One week down and only 3 days to go! Â I can’t believe we will be finished with The (raw) Milk Cure in just a few days.
Are you going to continue past the 10 day point? Â What are your thoughts and plans?
Are you dropping any weight or holding steady? Â Any improvement in symptoms if you are fasting for that reason?
Please share with us in the comments section.
Paula: Â Slept tremendously last night. Â Good energy throughout the morning. Â Workout okay – not a whole lot of energy during that for whatever reason nor the rest of the afternoon. Â Very tired, energy not as good as it was at the beginning of the fast. Â Very irritable and short on patience. Â Had a busy afternoon and didn’t drink as much milk. Very hungry when I got home and for the first time during the fast I wanted to eat – badly!
Eyed my nice raw hot pepper jack cheese in the refrigerator. Â The only reason I did not eat it last night was because of the commitment I made to you all and to myself. Â I sucked it up, drank 2 1/2 cups of milk, and was fine from a hunger standpoint. Â I think I am experiencing subtle signs of detoxing after all – I just didn’t realize it with how hectic the past week has been. Â Must be sluggish detoxification pathways? Â My skin looked slightly clearer this morning. Â Consumed 13.5 cups and weighed in at 116.4.
Richard: Â Didn’t sleep well as was up several times with one of the kids who was restless. Â Still felt good at 5am when I got up to start the day. Â Drank 5-6 cups of milk throughout the day as usual. Â Didn’t feel hungry and am doing fine.
I might be dropping some weight although I can’t be sure. Â My pants fit pretty much the same so it would seem not.
Sarah:Â Today was milk pickup and I wondered how I would feel as this is always a very busy and physically strenuous day for me. Â Was sneezing a lot again this morning but it passed after a few hours.
Drank some kombucha I made at home in addition to the milk as I didn’t want to get dehydrated from working too hard for so many hours without a break.
Had good energy during pickup but after tying up all loose ends by 2 pm felt very tired. Â Took a 2-hour nap after the kids got home from school. I really needed some rest.
Still tired even after napping. Â Am really wanting to eat dinner as I prepare a meal for the kids. Â Finished with the last of 14 cups of milk for the day around 7 pm.
Not hungry but feeling a bit weak. Â Drank some herbal tea and went to bed at 10 pm. Â Fell asleep easily despite a nap earlier in the day.
I am thinking of starting the milk fast. I would have loved to join in with everyone else, but had no good source of raw milk. My local farmer just wrote me that she is going to have milk now–cow, Jersey I think, A2/A2 genotype, and fed all organic. I think she is getting some hay now but will be all-pastured later in the spring. But no corn or soy. She’s eating some organic oats and flax.
I have a few questions:
What kind of testing should the milk go through?
Did you folks prepare for the fast in any way, or just stop regular food and start the milk the next day? I’ve read a little of one of the old books on the fast, and they recommended a water fast for a few days, but I get pretty hypoglycemic and don’t know if I could do that. That is one reason I like the idea of a milk fast–less hypoglycemia.
I plan to do epsom salt or baking soda baths, and probably enemas. What else are people doing to detox?
If some people are going to extend the fast past 10 days, it would be great to hear from you on how it goes. It’s an appealing idea in many ways.
I think that’s all for now. I’m eagerly waiting to hear from the farmer on how much milk I can get on an ongoing basis.
I have chronic fatigue for the last 7 years and had to stop work when it started. It’s been worse lately, and I am hoping to find a way to break this cycle. I may have tick-borne disease (there is one in this area that can’t be tested for) and it was interesting to read the article about using the raw milk diet for Lyme disease. It would be wonderful to get my energy back and actually function. I’ve used an alternative Lyme treatment for several years but it has not had much effect.
Thank for the great information in this blog!
Dh only ate a banana the night before and drank milk. Otherwise, there was no preparation. He even ate out Mexican at lunch. I just started drinking milk on the first day.
A few things come to mind for detoxing or cleansing. You can “dry brush” your body before you bathe, which helps get rid of toxins that build up on the skin. You can “oil pull”, which is swishing oil in the mouth to help rid of bacteria, etc. in the mouth and sinuses, and some even say it helps with their joints. Taking DE, or diatomaceous earth, is a painless and inexpensive detox as well. It’s high in silicon and helps build your body and gives you energy. I usually take it with kefir in the morning. There’s information on it here: . Someone said they’re out of stock; if so, I think http://www.bulkherbstore.com sells it, too. I’ve been taking it for about a year and it’s my go-to supplement, though I use others as well.
If you haven’t yet heard about the importance of cod liver oil, you may want to check into it. You’ll want to be sure it’s free of heavy metals, though I think the liver may not have these, anyway. Also, high vitamin butter oil, which you can get from making your own raw butter, is important for the K2 factor.
I was amazed by the article on Lyme and the raw milk cure as well. I also tested positive for it by an alternative lab that’s no longer in business, My case wan’t nearly as severe as heres, and I treated it with several different(expensive) herbal tinctures.
