Well, let me tell you I was tired yesterday morning! As the morning went on, I woke up and the feeling went away. However, I am a teacher, and those first few hours of class were sluggish!
But so far, so good! I did not feel intensely hungry or really deprived. I did keep finding myself thinking about food and having to remind myself that I was drinking milk. (Just this morning I was planning what I’d have for breakfast and then remembered… oops! no food!) I did miss being able to eat dinner with the family, but I sat and talk and drank milk while they ate. Tonight I have a church small group meeting, so we’ll see how that goes with me just sitting around while everyone eats. Also, I have not had a bowel movement but maybe my body is adjusting. I feel good and have never had a problem with constipation, so we’ll see.
My husband has had chronic Lyme disease for over 11 years and currently treats it with supplements, vitamin C, RealSalt, home-brewed Kombucha and homemade herbal tinctures along with the occasional Rife treatment. We started the milk fast two days ago. We are fortunate to have an unlimited supply of fresh organic raw milk since we are organic dairy farmers. However, being a farmer, my husband has to be very active and physical every day and he is struggling with the fast. By afternoon yesterday he was feeling woozy and headachy and very tired despite constantly drinking milk. He finally gave in and ate some fruits and veggies last night. Any suggestions to help him keep it up?
I would say he needs more calories and fat. Increase his milk consumption to account for his high activity level, and maybe add straight cream to each glass.
Day two and going strong….!
I think I may have to make a trip this weekend to our nearest dairy farm! I have been really leaning toward raw dairy and I am going to make the leap this weekend!
Through doing a lemon fast and observing others 2 years ago, I wish to add some encouragement.
During this fast, you will be releasing toxins, as that is part of what a fast is. To release the toxins, you want to insure that that you are hydrated and going to the bathroom. It is important that the toxins can leave your body as they are released from your cells. If you find yourself dehydrated, the toxins can start recycling in your system.
With a milk fast, I know there is a difference in what I did and what you are doing. Though the need to pay attention to your fluids is important. I guess I am also writing this with concern for rapid weight loss. I don’t know what ‘rapid’ is for an individual. I just wanted to note that if you lose weight quickly, insure that the toxins are getting out and not recycling. The liver has to do double duty.
I am sending so much Love to you. Raw Milk, to me, is like manna.
What a great way to be loving your self.
I have terrible will power. I tried this last month but at dinner after fixing dinner for the family my kids would complain that I wasn’t eating with them so I would eat dinner. I lost 4 pounds even with eating dinner. I tried to start yesterday, but tried a new recipe so ate dinner again. I am terrible. We will try again today.
You are not terrible Jennifer! LOL
You are just human and it is tough when you have a family to cook for.
Just do the best you can. It’s not a test of willpower 🙂
Do what you can for You!
My first day was great! I’m so excited to be doing this with all of you. I was a little worried because I work full-time and also have regular evening commitments so I can’t be very restful. I prepared for this by packing 2 quarts of raw cow milk to take to work. I also drank filtered water, and raspberry & nettle leaf tea. I drank about 3 quarts of raw milk total for the day.
Felt great all day. I already noticed that I feel lighter and more conscientious. I like taking a break from planning meals, cooking and cleaning the kitchen. I don’t yet have kids to cook for, and my freezer is full of individual meal sized traditionally prepared dinners for my hubby. I think being able to remove myself from food in that way is going to prove very helpful for this fast. However, it’s somewhat difficult hearing about food at work. You never notice how often people talk about food on a day-to-day basis till you are fasting!
One thing I am watching for: I expelled alarming amounts of mucous on day 1. I have had this problem off and on for years, and am hoping that the 10 day fast will cure it.
Thanks everyone for your support!
Oh, I also noticed I was slightly gassy, more so than on my regular diet.
And I’d also like to clear up some skin blemishes on this fast.