We are done! Â I personally cannot believe I made it through the entire “Milk Cure” fast.
Below are Paula, Richard, and my observations as the final hours wind down. What are your ending thoughts? Â Did it go as you expected or totally veer off course?
Be sure to let us know how you finished up in the comments section.
Paula:  All’s well that ends well.  Slept good, elimination is back to normal.  Ahhhhh 🙂  Feel pretty good, must be over the detoxing hump.  Worked out today – weights and some interval cardio.  Felt really good and was dripping with sweat when done.  Stretched out and followed up with milk.  There were a couple of rough days but it amazes me the power of the raw milk to detoxify the body.  Not to mention the rest of the digestive system has got to be benefited greatly.  I plan to continue this ritual every spring but first I am going to have some bacon.  Consumed 14 cups of milk on day 10 and weighed in at 117.
Richard: Â Drank 6 cups on the final day and felt great. Don’t think I lost a pound but didn’t bother to weigh myself either to be sure. I go more by how I feel than what the numbers say anyway. I did have some mild detoxing throughout the 10 day period but not anything close to what I expected. Â Felt pretty much great the entire time. Will plan to participate again next year.
Am ready for the fast-breaking bash tomorrow. Can’t wait to eat food again.
Sarah: Today is my daughter’s birthday, so I spent the morning making her 2 devil’s food cakes (yes, TWO) – one to take into school at lunchtime and share with her classmates and the other for her actual birthday party tomorrow. Refraining from licking some of the yummy batter was quite a battle, but I managed to get through it.  At least I can eat some of the cake tomorrow at the party!
It is all I can do to not just stare at the clock winding down the minutes until I can eat again. What shall I eat first? A mundane bowl of soaked oatmeal tops the list, but the breaking of the fast will be marked with much more festivity. Can’t wait to share it with you all.
I am feeling fantastic this morning. The congestion and sneezing are gone. So glad I’m ending the fast on a positive note rather than feeling rotten. It seems I had 2 phases of detox. The first two and a half days were definitely detox mode followed by a few days of feeling terrific. This was followed by another couple of days feeling bad and then feeling better again.
I wonder if I fasted longer if this pattern would continue or would I eventually just feel great all the time? Something to ponder.
Shall we do this again next year? I’m thinking an annual fast might be something fun for this blog. We’ve done it 2 years in a row now. The first time with just 1 person and this year with about 100. Maybe next year we could get 1,000? Why not? There’s no harm in thinking BIG, right? Shooting for the moon and hitting the top of a telephone pole ain’t bad at all.
Hi all. Have enjoyed reading everyone’s experience with the raw milk fast. I am currently trying to find a raw milk source here in Australia. I have chronic fatigue and am slowly improving since beginning to follow WAPF way of eating and Sally Fallon’s Nourishing Traditions book. Has anyone else with Chronic Fatigue done the raw milk fast? What detox symptoms did you have? Thanks.
Hi Sheryl, where in Australia are you? I’m in Brisbane and have a couple of sources. You might like to email me at [email protected]. Jennie
I’ll do it next year! I’m breastfeeding this year, so I didn’t think I should. It was interesting to read the progress.
I would like to do this, but I’m not ready and neither is the grass around here. :o) I will have to go and read day 3 – 10.
Yesterday, was day 10 and I have broken my fast today. Yeah, I did it.
Lost 8 pounds, was losing about a pound a day, but dropped off the last 3 days and found I wasn’t drinking as much those days either. 8 cups first half then 5-6.
I remember one day wanting to really quit, day 7. The other days were hard due to hunger but not as difficult as that one. I was fairly tired most of the time and have not had regular BM’s, last was 2 days ago. Had a stomach ache most of the evening and did not drink much milk.
Slept really well.
Broke my fast late morning with poached egg on toast with butter and one slice of bacon and a tablespoon or so of mashed avocado with sour cream. Was strangely resistant to eating as much as I was looking forward to it and wanted to. I would have liked to do 14 days but just couldn’t make it because I wanted food too much.
Cooked 2 slices of bacon and could only eat the one. Savored every bite, ate slowly and consciously for a change. Will try to keep this practice up.
Had a glass of milk an hour ago and have been making food today, fermented ketchup and chili to freeze. Started back with supplements and am enjoying a glass of wine now, will see how it affects my stomach.
