How did your first day of The Milk Cure go? Here are the thoughts and observations from Paula, Richard, and me as we began the 10 day journey. Please post the observations and thoughts from your own fast in the comments section. We all want to know how you’re doing!
Paula: Rough start to my fast. Had a computer crash the day before, car broke down and my ice machine broke. Started my fast in a sleep deprived and semi-stressed state. Very tired the first day and nearly fell asleep at my nail appointment mid-afternoon! I do think, however, it was more from the previous day and not sleeping well than the milk.
Worked out at noon like I usually do but it was a sub-par workout due to fatigue. I should have rested instead. I seemed hungrier than I remembered being last year and I consumed 2 cup portions whenever I felt I needed them (based on hunger) which was about every 2 hours. Other than being tired, life as usual. Weighed in at 118.6 that morning and consumed 13 cups total for the day.
Richard: As the day went on, I noticed inflammation in joints and muscle inflammation decreasing. Digestion felt light and unburdened by drinking only raw milk. Felt a little low on blood sugar at some points during the day but drinking a cup of milk quickly alleviated this problem.
Did 1/2 hour of gentle bouncing exercise on our blue exercise ball about 10pm. Only drank about 6 or maybe 7 cups of milk the whole day (plus herbal tea and homemade kombucha).
Slept very well.
Sarah: Am ready to go! Starting weight is 123.5 lbs. First time I’ve weighed myself in months. I don’t own a scale, so will have to go to the same supermarket every couple of days to weigh myself.
Drank my first glass of raw cow milk at 8:30 am after letting it sit on the counter for an hour. I plan to let each glass I drink sit for at least an hour on the counter before drinking it so that I don’t put really cold milk into an empty stomach which is not good for my Ayurvedic dosha (Vata) which prefers warm to hot food and drink as opposed to cold.
Took my regular daily dose of high vitamin cod liver oil and butter oil after drinking my first 2 cups of milk.
By noon, I’d had 4 glasses and felt pretty energetic. Did some semi-strenous yardwork for about an hour as it was so beautiful outside and wanted to get some sun and fresh air.
Got super hungry just after 12:30. Had 2 glasses of raw goat milk on the counter so sipped those down pretty quickly and the hunger pangs subsided in a few minutes.
Took an hour and a half nap from 4-5:30pm as I was feeling a little tired and a little headachy which worried me some since this can be a sign of low blood sugar for me. Got up and drank 2 more glasses. Have had 10 cups by 6pm. No more headache after the nap.
Cooked dinner for the kids and it wasn’t too much torture although I really wanted to eat.
Prayed and meditated at sundown that Vernon Hershberger’s hearing goes well.
Took a baking soda bath to relax and rest. Started to get hungry again after the bath.
Finished 3 quarts by 9pm. Was really hungry even after finishing the 12 cups for the day. Not sure if I should drink more milk because I really don’t want anymore but I don’t want to be hungry either.
Had a cup of herbal tea at 10pm. Not feeling hungry anymore. Went to bed at 10:30pm.
Can’t believe I made it through Day 1. I’ve never made it through even one day of a fast before with no solid food at all.
Congrats to everyone on getting through day 1! I won’t be joining you as I don’t tolerate raw milk in any form. However, I’m curious if anyone has done a bone broth fast? I would imagine that I would have to add in the animal fats too to simulate the fats in the milk. Just curious.
The natural way of eating is new to me and I’m in the learning stage. I read the Milk Cure posts with much interest. I decided to try The Milk Cure for a specific health problem. I have interstitial cystitis, (inflammation of the bladder). Eating any fruits or acid food cause extreme pain.
So yesterday was day one on the milk cure. It was a good day. I had a party in the evening that required me to be there. I was strict raw milk all day until the party where I had a very small portion of chicken/veggies. I felt bad eating but it would have been rude not to taste something. Though not the reason for the milk cure, I did lose 2 pounds even with the chicken and veggies last night.
Today, I ventured out to the local goat farm and bought a gallon of raw goats milk. Never having tried it before I was surprised to find I enjoyed it much more than the cow’s milk. I’m not hungry but I am feeling tired. I wonder if it’s not the weather which is dreary today.
