It’s hump day! We are halfway done with The 10-Day Milk Cure!
Are any of you still detoxing or have those symptoms gone away and you are now feeling terrific?
Any cravings or hunger?
Be sure to clue us all in via the comments section…
Paula: Crashed on my couch last night at 7:30 pm and slept clean through until 6 am. I usually sleep pretty well but it has been most improved and more “restful” since starting this fast. Digestion is usually good with gas and bloating typically minimal or after foods that are rarely eaten but it is nonexistent on this fast. No headaches, blemishes, or issues with constipation thus far. ‘I’m feeling good and energy still higher than usual. That’’s actually kind of scary if you know me.
I am still thinking the increased carbohydrates have something to do with this and will continue to experiment after the fast. Like I said I am a numbers girl. The first 4 days of the fast my calories have ranged from 2183-2663 and I am down 2 lbs although it could be from the heat yesterday and slightly reduced consumption.
Consumed 13 cups and weighed in at 116.6.
Richard: Played soccer really hard all afternoon. Had plenty of energy and the full speed running wasn’t a problem.
My joints and muscles feel fantastic. Drank about 5 cups again for the day in addition to 2 cups herbal tea and homemade kombucha. Sleeping great and everything is normal. I haven’t had any detox symptoms at all other than a bit of weakness/shakiness and some mild congestion the first couple of days.
Sarah: Felt terrific all day long. Didn’t nap and wasn’t hungry except for when I grilled up some grassfed burgers for the kids. The meat juice in the pan looked so tempting. I almost poured it straight into my mouth!
Had a small hive about the size of a dime appear just to the left of my left eye yesterday. No other hives appeared and it went away after a few hours. Strange. I haven’t had hives in decades. Perhaps more detoxing?
Forgot to mention that I sunned my belly again yesterday for about 20 minutes. I swear this helps keep my tummy flat. Have been doing this for years although the data is still very preliminary about the internal benefits to the body of direct sun.
I drank a full gallon of raw milk today as I really seemed to need it. Am trying to finish drinking earlier at night as having to get up to go to the bathroom at night from all the liquids is a bit annoying.
Weighed in again and am holding steady at 123. Woo-hoo! I think I’m going to make it!
there’s a free book on line you could read, go to http://www.milk-diet.com. I mentions healing kidneys, and also when the milk diet may not be good.
Hi, I just read about this, and I would like to have a go, although it will not be in the next few days. (And it’s not spring here in NZ at the moment 🙂 ). I was wondering if you know by any chance what pressure the kidneys are under with the detox that comes with the fast. I’ve had a kidney transplant that works ok but not 100%, and I don’t want to put it under more stress. I know I’m not supposed to do liver detox because of that. Maybe I should shorten the time? And do you have to prepare for it like for other fasts?