Went to a birthday party with cake and only briefly considered a piece, knew I would not. I figure if I am going to have something sweet I will make sure it is organic with good fats. This was corporate-made I am sure. Was calmer around a group than I normally am. Oh, and a man at the party who I had not seen for some years, told me I looked GREAT! He said it with that much emphasis. Haven’t been told that for a long, long time.
There were times during the fast that I thought I would never do this again.
Now that it is over, I would like to participate every year and it is great to know that a milk fast can get me on track with weight loss and be healthy and cleansing at the same time. I still want to lose 25 pounds. So maybe I will do short ones every other month or so to facilitate that. I am not sure that I will substitute a glass of raw milk for some meals as some have suggested they will do, not sure why, will see after I get regular with eating again.
Thanks again Sarah and Paula! Couldn’t have done it without you.
“Corporate made”. That is funny Kathy and exactly what I thought when I looked at a heath bar cake at a dinner party I went to on my “breaking fast” day. I do like an occasional sweet but like you said homemade “organic and good fats”. Great job and good luck with your continued journey!
Congrats! You did it!
I’m definitely going to do this again next year. Count me in for the entire fast next time 🙂
Just finishing day 8. I had some pretty bad nausea today, which intensified during a clay detox bath. I’m trying to figure out if it’s detox symptoms or I’m getting a stomach bug. I’ve lost 5 pounds, and my mood is so stable, I just want to keep going. I’m considerng extending it a few weeks, with milk all day and eating just dinner. It’s been hard cooking for my family and not being able to eat.
Congratulations to you guys for finishing! I can’t wait to hear about your fast breaking party!
Yes, will write that up very soon. Was filming video since 8am this morning and just finished with basically no breaks.
Whew! Exhausted. Will eat some dinner and get to writing that up (YOU WILL LOVE THE PICTURES).
My husband and I will start our fast tomorrow on monday 3/12 and try to do 7-14 days depending on how we feel. would still like the raw milk info for tampa since the raw milk supplier here only does milk and not raw cheese or butter please, will email you again, haven’t received anything on my email from the previous requests if you have responded:) [email protected], thank you. Excited to get started, and a little scared to think of what our detox symptoms maybe…….
if you get enough milk you can make your own butter and cheese! it’s pretty easy. heat over low heat without stirring for a long time until the cream rises; skim that off and save it. drink the warm milk with some cardamom and nutmeg – yummy! you can keep the cream in the fridge and it gets better as it ages/ferments a little. when you have enough cream, churn it and it will separate into butter and buttermilk (drink that, it’s really fantastic). the butter you can also continue cooking over low heat without stirring until it stops making noise, the proteins and sugars precipitate out. once it cools, carefully pour the butterfat through a cheesecloth into a jar and you now have ghee! great to cook with, it doesn’t burn, and it keeps without refrigeration. the rest you can mix with raw sugar and cinnamon – spread on toast!
I have finished my last glass of milk on day 2 of my fast (I plan to do 8 days). It was so very hard to cook dinner for the family. I so badly wanted to eat with them! And, to be honest, I wanted to sit and have a glass of wine with dinner. I held strong. I drank my milk while they were eating. My mouth watered the entire time! About 2 hours later I had another glass. I think I am having roughly 9 cups of milk. I pour about 12 oz in a glass and have six. If my math is correct that is 9 cups! Tomorrow starts the week and back to normal routine. I wonder if that will make it easier or harder?
I have had no detox symptoms. I really feel good. I was concerned about the casein and hypothyroidism supposed connection and as of the end of today, I don’t feel as though the milk as worsened my symptoms. I actually feel pretty clear headed, less brain fogged than usual.
I will hang and start again tomorrow!
I am very interested to know how you do. I have hypothyroidism too, and it scares me a bit to do the fast. (I do want to talk to my Dr. yet sometime here.) But I love the idea of less brain fog already on day 2!! My brain is so foggy right now!! Keep going, you can do it.:)
Hey Sarah, I don’t know if you know, but this post isn’t showing up on the front page of your blog! The only way I foundit was through a link on the previous post, Macadamia Nut Pudding.
All right, everyone, you made it! Yahoo! 😀