As far as amounts, I’m not measuring but I’m guessing by the looks of the milk jug around 3 quarts yesterday.
I’m enjoying reading the posts. Blessings to all.
Hi! I’m also a Christine with IC. I did this fast for 6 days last year and all my IC symptoms disappeared! They returned after a few weeks, but it was a nice respite.
I added the E to my name so we won’t be confused. I know they say IC is common but I’ve never met anyone with IC. I thought I was crazy.
Do you know what triggers your IC?
I think it’s mostly coffee, black tea, and really acidic stuff like tomatoes and cranberries. Also if I get dehydrated, I immediately feel like I have an infection.
I also suffer from IC. I was going to start yesterday as well but had a flare and thought better of it. I’ll start in a couple of days. How long where you on the diet the first go round? Do you think that you will stay on it longer this time?
Anyway, good luck to both Christines.
I did it for six days. This time I’ll go at least 10, possibly more. And I’m adding liver detox tea, detox baths, and lots of rest.
Morning of Day 2 and feeling maybe a little light-headed but actually quite fine! Was surprised to see I only drank 1/2 a gallon yesterday. Was just going by interest and I just didn’t want any more than that. I just kept my glass full on the counter and sipped whenever I wanted. I didn’t sit with the family at dinner time which made it a little easier that they were eating a yummy stir fry (although I had to cook it). At 9pm last night my husband asked how I was feeling and I was delighted to report that I felt “light, clear headed and energetic!” He said I looked like I was glowing and I laughed because I didn’t think the Milk Cure could do anything that quickly. We’ll see after a few days.
Sleep was awful but that’s normal. Only got 5 hrs. from midnight to 5am. This morning I am stinky! (underarm body odor) TOTALLY NOT NORMAL! I do not EVER sweat! Last night I actually considered getting up to change my clothes from being damp. Is anyone else sweating more than normal? or smelling bad? I’m sure the smell is a slight detox. Really wishing I had use of a sauna during this thing….I don’t like the idea of sitting in my tub for a bath as I don’t have a dechlorinator on it.
Will be looking into how to do an enema today. Did not have any BM’s yesterday and am already constipated from my low thyroid. Don’t want this to become an issue.
Love having the support of all you all!
I’ve noticed I’m hotter than usual… especially in the evenings.
You know what? Me too. But then again, the past couple days have been really warm in our neck of the woods so was chalking it up to that. It cools down tomorrow so will see how I feel then.
I’m on Day 3- I commented on Day 1 in a previous post 🙂
Yesterday was pretty rough for me. I woke up with a headache and abdominal cramping. I was worried about constipation, but after drinking my first 2 cups of milk found that it wouldn’t be a problem! About 10am, I felt more like myself and the headache/tummy cramps were gone. I was run-down the rest of the day and ended up going to bed early ( I drank 2 1/2 quarts total). Last night I slept for 10 hours straight- a record for me. Today, I am feeling refreshed and ready to go. I think my body was just getting back to its natural rythm. I have had 4 cups so far today and am looking forward to tomorrow 🙂
Unless you’re spending a fair amount of time in the sun each day, you may need Vit. D3. Our Dr. healed her Hashimoto Disease with food and supplements. I’d be angry in your shoes, too. If I were you I’d be looking for a Natural Doc and asking about supplements and what food you can eat to help your thyroid.
I am cheering all of you on from home and reading your comments closely!! I can’t wait to start this myself.
Here is my question: I am taking synthroid. Somehow, I feel that doing this raw milk fast (for me) will be a cleansing, healing, and weight loss fast. Does anyone have advice or personal experience they can share concerning synthroid? I feel like this would be a wasted effort unless I’m off all synthetic meds first. Has anyone had success when they stopped taking synthroid and attempting to heal their thyroid naturally and with diet? (My endo would not even entertain my “crazy” notion of stopping synthroid to even see if there could be a positive change in my numbers- I left her office pretty angry last week. I’m not sure I will be returning, and I’m sure NOT filling her ridiculous prescription for Vit D….fix one side effect by taking yet ANOTHER med? NO WAY!
