Day 3 of The Milk Cure! The rubber is meeting the road now.
What’s your story and how is your raw milk fast going? We all want to know so be sure to share your observations in the comment section.
Paula: Good morning Vietnam! Superwoman here! I slept amazing and feel like I got infused by the energizer bunny. I may have caught up on some much-needed rest or is it the fast at work? One of my clients commented that cow was on to something.
I did see my chiro for an adjustment yesterday and he does do acupuncture, however, I have been seeing him every 2-3 months for 6 years and while my body usually feels more aligned after treatment, this is not a typical reaction.
My energy continued to be excellent all day long and it was a long day all around. More computer issues, worked from 5:30 am until 9 pm about 3 hours longer than usual but energy remained high. Digestion/elimination continues to be great. I did notice a slightly different body odor, almost sweet. Urine smelled stronger. Increasing amount of milk each day until weight stabilizes. Weighed in at 117 pounds and consumed 15 cups today.
Richard: Got up at 5 am and felt great. Drank 5 cups of milk throughout the day and this was plenty to keep hunger at bay. Also sipped herbal tea and homemade kombucha when thirsty.
Went on a mile-long walk and had plenty of energy to spare.
Having no issues whatsoever. Feel absolutely awesome.
Sarah: Still had a mild headache after waking this morning. Nothing severe, just a tightness around my forehead area. Had a cup of rooibos (red) tea and started drinking milk about 8 am. Headache disappeared by 9 am.
Made organic popcorn on the stovetop for the kids as a snack and it was tough to take – it smelled so good especially after melting coconut oil and sprinkling the sea salt on top! Oh my, how I wanted to stuff a handful or two into my mouth!
Around noontime, I started to feel nothing short of totally amazing. Could I possibly be over the hump and my body has now cleansed a bit and adjusted to the raw milk diet?
Perhaps the long hike in the heat yesterday helped me sweat out a bunch of toxins.
Making dinner for the kids wasn’t a problem today. I didn’t feel overly hungry and didn’t need a bite of raw gouda at any time to keep me going.
I have no idea how much milk I drank today. I just drank when I wanted to and didn’t when I didn’t feel hungry. I’m guessing around 3 quarts but can’t be sure.
Weighed myself at the supermarket and have lost 3/4 of a pound. Not enough to be concerned about and not enough to drop out of the fast.
Took a magnesium salts bath around 8 pm to encourage more detoxing as well as relaxation.
Richard and I both really wanted to see the sci-fi movie “In Time” which just came out on DVD, so stayed up late watching that even though I probably should have gone to bed earlier as I did not sleep very well the first two nights of the fast.
Am absolutely shocked that I’ve finished 3 days of this fast so far. I’m thinking I might just finish this thing but still a long way to go.
My husband and I will be starting the fast tomorrow. Can anyone till me where I can the guidelines or what is allowed?
Do I understand correctly that you can make yoghurt and kefir from the raw milk? Can you freeze the milk and make a milkshake using a little stevia? Can you make cheese from the raw milk and eat it?
Thanks for your help.
Day 3 — March 3
Not feeling very hungry today. I also haven’t had much physical activity as I’ve been in classes for 11 hours. It’s supportive to not have the distractions of food and snacks. During lunch time, I filled a canteen with raw milk and sipped on it at the park, while being around others with food. I definitely have thoughts of eating but they don’t seem hunger related. The desire to eat is more about pleasure and the senses — taste, sight and smell. The raw milk is completely nourishing and satisfying to me. My digestion is great, and my body and organs feel at rest. I drank less than a half gallon today. I’m drinking every couple of hours, and slowly.
I’m amazed at the lack of cravings I have. I’ve been around chocolate, fruit, chips, etc. and it’s not that difficult just being satisfied with the milk (and I usually have a strong sweet tooth.) Not even craving coffee. I do “want” it when I smell it but not a craving and I can do without.
My shoulder — which has been injured and really hurting me for the past week — is no longer bothering me.
My energy has been good. Now it’s 11:40pm, I feel good and tired, time for bed.
I am interested in doing a raw milk fast, but I have been unable to find a reliable source of fresh cow’s milk where I live in MN. Nobody has milk this time of year. Is raw goat’s milk OK as a substitute?