We’re into the homestretch now! Â Day 8 of The “Raw” Milk Cure has come and gone.
Have you started a second phase of detoxification? Â It seems Paula and I are having another little bout with it ourselves.
Let us know how you are doing in the comments section. Â We all need each other’s encouragement!
Paula: Didn’t sleep well again. Â Full moon approaching, could that be it? Â Tired and cranky. Â Not a nice person. Â I am trying to just not talk much – really having to think before I open my mouth. Â Patience has left the building!
I took a day off from working out – fatigued and joints are achy, constipated the last couple of days, slightly nauseous and not as hungry. Â Yeah, I am just now detoxing. Â Took the afternoon off (highly unusual) and spent 1 hour and 20 minutes in a salts bath. Â Fell asleep at 8pm and awakened a few times during the night.
Hubby cooked bacon in front of me – I nearly spat at him! Â I am ready for some food. BACON – I want bacon! Consumed 10 cups of milk and weighed in at 116.8.
Richard: Â Sticking with 5-6 cups of milk a day. Â That’s all I want to drink and more I don’t think would agree with me. Â Haven’t had a chance to exercise since the weekend but am feeling good and have enough energy to do so.
Am drinking a lot of homemade kombucha tea to manage thirst as it is warm this week.
Milk or water doesn’t quench my thirst nearly as well so I’m sticking with the fermented drinks instead.
Am looking forward to the end of the fast in 2 days as I am starting to want to eat again.
Sarah: Â Woke this morning sneezing and really congested. I’ve come to the realization that I must have a cold! I never drink milk when I have a cold as it seems to make the congestion worse. It seems I’m in a catch 22, so I emailed Paula about it.
She tells me to suck it up and gut it out. We only have 2 more days to go after all!
I email back and say “Ok, Chief!” and start drinking my milk for the day. Â I do switch to goat milk as this does seem to congest me less than cow milk when I have a cold (when I am well I don’t notice any difference).
Then, the strangest thing happens. Around 1 pm, my congestion and other cold-related symptoms completely disappear!
Poof! Gone within a matter of minutes! Â Energy comes back up quickly as well.
At that point, I’m thinking that it wasn’t really a cold after all but only a short bout with more detoxification!
I’m glad I kept going and didn’t bail on the fast earlier in the day.
Stopped by the supermarket after running a a few errands to weigh in. Â Still holding steady at 123.
This would be day 10 for me if I hadn’t eaten on saturday, after reading the milk diet book I decided to try again. My digestion has improved, I have been drinking kombucha with added lemon juice after my milk. It seems to be helping. Have lost 10 lbs and my skin seems a bit clearer. I’m hoping to go until my dry itchy scalp goes away. I do feel cold all the time and tired off and on. Seem to have more energy during my walks. I’m looking forward to a hamburger!
Mmmm, me too!
Start of Day 9, woo hoo! I must say, I am so looking forward to actually eating. Have been devising meal plans, a sure sign for me that I have been abstaining from food. This hasn’t been that easy for me due to hungry afternoons and evenings. I drink between 6 and 8 cups a day and however much water I want.
Took a long ES foot soak and slept very well for the first time in 3 days, so I feel pretty good this morning, except for the rain preventing me doing what I want in my yard. Darn.
I still have not had a significant BM in 5 days, this morning I am feeling a little gassy and constipated so hopefully I am about to remedy that.(TMI)
Yesterday afternoon I did some fairly physical things in my yard. Was really tired, sluggish, and grumpy most of the day. Was impatient in public and actually cried when my dogs knocked over my 1/2 gallon container of yogurt that was sitting to develop, spilling every last ounce, I was so looking forward to something more than milk today and tomorrow. I am away from home so cannot make more before Sunday…too late.
I have been losing about 1 pound a day, won’t have a scale to weigh until Sunday for the final count.
Day 8. I woke up feeling very hungry and weak. I had 2 glasses of milk today. I made myself a cup of herb tea, but remember that we had a class today, so I brought another glass of milk instead and off we went. When we returned home I drank the cold tea and made the children lunch. I opened the door. I know it is in the 80’s but I really needed some fresh air. I turned the ceiling fans on and relaxed a bit. The rest of the day was in slow motion so to speak. I was answering emails and then made dinner. I had the dishes done before my husband came home and was relaxing watching some television with him. I took a small glass back to bed with me and was in bed by 10pm. I am day 2 of off the inhaled steroids and feeling pretty good about my decision on this as well. But, the main thing that got me today was that I had the doors open and a/c off for the whole afternoon, and had NO PROBLEMS!!! I have been waiting for this day to happen and it has finally come!!! I owe this ALL to Sarah and Paula for introducing me to this Milk Cure!!!! I am so humbled today!! God is so good to put you into my life journey to help me!!! THANK YOU!!!
Mary Kate, I can’t believe you have seen this much improvement in only 8 days. Raw milk is truly a miracle for many with asthma!
Well, Day 3 for me! So far I think this fast is really agreeing with me! Apparently I had been very bloated, so to see and feel that go down is amazing. I didn’t get a headache yesterday. Around 5 pm I got really tired but I fought it and did some yoga, which felt fantastic, and followed it with a salt and soda bath (also amazing). Slept wonderfully, and woke up feeling like a new person! I don’t know how long I will continue to fast, as of right now I’m not hungry, nor am I feeling lustful for the act of eating. But I will probably listen to my body, and break when the time is right. Try as I might, I cannot drink more than 6 cups daily, but apparently that is all I need.
Started the fast yesterday. Got up aching in my left arm, mostly in my neck, shoulder & elbow. Felt really tired all day but after about 7 cups of raw milk & filtered water in between, the pain finally left. Slept like a baby all night and got up feeling much better.
Had someone tell me to try adding 100% pure grape juice to the raw milk and it would make a very good & complete probiotic drink. Any thoughts on that?
Do not add any fruit juice. There are plenty of probiotics in the raw milk alone and it is complete by itself.
Would the Milk Cure cause weight loss if it was needed?
I am starting my fast tomorrow. The posts here have truly inspired me. I am slightly concerned about the casein and hypothyroidism connection but have really not found that milk bothers me in any way so I am going ahead. I stopped at the farm and picked up four gallons of milk this morning. I will gauge how I feel and if I feel good I will continue and buy more as needed. I tasted the milk when I brought it into the house and thought it was delicious! I am not really a milk drinker but this was really good. My son, who drinks many glasses of milk in a day and who has not been such a willing participant in my journey to change from processed to whole foods, will love this milk!
I am excited to start tomorrow!!
All the best with your fast Louise! I am glad you decided to give it a go.
I have had a rough last couple of days b/c I have a virus at least they think I do. I have to go back today for them to confirm or not. The blood and urine test will tell whats going on (I hope) I tried to not take any pain killlers but the pain became worse and worse so I started taking Ibuprofen. I have decided I am going to stick with the milk cure until I’m better and a while beyond that so I can detox w/o any pain meds.
I have lost 7 lbs so far and am very greatful for that. I hope to loose more weight as I continue, which shouldn’t be too hard as am 80 lbs overweight.
Cooking bacon in front of a person that hasn’t eaten in 8 days is not only a hazard to the cooker’s health, but also grounds for divorce in many states!
Hahaha!!! I ordered bacon from the farm for after my milk fast. I’m thinking I may want some then. I pray not to run into any bacon during my fast.
Sarah, reading through all your posts. Very interested. I have been trying to find the correct link to read Paula’s 15 day’s and all your links just take you to your list of posts. What is the link??