We’re into the homestretch now! Â Day 8 of The “Raw” Milk Cure has come and gone.
Have you started a second phase of detoxification? Â It seems Paula and I are having another little bout with it ourselves.
Let us know how you are doing in the comments section. Â We all need each other’s encouragement!
Paula: Didn’t sleep well again. Â Full moon approaching, could that be it? Â Tired and cranky. Â Not a nice person. Â I am trying to just not talk much – really having to think before I open my mouth. Â Patience has left the building!
I took a day off from working out – fatigued and joints are achy, constipated the last couple of days, slightly nauseous and not as hungry. Â Yeah, I am just now detoxing. Â Took the afternoon off (highly unusual) and spent 1 hour and 20 minutes in a salts bath. Â Fell asleep at 8pm and awakened a few times during the night.
Hubby cooked bacon in front of me – I nearly spat at him! Â I am ready for some food. BACON – I want bacon! Consumed 10 cups of milk and weighed in at 116.8.
Richard: Â Sticking with 5-6 cups of milk a day. Â That’s all I want to drink and more I don’t think would agree with me. Â Haven’t had a chance to exercise since the weekend but am feeling good and have enough energy to do so.
Am drinking a lot of homemade kombucha tea to manage thirst as it is warm this week.
Milk or water doesn’t quench my thirst nearly as well so I’m sticking with the fermented drinks instead.
Am looking forward to the end of the fast in 2 days as I am starting to want to eat again.
Sarah: Â Woke this morning sneezing and really congested. I’ve come to the realization that I must have a cold! I never drink milk when I have a cold as it seems to make the congestion worse. It seems I’m in a catch 22, so I emailed Paula about it.
She tells me to suck it up and gut it out. We only have 2 more days to go after all!
I email back and say “Ok, Chief!” and start drinking my milk for the day. Â I do switch to goat milk as this does seem to congest me less than cow milk when I have a cold (when I am well I don’t notice any difference).
Then, the strangest thing happens. Around 1 pm, my congestion and other cold-related symptoms completely disappear!
Poof! Gone within a matter of minutes! Â Energy comes back up quickly as well.
At that point, I’m thinking that it wasn’t really a cold after all but only a short bout with more detoxification!
I’m glad I kept going and didn’t bail on the fast earlier in the day.
Stopped by the supermarket after running a a few errands to weigh in. Â Still holding steady at 123.
Made it though day 8. Decided to start eating as I was staying too cold and my body knew she is fasting out of season. I decided that I didn’t want to burn out on fasting before the spring sunshine reaches us. I feel really good now that I had some bone broth and creamy and creamy vegetable soup. I plan to do a green drink fast when the weather gets. nice. A few days and the dandelions will be ready to eat! Gonna take the entire plant, roots and all but the puff balls and make a mess of greens 🙂
I loved doing this milk fast with you all. Just glad I listened to when to stop. Good luck! It is really tough when you know you only have 2 days left! Still looking forward to reading about the fast breaking “surprise”!
What a lovely figure. Living, breathing proof of the healthy, positive lifestyle.
I am a 54 yr grandma from Indy and I am on day 6. I was constipated but now have had a. BM. I want to know how to keep that from happening again since I still have 3 days left.
I have felt normal and not hungry. I thought I would not like drinking milk by its self, but I love it.
Definately the easiest “fast” I have been on. , Would it be adviable to do a 4 or 5 day fast monthly for weight loss?
I don’t know Cindy. The Milk Cure was not typically done for weight loss (more for rejuvenation and recovery from illness) but I suppose you could use it for that if that is your goal.
I am feeling more and more encouraged to do this. I actually started the other day but succumbed to a little food realizing it would be crazy of me to start now when company is coming by end of next week for a few days and I’ll need to be feeding the crew!! So preparing to detox / cleanse once they are gone.
They daily updates have been good to read. And I’ve been reviewing another bloggers journey from a couple of years back experimenting for 30 days doing the Raw Milk Cure Diet.
So I am in the midst of planning my journey and will blog about it.
Thanks for the encouragment!
Yesterday, my eighth day was fine. Still no detox symptoms. I was really tired yesterday, but it had been a stressful week. I had an interview and works longer hours than normal. A bath really helps in the evenings. 🙂 I drank 8 cups and had no problem with hunger though I am also dreaming about bacon. I think it will be part of my first meal. 🙂 I have lost five pounds, which is good. I could stand to lose an extra 10-15 on top of it. I am considering incorporating this into my life on a weekly basis.
Just finished day 4. I’ve been on GAPS intro for 1 year trying to get rid of my psoriasis. It hasn’t helped that, but many other positive health benefits have occurred. After 2 days on the fast I had no stool so did an enema on day 3. Today, day 4 again no stool. How often should I do an enema? On GAPS intro I am very regular with daily stool sometimes 2x a day. Also today, day 4, I woke up with a stomach ache that I have had all day along with more burping and gas. Is this die off? I really didn’t have much of that with the GAPS Intro so not sure what it would be. I have not been eating dairy for about a year, except to try and add it back in once or twice, so am hoping it is not a reaction to dairy. How would I know the difference? This does not feel like constipation, it is higher in my gut and is more of an ache or burning sensation. Thanks for any help you can give me. I am not trying to lose weight, everything was going well until today’s gut ache.
Nancy – I’d love to keep in touch with you off-line. I’m researching re-doing GAPS or doing The Milk Diet and would love to chat more with you. I wasn’t able to see your email address…not sure how this works. Can you contact me?
What would the shortest raw milk cleanse time be? As in, how little could you do and still be effective? Is it a nourishing cleanse or a depleting cleanse? Do you know?
I am finishing my 7th day and feel great. I made a small amt. of butter today and I started brining my brisket for an early St Paddy’s Day meal. I keep looking at that beef and just can’t wait to eat it. Sooooooooooo what well we be starting to eat first when this fast is over? Time to let us know, Sarah!
opps! no! I’m finishing day8. I can eat on Monday. I will do this again. Do you plan on making this a yearly event or more frequently?
Ok, teeny weeny hint. It involves authentic, traditional Cuban cuisine.
Was out running errands with my Mom today, and she met her 2 sisters for lunch. I made it through an entire meal, in a restaurant, with lots of food smells while sipping water with lemon…
You guys don’t know me, but that was quite a feat for me! It had been about 2.5 hours since I’d had any milk, but I had no hunger pangs, and wasn’t tempted nearly to the extent I would have been only a few days ago.
I think they were much more “disturbed” that I was not eating than I was. Everyone kept offering me a “bite” of this or that.
I am finishing my 5th day today, and am feeling pretty good, overall. I find that I am sleepy by 9pm, and the past couple of mornings I have been dragging myself out of bed. However, my skin looks better, and my previous acid-reflux is non-existent. Hubby and I have decided that we will likely substitute a couple of meals per day with milk for an extended period of time after our 10 days.
I’m on the sidelines cheering for all of you! You are all inspiring 🙂