Day 6 of The Milk Cure has come and gone. What are your observations? It seems we have at least 50-100 folks participating from the regular comment updates with more joining in every day.
Hey CDC – what’s up with all these people drinking nothing but raw milk from these various small farms across the world and not getting food poisoning?
Some of the participants have made the personal decision to join in despite being immune-compromised as well. If raw milk is as dangerous as you say, at least a few of us should be hospitalized by now with E. coli O157.
Could it be (gasp), that raw milk is actually an extremely safe food? No worries, though. I’m sure you can easily figure out a way to spin it to the advantage of your Sugar Daddies (Big Food and Big Pharma) which guarantee you a nice cushy, six figure consulting job when your government gig is up.
Lucky for you most people are so drugged up on prescription meds that they can’t think straight anyway.
Paula: Hmmm, slept ok but awakened very early and could not get back to sleep. Had a hectic weekend trying to play catch up with all the remedial computer issues still pending. It’s a shame you can’t shoot them! Anyway, did finally get to have a nice hot salts bath. Soaked for about an hour. For the first time since starting the fast I was “slightly irritable” and tired yesterday and it continues this morning.
Had a good workout at noon and a very enjoyable milk lunch with Sarah in the sunshine. Felt much better the rest of the day but was pretty fatigued and experienced chills and overall joint achiness right before going to bed. I cannot remember the last time I was chilled unless it related to cold weather. Consumed 14 cups and weighed in at 117.6.
Richard: Worked a full day and had good energy. Drank 5-6 cups of milk throughout the day. It feels like I could go on like this for weeks with no problem.
Have little to no hunger with all detox symptoms gone at least for the moment. Am really glad I am doing this. What a great seasonal cleanse that helps gently heal the body and preserve health with little to no stress and strain.
Sarah: Woke up sneezing about 6 am and the sneezing continued off and on until about lunchtime. I don’t ever remember sneezing so much in such a short period of time. Figured it must be another method of detoxing so just kept sneezing and kept a hankie handy at all times!
Felt great all day with good energy. Have settled on a gallon of milk per day and this seems to work well as long as I finish drinking by 7pm and then I don’t get up at night to use the bathroom from drinking so many liquids.
Sat out in the sun at lunchtime with Paula to celebrate the halfway point of the fast. We laughed and drank our raw milk and had a great time.
Not feeling hungry and everything except for the sneezing is normal. Really starting to want to eat again though. I am looking forward to being done in the next few days!
I would like to do the milk cure, but as finding raw milk is not very easy here, I wonder if I could do a milk kefir cure with pasteurized milk instead…
Hi! Started my fast yesterday…no problems all day other than wanting to eat supper with my family. However, last night I woke up with extremely painful leg cramps. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to keep this from happening??
My 20-year-old son has resisted drinking raw milk, saying that he prefers the taste of pasteurized milk, which he drinks quite a bit of. Since his sister and I have been doing the raw milk fast, he has relented and is drinking raw too, but he complains that he can’t drink nearly as much! The raw milk is way more filling. 🙂 I wonder if it is because there is probably 2% more fat in the Jersey raw milk than the commercially pasteurized whole milk? Or is there something else about raw milk that makes it more satisfying?
Something I’ve realized when doing my research on raw milk vs industrialized is that almost all the industrialized milk centrifuges and separates the cream from the milk. Then, depending on the requirements (skim, 2%, whole), the cream and the milk are re-combined in a specific combination to standardize it.
Whole raw milk doesn’t work that way, the fat content is going to depend on a number of factors, the season (spring and early summer will have much more cream), the breed of cow, etc. Its also a whole, satisfying food that doesn’t get processed in any way.
Some how I missed you first posting about this. I remember when Elizabeth @ The Nourished Life blogged about her Raw Milk Cure diet back in 2010 and I believe her goal was for 30 days. I’ve thought off and on of giving it a try but never did.
Now I am inspired!
I actually just started 15 minutes ago – drank myself a tall glass of raw milk before I head off to bed. Tomorrow is my milk run day to the farm. I’ll start blogging about it also and see if others will join in. Go for the 10 days and possibly a bit longer. My goal is to detox but also to help jump start my weight loss that is at a standstill.
Thanks for the inspiration.
email you 2 days ago asking for pick up info and prices but forgot to put a subject in the subject line, and know you get a ton of emails, will try again, my hubby and I want to start on 3/11 after celebrating our 16th anv
tried wholefoods and found Q-Fresh old fashioned with cream on top low pastureized non homogenized, is this ok to use?
No, even low temp nonhomogenized milk is no good for The Milk Cure.
It must be raw, raw, RAW!
hi where can i get raw milk in tampa or near dade city?
Please email me off blog.
i am not doing the fast, however today i had a really bad day and was not able to eat but i had the raw milk and if i had one at home i would had stayed with it. But i do not so i had a something more solid. I will do this cure this year on my own and looking forward to feeling even better. 🙂