Hi Suzanne, when I was diagnosed with Graves disease I started seeing a homeopath for the first time, and my thyroid levels are back in the normal range. I’m so pleased I didn’t listen to my doctor’s insistence that nothing natural would work! Needless to say, I have a new doctor lol.
My own experience with Synthroid was horrific…I had six weeks of bodily infections and serious cognitive problems, along with a huge rise in TSH. I tried natural thyroid hormone (Armour) unsuccessfully which I think is the best thyroid med, but I take T3 only now and it works well. I’d love to heal my thyroid naturally, and have been working on it for a couple years, but so far it hasn’t happened. I’ve healed a lot of other things, so maybe I just need to be patient. Make sure your vitamin is D3 and not D2. Doctors usually prescribe D2 which isn’t good for you. You can buy it over the counter just as easily as filling a prescription. I can’t seem to raise my D levels with sun, diet or pills.
I was on Synthroid from the time I was diagnosed with hypothyroid to the time I decided to try other things. I first took a homeopathic table that you chew for a while, then quit using that. I’ve used kelp and extra virgin coconut oil, and have recently started taking Raw Thyroid(Raw Throid Glandular Concentrate with Synergistic Complex and distributed by Natural Sources), a supplement I ordered from Amazon. It’s a capsule, and I take half a capsule a day, empyting it into kefir on one day and taking the other half the next. It’s reasonably priced and is from New Zealand, bovine and free of pesticides, growth hormones, antibiotics, and chemical additives. I’m basically treating myself as I haven’t been able to afford thyroid testing or physician’s fees.
I started 2 days ago and in general it has been going really well, which is surprising considering I don’t digest milk all that great. I have found that if I don’t complicate milk digestion with other foods, my body seems to do pretty well. I’m an acupuncturist, so this is going to have a bit of Chinese Medical spin to it…
My digestion tends to get a little on the “damp” side, something I can tell by the coating on my tongue; namely it can get thick. Milk usually exacerbates this, but so far has been good. My tongue has gotten paler, which means I’m struggling to convert the milk into blood. I’m an O blood type and generally eat a good amount of red meat, so last night I had some beef broth to supplement the milk. And I found myself craving salt! I’m less thirsty today which may mean that the dampness is building up and my body isn’t as able to tell when I’m thirsty, so I’m going to try and drink more water today as well. Stats: about 10 cups of milk a day, not sure if I’ve lost weight but I have noticed my belly isn’t bloated at all, sleep and digestion are fine.
Thanks so much for the inspiration to try this! I’ve done all kinds of cleanses and this is a new one. Definitely easier to not eat than on a juice cleanse- yay!
I would love to try the raw milk diet. I consume raw milk now but I don’t get near enough to do the diet and it is rather expensive. How do you all afford to purchase the 3/4 to a gallon a day that it takes to do this diet?
Keep in mind that if you aren’t purchasing food to eat, you have that money to spend on raw milk. Even if the raw milk were $8 per gallon, that would “feed you” for the whole day. I bet you spend more than that on food.
I paid $4/gallon at my milk farmers. For 10 days, that’s only $40. I guarantee that my regular food budget is way more than $40 for 10 days!
I am just on day one today. I read some were starting later due to location and cows still on hay. Well, I bought 5 gallons of milk and ordered goats milk for the first time so even though I am in Michigan I will do this. If it goes well, I’ll try again later in the year to see if there is a big difference. So far, I feel kinda tired and I really want to eat something, but I’ve put everything in the freezer so I won’t be so tempted. I only have 2 quarts till tomorrow so I think I’ll have to go get some yogurt. Not sure Whole Foods sells raw but I’ll have to do something to get through till the rest of my milk arrives tomorrow. Good luck everyone
Day 1 for me went great! I drank 2 cups every 2 hours and consumed a total of 3 1/2 qts– I never felt hungry and was only mildly tempted to eat some of the asparagus I made (for everyone else) for dinner! I slept great last night! I have also been “Earthing” alot and have found my varicose veins are looking so much better and I do not have the ‘general inflammation’ that I chronically dealt with before—- ‘Elimination’ has been normal but more frequent—- Yippee! On to Day 2!
What is earthing?