Judith. it sounds like you’re going to get some good milk. The cows that produce our milk are Jerseys and are fed alfalfa hay, but I don’t know what else they’re fed and there’s conventional farming done there. Still, we’re grateful for the milk. I don’t know what kind of milk testing is done, so maybe someone else can answer that.
I didn’t do any special preparation ahead of time, just began drinking milk on the first day, as much as I wanted(and running to the bathroom a lot, lol). I only did it for four days.
Dh ate just a banana with milk the night before…he decided to skip dinner since he’d be starting the next day and since he ate out at a Mexican restaurant for lunch.
I would think this would help your chronic fatigue and it’s certainly amazing how it helped one person with Lyme. I hope you’re able to start soon if you haven’t yet.
As far as other methods of detoxing, I have a few suggestions.
You can do dry brushing before bathing, which removes toxins from the skin.
You can do oil pulling, or swishing oil in the mouth, which helps in removing toxins from the mouth, sinuses, and the rest of the body. The blood vessel under the tongue helps with this…you’ll probably find more on it online.
Also, taking DE or diatomacous earth is a great way to detox daily. Milk is a good drink to take it in, beginning with a tablespoon. If you do a search, I think you’ll find some good information on it.
Dorothy, thank you so much for the suggestions. I know abut all of them but had forgotten about most. I tried oil-pulling a few years ago but found it hard not to swallow the oil, which you are not supposed to do. But I’m going to try again, since it’s such a useful technique.
I’ve been meaning to get some CLO again. I also have some of those tinctures for Lyme but haven’t used them yet. There is a close relative of Lyme in the Southeast (though it’s spreading) for which there is no test–STARI, or Southern Tick-Associated Rash Illness. It acts very much like Lyme, and is carried by a tick that is very common in my yard. I first had symptoms when I moved from town to this very ticky neighborhood in the forest. So testing won’t do me much good if that’s what I have.
I thought to try the milk cure instead of tinctures, since it seems to work for many different conditions and issues. And I had been thinking about doing this for a long time, feeling intuitively that it might help. Then someone sent me a link to this blog and I found all the information and support I needed. (Thank you, everyone.) And in a few days, the farmer told me that she finally had milk to sell.
Hi Sarah,
I found your site by accident about one week ago. I was searching for info about Smart Balance and found you instead. They at everything happens for a reason. I am in the process of getting ALL the good fats in my home. I have cut out sugar dramatically except what is in a few products. I have made my first batch of stock. I used my crockpot on low and it worked great. Some I’ve had in the past would Jabber cooked too hot. I’m looking into where I can obtain raw milk and dairy in my area. Thanks for all your information. I am hoping that soon my energy level will rise. I have been extremely tired lately. I work 3rd shift and my sleep lately has been real broken.I have two questions- if I make homemade yogurt and decide to add fruit to it and make frozen yogurt will that kill all The good stuff in it? Also if I want to snack on nuts should they be soaked first? Thanks Teresa.
Wow I wrote this at work on my phone and it self corrects and predicts what your typing. Many times it’s wrong and I don’t catch it. One sentence should have said: They say everything happens for a reason. And in another one the word Jabber should have been: have. It will probably make more sense now!
Well, I haven’t updated in awhile, so here goes…end of day 8 for me. Was really constipated up till day 5, I hadn’t even seen the white swirlies that Paula talked about – still dark brown. Got up the nerve to do an enema, and wow! That was an event! 😉 sorry….tmi? for the first 5 days though I felt really light, my skin was beautiful and even glowing and I was especially energetic (odd for me w/ hypothyroid and always wanting to nap during the afternoon). I never even thought of napping! Day 6 though I got really tired and couldn’t figure out why. Wondered if it had something to do with the enema. Day 7 was also exhausted and I got my period. Then things made sense! My husband commented that usually he can see that comin from a week out and this time, NO HEADS UP whatsoever. It was a joy to not be cross with him and the children for those 5 days prior and to have it sneak up on us. Kind of makes me want to drink nothing but milk for 5 days prior EVERY month!
Night of Day 7 I had an awful dream that I had accidentally eaten almost a whole loaf of dried up, crusty, couple days old and tasting nasty bread. I was soooo mad that I had broken my milk fast with nasty bread that I was angry for the first couple of hours upon waking – even after I figured out it didn’t happen (took me awhile). In the process, while making the children some almond butter sprouted grain toast this morning, I licked my finger off twice accidentally and tasted first the bread crumbs and second, a finger half full of almond butter. Hmmmm….at first I was thinking to go longer than 10 days….now I’m thinking 10 would be just fine… 🙂 …we’ll see.
I have never been hungry on this milk cure, but I sure do miss the taste of food! A great big salad and a super rare steak would taste sooooo good! Oh, and I went back on my allergy pill – couldn’t handle the seasonal stuff. and I’ve had to use my inhaler most nights….I’m looking forward to going back on the ACV to take care of that. Was hoping the milk would maybe take care of those things…..oh well. I know I probably need GAPS.
That’s the way a period should be .. a total non-event. If you have to track it and plan your life around it, there is something very wrong. It shouldn’t bother you in the slightest and be only the mildest inconvenience.