How did your first day of The Milk Cure go? Here are the thoughts and observations from Paula, Richard, and me as we began the 10 day journey. Please post the observations and thoughts from your own fast in the comments section. We all want to know how you’re doing!
Paula: Rough start to my fast. Had a computer crash the day before, car broke down and my ice machine broke. Started my fast in a sleep deprived and semi-stressed state. Very tired the first day and nearly fell asleep at my nail appointment mid-afternoon! I do think, however, it was more from the previous day and not sleeping well than the milk.
Worked out at noon like I usually do but it was a sub-par workout due to fatigue. I should have rested instead. I seemed hungrier than I remembered being last year and I consumed 2 cup portions whenever I felt I needed them (based on hunger) which was about every 2 hours. Other than being tired, life as usual. Weighed in at 118.6 that morning and consumed 13 cups total for the day.
Richard: As the day went on, I noticed inflammation in joints and muscle inflammation decreasing. Digestion felt light and unburdened by drinking only raw milk. Felt a little low on blood sugar at some points during the day but drinking a cup of milk quickly alleviated this problem.
Did 1/2 hour of gentle bouncing exercise on our blue exercise ball about 10pm. Only drank about 6 or maybe 7 cups of milk the whole day (plus herbal tea and homemade kombucha).
Slept very well.
Sarah: Am ready to go! Starting weight is 123.5 lbs. First time I’ve weighed myself in months. I don’t own a scale, so will have to go to the same supermarket every couple of days to weigh myself.
Drank my first glass of raw cow milk at 8:30 am after letting it sit on the counter for an hour. I plan to let each glass I drink sit for at least an hour on the counter before drinking it so that I don’t put really cold milk into an empty stomach which is not good for my Ayurvedic dosha (Vata) which prefers warm to hot food and drink as opposed to cold.
Took my regular daily dose of high vitamin cod liver oil and butter oil after drinking my first 2 cups of milk.
By noon, I’d had 4 glasses and felt pretty energetic. Did some semi-strenous yardwork for about an hour as it was so beautiful outside and wanted to get some sun and fresh air.
Got super hungry just after 12:30. Had 2 glasses of raw goat milk on the counter so sipped those down pretty quickly and the hunger pangs subsided in a few minutes.
Took an hour and a half nap from 4-5:30pm as I was feeling a little tired and a little headachy which worried me some since this can be a sign of low blood sugar for me. Got up and drank 2 more glasses. Have had 10 cups by 6pm. No more headache after the nap.
Cooked dinner for the kids and it wasn’t too much torture although I really wanted to eat.
Prayed and meditated at sundown that Vernon Hershberger’s hearing goes well.
Took a baking soda bath to relax and rest. Started to get hungry again after the bath.
Finished 3 quarts by 9pm. Was really hungry even after finishing the 12 cups for the day. Not sure if I should drink more milk because I really don’t want anymore but I don’t want to be hungry either.
Had a cup of herbal tea at 10pm. Not feeling hungry anymore. Went to bed at 10:30pm.
Can’t believe I made it through Day 1. I’ve never made it through even one day of a fast before with no solid food at all.
I just started today because I couldn’t get enough milk until now. I have almost made it through day one, so feeling pretty good about that. This reminds me of when I had jaw surgery and everything for 8 weeks had to be sucked through a straw! I am looking forward to seeing if this clears up a couple of things for me.
Dh is now on day five of the fast…I’m reading behind where you all are and he started a day later. He’s doing well on it, drinking up to about 3/4 of a gallon per day. He hasn’t missed eating…it probably helps that he’s not preparing food. He’s gone to bed early at least once and has slept well for the most part. He seems to have had plenty of energy and is feeling well.
BTW, soon as my farmer gets extra milk, I’ll join you in your milk ‘feast.’
I’ve done many pure water fasts, a few up to 10 days. This however, I would call a fresh milk FEAST, not fast. Fast means to abstain from food. And milk, like honey, is one of the few foods in nature ‘designed’ to be a food. Milk = food = feast.
Technically, though, this is not called the milk fast. It’s called the
Milk Cure.
Hi I,m in Australia so I’m now lunch time of day 3. Both my 14yr old daughter and I are attempting this milk fast. Day 1 was the worst. we’re also having some home made yoghurt and kefir neither of us were hungry. In the afternoon we both got a headache I resorted to a weak coffee to see if it would help it did’nt and i went to bed early but awoke at 4am with pounding headache that kept me awake so I resorted to a pain killer as it was getting too me. Day 2 and 3 no hunger NO HEADACHES have been drinking more water though. I think we’re settling in now. It would be nice not to have to cook from scratch for the other three family members and another three guests. My daughter says make sure you don’t cook any thing too yummy for them so I dont get temptered. We are hoping to start Gaps soon as DH has gut probs and DS learning difficults hope our determination will help spur them on.
Started the fast on March 1 with you all and it is going very well. I was very surprise that I wasn’t craving food. I’ve never been able to fast for more than 24hr. I am very over weight and am hoping to drop a few pounds, and feel that I will be able to. I very much enjoy the raw milk and am encouraged to stick with this. Aside from having a thick feeling in my mouth am having know side affects thus far. Drinking about 2 cup every two hours. Only today while making a meat for a friend was I tempted. Our son keeps asking “what are you going to eat Mommy” Looking forward to tomorrow.
Day 1: My journal…
My biggest worry is that I will forget I am on a fast, and I will eat unconsciously.
Just had my first class of milk — will drink it more slowly next time.
I had an awareness fairly early in the morning — I’m bored, what can I eat? Hmmm… interesting. It wasn’t like I was doing nothing but still had the thought.
I had to grocery shop for my family and prepared delicious food but I still just drank milk.
I did it. It’s almost bedtime and I feel good. A little edgy but I think that’s from being tired and other stressors. Throughout the day I’d feel myself thinking about food or having a thought of hunger or reaching for something, and then remind myself I’m on the fast — and go have a glass of milk. The milk is satisfying. I’m drinking it more slowly and savoring it.
Hi There
SArah just wondering if I can do plain yogurt as well as milk
Yes you can. Using some cultured milk is an acceptable variation.
Bad start to day one 🙁 The morning went well but by afternoon I was showing signs of a stomach bug. Couldn’t tolerate anything, not even the thought of liquids. Spent the last 36 hours in & out of bed/bathroom. I’m assuming this really is a bug (which is doing the rounds here) and not such an immediate detox reaction to the raw milk fast? I was expecting to feel rough at some point but not immediately or so extremely…
I was eager to read this to see how things are going, early on. When I opened the blog and saw the photo of the cat I had to quickly scroll down. Sorry, I’m just not a cat fan and I don’t apologize for it either. So, once past that, I read the article and a few comments. I’m going to do this (for only 5 days though) in a couple of weeks. Right now our milk lady has Jerseys who are calving and the milk supply is just not there for me to do a full 10 days. She has a small operation and wants to keep it that way, even though there are certain times when she is a little short. Fine by me, the quality is excellent so I’m not complaining about an occasional sparsity.
But even 5 days should be a good indicator of how I might fare on a 10 day junket.