Day 2 of The Milk Cure 10-day raw milk fast is chronicled below.
How is your experience going so far if you are participating with us? Are you feeling great? Energetic? Lousy? Tired?
Please post your observations in the comment section to share.
Paula: Slept well that first night. The car is fixed and a new computer is being loaded. Still tired and rather sore so I took a rest day workout wise and had work issues to contend with. I find that I am the hungriest early and mid-morning and by consuming more frequently during that part of the day I need less as the day goes on and the hunger subsides. The biggest difference that I have noticed thus far is that for some reason I am needing to consume a larger amount of milk than I did last year.  Which I find confusing since I weighed about 8 pounds more last year?  Digestion and elimination felt great and “normal”. Weighed in at 117.6 and consumed 14 cups today.
Richard:Â I only drank 3 cups of milk today. Â I just didn’t feel very hungry. Â I also drank herbal tea and homemade kombucha when I was thirsty and not hungry. Â Didn’t get a chance to do any exercise today although felt energetic enough to do some. Â Joints and muscles feel terrific and very flexible. Â Digestion feels very light and unburdened, the same as yesterday. Â Slept very well and had no trouble jumping out of bed at the usual 5 am.
Sarah: I completely forgot that I had committed to go on a school field trip today. Â It involved some hiking, so was a bit concerned how I would handle it being on the second day of a raw milk fast.
The hike turned out to be a lot more strenuous than I anticipated. Â It was a 3+ mile hike, through the Florida wilderness searching for native wildlife. Â While it was incredibly informative and enjoyable (we saw no less than 2 water moccasins up close and very personal – BIG ones!), it was a very hot and humid day and I felt a little weak by the end of it.
I quickly drank 3 cups of raw milk I had in the car after the hike and immediately felt better. Â I was somewhat tired the rest of the day but didn’t get a chance to rest at all as I had to help one of my children finish his Science Fair project among other commitments.
I did manage to spend 15 minutes out on the front porch in the sun with my belly exposed which is so beneficial to the gut. If you’ve never sunned your belly before, you definitely need to try it.  It is so very relaxing and pleasant not to mention health-promoting.
Was feeling so hungry by late afternoon despite consuming 10 cups of milk by 4 pm that I had to take 2 bites of raw gouda cheese to help me along. Â Am concerned that I’ve already lost a couple of pounds. Will go and weigh myself at the supermarket tomorrow.
Hubby was a dear to make dinner for the kids tonight so I wouldn’t have to smell the steak (I want steak!). Â He is not having any trouble at all with the fast. Â I’m older than him, so that’s my excuse!
Took a magnesium salts bath to help relax and detox and felt much better after that. Finished drinking milk at about 9 pm and consumed 13 cups for the day. Â I’m thinking that I’m not drinking enough but drinking any more would make me gag.
Feeling slightly headachy before bed.  Am wondering why am I doing this again? Sipped a cup of chamomile tea and went to bed about 11 pm.
I’ve been doing raw milk fasts for 3 years now and the only thing I have a hard time with is that after a week or so I begin to need vitamin C. They say you get everything you need from milk but that doesn’t seem to be the case with me. So, I suspect others may have the same issue. I just drink some OJ and I’m fine. So, all in all, I do a milk/OJ fast and feel great. If it weren’t for the social aspect of actually eating food, I’d live on that diet non-stop. Unfortunately, my friends and family want to eat (food) with me!!
I will do my milk fast when the green grass starts growing here in ohio but I see some comments that I want to help with since I discovered something very big about my own body recently, for many many years I would have lower back pain that I thought was structural. Turns out it was my kidneys talking to me! My discovery is that when I first start to feel that pain or heavy feeling from the waist down in the back-I take 1 teaspoon of the product called “Calm”, a magnesium supplement according to the directions on the bottle and WHOOO HOOO, the pain or pressure goes away-my theory on this is that the excess calcium (we drink a lot of raw milk in our house) in the kidneys needs some help getting out. Sarah’s mentioning of the magnesium salts bathes are very important I think for kidney and bowel movement. If anyone in my family is constipated-I pull out the magnesium and it always works. I know some people get loose bm with the CALM product-they made the need the soaks or oil if the looseness gets excessive. Hope this helps someone like it helps my family.