Day 6 of The Milk Cure has come and gone. What are your observations? Â It seems we have at least 50-100 folks participating from the regular comment updates with more joining in every day.
Hey CDC – what’s up with all these people drinking nothing but raw milk from these various small farms across the world and not getting food poisoning?
Some of the participants have made the personal decision to join in despite being immune-compromised as well. Â If raw milk is as dangerous as you say, at least a few of us should be hospitalized by now with E. coli O157.
Could it be (gasp), that raw milk is actually an extremely safe food?  No worries, though.  I’m sure you can easily figure out a way to spin it to the advantage of your Sugar Daddies (Big Food and Big Pharma) which guarantee you a nice cushy, six figure consulting job when your government gig is up.
Lucky for you most people are so drugged up on prescription meds that they can’t think straight anyway.
Paula: Â Hmmm, slept ok but awakened very early and could not get back to sleep. Â Had a hectic weekend trying to play catch up with all the remedial computer issues still pending. Â It’s a shame you can’t shoot them! Â Anyway, did finally get to have a nice hot salts bath. Â Soaked for about an hour. Â For the first time since starting the fast I was “slightly irritable” and tired yesterday and it continues this morning.
Had a good workout at noon and a very enjoyable milk lunch with Sarah in the sunshine. Â Felt much better the rest of the day but was pretty fatigued and experienced chills and overall joint achiness right before going to bed. Â I cannot remember the last time I was chilled unless it related to cold weather. Â Consumed 14 cups and weighed in at 117.6.
Richard: Â Worked a full day and had good energy. Â Drank 5-6 cups of milk throughout the day. Â It feels like I could go on like this for weeks with no problem.
Have little to no hunger with all detox symptoms gone at least for the moment. Â Am really glad I am doing this. Â What a great seasonal cleanse that helps gently heal the body and preserve health with little to no stress and strain.
Sarah: Â Woke up sneezing about 6 am and the sneezing continued off and on until about lunchtime. Â I don’t ever remember sneezing so much in such a short period of time. Â Figured it must be another method of detoxing so just kept sneezing and kept a hankie handy at all times!
Felt great all day with good energy. Â Have settled on a gallon of milk per day and this seems to work well as long as I finish drinking by 7pm and then I don’t get up at night to use the bathroom from drinking so many liquids.
Sat out in the sun at lunchtime with Paula to celebrate the halfway point of the fast. Â We laughed and drank our raw milk and had a great time.
Not feeling hungry and everything except for the sneezing is normal. Â Really starting to want to eat again though. Â I am looking forward to being done in the next few days!
Hi Sarah
I desperately want to do the milk cure however I’m not sure if I can – my husband and I plan on trying for another baby in six months. Is it too close to conception time to do a cleanse?
Keep up the fab work,
Diana 🙂
Just my opinion, but I would think it would be fine as it is such a gentle cleanse with all nutrients supplied while fasting. I’m a testament to that as I am very very sensitive to that sort of thing and am doing great. Nothing like a juice fast which would be rather depleting.
Hi Sarah. Sorry for late reply, have been manic! Thanks for your reply. Will give it a shot as I’d love to be in ‘fighting fit’ condition for bubba number two.
Congratulations on seeing the full 10 days through. I’m very impressed that you’re thinking of doing it for a day or two each week!
Cheers, Diana.
Hello Sarah
We own a small certified organic 100% grass fed dairy in Central Illinois and have been selling raw milk direct to customers for years, even though all our neighbor farmers think we are nuts. The last few weeks more folks have mentioned a raw milk fast and have increased their purchases ( a wonderful thing for us since we rely solely on our farm income for all our income, ) Now, after reading your site we know why ! So great to find even more folks who understand the benefits of raw pastured milk. I’ll definately be back. Take care
YES! Raw milk sales increasing because of this blog series around the country ??? I love it! Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sarah,
Does it matter how many days one fasts? Could one do a 3 day, or 2 day, or 5 day etc. Will you get the same benefits if you do the milk fast for 3 days as you would for 5 or 7 or 10? I’m very new to this.
Thank you so much!
I think this is a very personal thing. Melanie for example is on day 111 of her fast and it is reversing her Lyme Disease (see post a few days ago about this). Others may only need a few days. Paula and I picked 10 days as it seemed about right. No magic to that number though.
My sixth day was great… except… one of my students (I teach English as a second language to adults) had asked if he could bring mushroom soup for the whole class. I said okay not realizing he meant the next day. So yesterday he brought this amazing mushroom soup. He works as a chef at a very nice Italian restaurant, and we’ve talked about food. I knew it was good, healthy soup. So I had some because I haven’t told my class about the fast and didn’t want to be rude. I ate less than a cup (5-6 ounces). It was mostly cream with some mushrooms, carrots, onions and celery. Tell me this wasn’t too bad. I feel guilty! But what could I do? Sigh. Oh, and right after I felt so tired and my stomach felt weird. I like just drinking milk. 🙂 I have such even energy and no hunger pains!
Don’t beat yourself up. It’s real life, moment by moment. I bet you’ll have a new commitment to stick with it, especially after reacting to the soup. You go girl!!
Thanks Nancy!
I will have more to say about this tomorrow as this is a big part of my Day 7 observations!
I have fudged more (3 times) than I intended on this “fast” but I love my raw milk. I’ve been feeling better, sleeping better & my mental clarity is somewhat improved. I am fortunate to have easy, fairly inexpensive access to raw milk so I will be drinking it instead for most meals even after the 10 days. I am looking forward to solid food but I have not had Any hunger issues with only raw milk. I had given up commercial milk a few years ago for health & allergy reasons so I am thrilled that I can drink milk again! Keep up the good work everybody! You are all inspiring 🙂
I was inspired to try this fast/cure because it is simple and seems healthful. I personally would like to lose some weight on this diet, as well as rest my poor celiac gut. I just started today and feel well. Because I had not yet gotten the milk, I had a little cucumber and watermelon to get me started for the day (less than 1/2 a cup). For a late breakfast, I had 2 cups and felt so full! Then green tea and 2 more cups for lunch. Feeling full. Had a great BM and just a little gas. Was headachy, but now feel better. Looking forward to seeing where this all leads.
I’m starting my milk cure on Friday. Tomorrow, I’m doing a fruit/juice/water fast as recommended by some of the books on the milk cure as a precursor. I’ll be posting updates on my site probably about every other day. (I’m hoping to go 2 weeks on this). I wish I had been able to time my cure with all of you, but timing…
Its going to be interesting. I’ve very much enjoyed following all of you here this week and seeing the different experiences. I have no idea what my experience is going to be, but I’m willing to find out.
Day 6 started out with a glass of milk warming while getting ready to pick more milk up.! I slept good! still having some problems with my breathing, but after reading some of these posts yesterday, I am not going back on oral medicine. I will do the inhaler or nebulizer if it gets really bad, but this may be how I am detoxing. I came home and started to scrub down the sides of the pool, but started having a hard time breathing. It may be all the pollen that is in the air. Came inside, pulled the machine out and dealt with it. I wish I was loosing some weight like everyone else is doing, but that may happen down the road. I have decided to continue doing the milk fast until I feel “cured”.
I am missing eating. Cooking dinner is the hardest for me. I thought of cooking all the things that I don’t like, but right now I am “liking” EVERYTHING!!LOL
We did a full day and then some. Went to bed early and slept so soundly!!! I think that is what is helping me the most. I cannot wait for tomorrow!!
Yes, the pollen is really bad. You can wash the car and it is covered again within the hour if parked outside.
I’ve always laughed when people use the words “raw milk” and “fast” in the same sentence! Sounds heavenly to me! 😀