We are done! Â I personally cannot believe I made it through the entire “Milk Cure” fast.
Below are Paula, Richard, and my observations as the final hours wind down. What are your ending thoughts? Â Did it go as you expected or totally veer off course?
Be sure to let us know how you finished up in the comments section.
Paula:  All’s well that ends well.  Slept good, elimination is back to normal.  Ahhhhh 🙂  Feel pretty good, must be over the detoxing hump.  Worked out today – weights and some interval cardio.  Felt really good and was dripping with sweat when done.  Stretched out and followed up with milk.  There were a couple of rough days but it amazes me the power of the raw milk to detoxify the body.  Not to mention the rest of the digestive system has got to be benefited greatly.  I plan to continue this ritual every spring but first I am going to have some bacon.  Consumed 14 cups of milk on day 10 and weighed in at 117.
Richard: Â Drank 6 cups on the final day and felt great. Don’t think I lost a pound but didn’t bother to weigh myself either to be sure. I go more by how I feel than what the numbers say anyway. I did have some mild detoxing throughout the 10 day period but not anything close to what I expected. Â Felt pretty much great the entire time. Will plan to participate again next year.
Am ready for the fast-breaking bash tomorrow. Can’t wait to eat food again.
Sarah: Today is my daughter’s birthday, so I spent the morning making her 2 devil’s food cakes (yes, TWO) – one to take into school at lunchtime and share with her classmates and the other for her actual birthday party tomorrow. Refraining from licking some of the yummy batter was quite a battle, but I managed to get through it.  At least I can eat some of the cake tomorrow at the party!
It is all I can do to not just stare at the clock winding down the minutes until I can eat again. What shall I eat first? A mundane bowl of soaked oatmeal tops the list, but the breaking of the fast will be marked with much more festivity. Can’t wait to share it with you all.
I am feeling fantastic this morning. The congestion and sneezing are gone. So glad I’m ending the fast on a positive note rather than feeling rotten. It seems I had 2 phases of detox. The first two and a half days were definitely detox mode followed by a few days of feeling terrific. This was followed by another couple of days feeling bad and then feeling better again.
I wonder if I fasted longer if this pattern would continue or would I eventually just feel great all the time? Something to ponder.
Shall we do this again next year? I’m thinking an annual fast might be something fun for this blog. We’ve done it 2 years in a row now. The first time with just 1 person and this year with about 100. Maybe next year we could get 1,000? Why not? There’s no harm in thinking BIG, right? Shooting for the moon and hitting the top of a telephone pole ain’t bad at all.
Hi Sarah,
Today is my day 4 on the raw milk fast.
I am 160cm and 56 kg. My consumption is about 2 to 3 litre raw milk per day and 150 ml organic store bought yogurt. I do take 2 teaspoon of raw cacao and raw honey as well.
I feel satisfied in the morning but STARVING in the afternoon around 3pm. (I usually have 1.5 litre in the morning and the rest for the night.)
Should I increase my consumption? I wanted to lose weight.
And also on day 2 I get a little diarrhea. Nothing on day 3.
And day 4 diarrhea again. Is that normal? Or I should stop ?
The most significant improvement is my SLEEP. I can now sleep straight 8 hours without waking. WOOHOO
Please help to answer. Please
Thank you
Hi Sarah,
Thank you so much for all you do. 🙂 Are you still thinking of doing the milk cure again this year? I just finished reading about it and am interested in getting some friends to go through it with me as well. I was just wondering if this is something you still recommend.
Donna, in her post on “How NOT to Break a Fast”, she says they’re going to do it again this spring, but I haven’t seen any announcements. I’m doing the fast now (2nd day, not sure yet how many days I’ll go), and even afterward I plan on doing raw milk for at least two meals a day until summer. If Sarah and Paula do the fast again in March, I’ll probably join them.
Hi Sarah,
I was just about starting the fast last week with the best of intentions, but couldn’t go though the first day even. I wasn’t hungry, but I had terrible headaches, constant diarrhea, stomach aches and overall felt like I’m about to faint. Does it mean I may be sensitive to dairy? The symptoms went away when I stopped the milk. Help! I will really miss butter if I have to give it up.
what was the breed of cow? the older breeds give more digestible milk for some people, the newer breeds, bred to give more milk, have more allergenic proteins which can cause problems for sensitive people. The diarrhea is a way for your body to release excess heat from your body (milk pacifies fire element), you must have a lot stored! I went through this, I had to completely shift to a clean whole foods diet before I could safely detox. now it’s relatively effortless.
you could try an Ayurvedic detox first, cook 1/4 cup of basmati rice and 1/8 cup of split mung dal (yellow dal, lentils) in 2 cups of water with a large amount of turmeric powder, some coriander, and cumin, and because of your diarrhea you can add fennel. eat this (it’s called kitchari and is used in India to feed the sick, it’s very easy to digest and has much protein) every day – towards the end of a week you can cook the herbs/spices in a little ghee and add the spiced ghee to the kitchari, you can eat cooked greens, you can drink fresh carrot juice (not cold, let it be room temp).
be sure to rest and stay relaxed (no strenuous activity) until you return to your regular healthy diet. you can repeat the kitchari fast monthly, or eat it once/week, until you feel ready to try the milk fast again.
I am on day 8. While I am really enjoying it and it is very easy, I have had an over-abundance of mucus production the whole time. This is not normal for me. It is right at the height of pollen season for me and I have not been sure if it is allergies or the milk. I am never this congested from pollen, though. Now, my mucus is green.
Has anyone else had this happen to then during the raw milk fast?
I NEVER drink milk, so this was a complete change for me to be drinking only raw milk. The mucus production has been over the top. I am beginning to think that this is NOT detox, but rather my reaction to the milk. I am disappointed, because I am enjoying this fast so much, would like to do it regularly and have lost weight (yay!).
Any thoughts are welcome.
Stephanie, how is it now? Several people who posted here had congestion, but it seems that most had it clear up fast.
I think I discovered that I’m lactose intolerant, and milk is not setting so well with me. I love it, but have a lot of intestinal symptoms. I’m like you–I never drink milk–but I do usually eat a little hard cheese and organic, plain yogurt. Those items have less lactose than milk, and yogurt lactose seems easier to handle, it turns out. So I didn’t react to them. Now if I stop the milk for a day, the symptoms calm down, and if I drink a cup or two, they start up again in a little while.
I’ve turned most of the milk I have into kefir, and the rest is frozen; I’ll see if less milk and more kefir works for me, or take lactase. But a mik fast may not be the best healing approach for someone like me. I think I have to spread the milk out more than that.
I’m disappointed, but it’s interesting to learn this.
find out what breed of cow you got the milk from – there’s an article somewhere on the WAPF site about the difference between A1 and A2 cows – the modern breeds (the A1s I believe) have more allergenic proteins than the older breeds like Jersey. If you still have symptoms an Ayurvedic remedy is to add some cardamom (as a warming spice it can help counteract the cooling nature of milk).
Stephanie, for me l’m pretty sure the mucus was from yeast die off. They say we all pretty much have a candida overgrowth whether it’s mild, moderate, or severe, and I think the raw milk helps get things back in check.