One week down and only 3 days to go! Â I can’t believe we will be finished with The (raw) Milk Cure in just a few days.
Are you going to continue past the 10 day point? Â What are your thoughts and plans?
Are you dropping any weight or holding steady? Â Any improvement in symptoms if you are fasting for that reason?
Please share with us in the comments section.
Paula: Â Slept tremendously last night. Â Good energy throughout the morning. Â Workout okay – not a whole lot of energy during that for whatever reason nor the rest of the afternoon. Â Very tired, energy not as good as it was at the beginning of the fast. Â Very irritable and short on patience. Â Had a busy afternoon and didn’t drink as much milk. Very hungry when I got home and for the first time during the fast I wanted to eat – badly!
Eyed my nice raw hot pepper jack cheese in the refrigerator. Â The only reason I did not eat it last night was because of the commitment I made to you all and to myself. Â I sucked it up, drank 2 1/2 cups of milk, and was fine from a hunger standpoint. Â I think I am experiencing subtle signs of detoxing after all – I just didn’t realize it with how hectic the past week has been. Â Must be sluggish detoxification pathways? Â My skin looked slightly clearer this morning. Â Consumed 13.5 cups and weighed in at 116.4.
Richard: Â Didn’t sleep well as was up several times with one of the kids who was restless. Â Still felt good at 5am when I got up to start the day. Â Drank 5-6 cups of milk throughout the day as usual. Â Didn’t feel hungry and am doing fine.
I might be dropping some weight although I can’t be sure. Â My pants fit pretty much the same so it would seem not.
Sarah:Â Today was milk pickup and I wondered how I would feel as this is always a very busy and physically strenuous day for me. Â Was sneezing a lot again this morning but it passed after a few hours.
Drank some kombucha I made at home in addition to the milk as I didn’t want to get dehydrated from working too hard for so many hours without a break.
Had good energy during pickup but after tying up all loose ends by 2 pm felt very tired. Â Took a 2-hour nap after the kids got home from school. I really needed some rest.
Still tired even after napping. Â Am really wanting to eat dinner as I prepare a meal for the kids. Â Finished with the last of 14 cups of milk for the day around 7 pm.
Not hungry but feeling a bit weak. Â Drank some herbal tea and went to bed at 10 pm. Â Fell asleep easily despite a nap earlier in the day.
I have a question. Does is matter what kind of raw milk you drink? I have access to any number of raw milks including sheep and goat. I favor goat milk and was wondering if I could use that for the fast or does it have to be cow’s milk?
Drink the raw milk that works best for you. I’ve been drinking a lot of goat milk on this fast .. actually will be blogging more about that for Day 8 and why I switched to 100% goat temporarily.
Sarah where is the correct link to read Paula’s 15 day diary? It is not the link you gave.
I wanna know where Paula got her ‘Kiss my Sass’ t-shirt…………..gotta get me one of those!
Sarah I could not bring myself to put this question in the other post. I have a 6 month old who is enjoying the egg yolk a great deal. I am having a lot of trouble soft boiling and getting it out of the shell without any egg white attached. No egg allergies run in either side of the family but I am a bit paranoid about her getting any egg white. Can I cook the eggs very slowly on low heat and then just give her some of the egg yolk that way? She doesn’t appear interested in banana yet but leans forward eagerly for egg yolk! Thank you for your time.
Have you seen my video on how to make egg yolk for baby? This might help you to actually see it done visually.
Also, if a little white goes with it, just remove from the yolk with a spoon. The white is cooked while the yolk is runny so it is easy to pick it out. My child rarely ate an entire egg yolk anyway, so if you use only half to three quarters of the yolk that you can be positive has no trace of egg white, that is fine. Just eat the remainder yourself on toast or whatnot.
Sadly, I have watched the video 2 times. I will try for a 3rd time to see what I am doing wrong. Maybe I have a special “touch” (big sigh, sheepish grin). 2 of the three times that I have made it I have cracked the egg while dropping it in. That may be part of the problem if not all of it.
I’m excited to try this in April when the cows in Upstate New York get let out on pasture!
I love your blog. when we have access to Raw Milk – I think I will try this. How long would you recommend doing it for? is a month too long?
I am on day 4. Have gone from 126.5 lbs. to 123. Not doing this to lose weight and I’m sure some of it will return once I start incorporating solid food. I have been sleeping very well (always do), but go to bed about an hour to an hour and a half earlier than normal and waking @ 4:30 AM. This morning I woke with major detox going on; feverish, slight headache, achy joints, congestion. Immediately took an baking soda (alum. free) and epsom salt bath for about 30 min. REALLY helped. Then chugged down a huge glass of lemon water and took some LDM-100. I have had bm’s every day, although today’s was hard and pebbly–thinking this big glass of GT’s Multi-Green kombucha will help. I have a friend, who drinks tons of homo/past. milk, that will be starting this on Saturday! I am excited for her. I have created a blog for my friends and family to follow:
I don’t think I could have made it through as far as I have without the epsom salt and baking soda baths. I alternate them each night. They are the best. It’s also a good excuse to slow down and read a good book!
This is day 5 for me. I really want to eat something! Bit not because I’m hungry; I just miss the taste of food. And I’m also cooking for my family every night, so the temptation is strong. But I am going on. My moods and energy levels are so stable, I hate to go back to a regular diet.
The first day I lost a couple pounds, then gained it back from bloating with my cycle. Unfortunate, my cycle also causes constipation, so I’m sure that’s messing up the detox. I am considering staying with it longer so I make up for these few days of PMS.
I am just on day 4. I had to wait until I could get enough raw milk. I feel good, not hungry and have lost weight. I have some constipation but will try drinking more milk.
I enjoy doing this with others ad look forward to reading the posts.
Reading all the posts by you guys that are still having to cook for your families makes me feel so bad for you! Our kids are both away at college, so since hubby decided to do this along with me, I have not had to look at or smell any food at home.
As a side-note, my husband did begin sneezing yesterday, and has continued today as well… I was surprised how many others are sneezing, but EVERYTHING is growing and blooming here in the South with this mild “winter” we are having. He normally has year-round allergies AND hypothyroidism, and he is planning to have all his levels checked after this fast.