We’re into the homestretch now! Â Day 8 of The “Raw” Milk Cure has come and gone.
Have you started a second phase of detoxification? Â It seems Paula and I are having another little bout with it ourselves.
Let us know how you are doing in the comments section. Â We all need each other’s encouragement!
Paula: Didn’t sleep well again. Â Full moon approaching, could that be it? Â Tired and cranky. Â Not a nice person. Â I am trying to just not talk much – really having to think before I open my mouth. Â Patience has left the building!
I took a day off from working out – fatigued and joints are achy, constipated the last couple of days, slightly nauseous and not as hungry. Â Yeah, I am just now detoxing. Â Took the afternoon off (highly unusual) and spent 1 hour and 20 minutes in a salts bath. Â Fell asleep at 8pm and awakened a few times during the night.
Hubby cooked bacon in front of me – I nearly spat at him! Â I am ready for some food. BACON – I want bacon! Consumed 10 cups of milk and weighed in at 116.8.
Richard: Â Sticking with 5-6 cups of milk a day. Â That’s all I want to drink and more I don’t think would agree with me. Â Haven’t had a chance to exercise since the weekend but am feeling good and have enough energy to do so.
Am drinking a lot of homemade kombucha tea to manage thirst as it is warm this week.
Milk or water doesn’t quench my thirst nearly as well so I’m sticking with the fermented drinks instead.
Am looking forward to the end of the fast in 2 days as I am starting to want to eat again.
Sarah: Â Woke this morning sneezing and really congested. I’ve come to the realization that I must have a cold! I never drink milk when I have a cold as it seems to make the congestion worse. It seems I’m in a catch 22, so I emailed Paula about it.
She tells me to suck it up and gut it out. We only have 2 more days to go after all!
I email back and say “Ok, Chief!” and start drinking my milk for the day. Â I do switch to goat milk as this does seem to congest me less than cow milk when I have a cold (when I am well I don’t notice any difference).
Then, the strangest thing happens. Around 1 pm, my congestion and other cold-related symptoms completely disappear!
Poof! Gone within a matter of minutes! Â Energy comes back up quickly as well.
At that point, I’m thinking that it wasn’t really a cold after all but only a short bout with more detoxification!
I’m glad I kept going and didn’t bail on the fast earlier in the day.
Stopped by the supermarket after running a a few errands to weigh in. Â Still holding steady at 123.
Finally found them….now to read through her journey!!
Finally found them….now to read through her journey!!
Finally found them….now to read through her journey!!
I broke the fast last evening on my 8th day and had dinner, which I enjoyed and haven’t noticed any negative affects from. I’m back to milk so far today, but may have dinner with my husband who has been gone for four days. (No one to cook for – blissful.)
It dawned on me last night that a cut on my hand had healed incredibly fast. I cut my finger with a very sharp knife removing the rind from some parmesan cheese, and stuck a bandaid on quick to stop the bleeding. Normally I don’t wear bandaids for more than a four or five hours because I have a tape allergy, but I left it on for 36 hours, and when I took it off, the cut looked much better than I expected it to (and no redness or swelling from the tape). Forgot about it until Wednesday when I realized it was completely healed over and almost invisible after just four days. I was amazed. I got the cut on Saturday and that’s the day I started the Milk Cure. I’m up there in age, so it’s not like I heal that quickly under normal circumstances.
I also have a couple of fairly significant recent scars on my face from an accident in December, and those are both looking much better! MUCH better. I had hoped they would fade eventually; may stay on raw milk for one or two meals a day to see if it continues to help.
Sarah, I’d be very interested if you could track the age and location (state) of participants. Could you have people respond to a special email and then collate the info? I know everyone wouldn’t reply, but it would be fun to see where people are from and the age of participants.
Last comment: After 8 days I have only lost four pounds. I’m 30 pounds overweight, so this is my only negative. I fantasized I would lost 10-15 pounds or more. So sad. Wish I understood the mechanism involved. I am in a sedentary job, and gone 11 hours a day with commuting, which both contribute to the problem. This is my only disappointment with the process. Thanks for a very, very good challenge.
Sorry but it’s not there!
If you click on the category “raw milk fast” you will see all the posts from last year including Paula’s Day 15 post.
@Jackie, yes some folks do lose weight on the fast.
Started today. Sipping 5 ounces every half hour is full time! Yesterday I did a water/fruit juice/bone broth fast as a precursor. That was rough. Right now I’m on my deck sunning my belly and sipping the last of my 8th glass of milk. Halfway there today!
sarah, I watched some things on the GAPS diet on youtube and the doc was on there with the body ecology diet lady. THE DIFFERENCE!!! oh my! Doc Cambell-McBride is healthy and happy looking and Donna Gates looks so pale and too thin! I know she allows meat on her diet but I think she eats mostly veggies. I tried that diet and lasted a week before my blood sugar took a major crash and I ended up too dizzy to stand!
Day 9!! We’re almost finished!!!
The first few days I felt great. Now either “great” is my new “normal,” or perhaps those first few days I was on a milk high! Today I feel fine. Not amazing. Not bad. However, day 7 was AWFUL.
Day 7: I haven’t had a good BM since the morning of day 3. I was feeling highly toxic. Irritable, emotionally very sensitive/unstable, jittery, sensitive to anything vata-inducing: wind, cold, loud. I spent the evening crying, stressed out about an upcoming performance, lying in front of the tv (I know this didn’t help vata, but it was comforting) under a blanket, waiting for my hubby to come home to comfort me. What set me off? 1.) A co-worker with negative words about my milk fast. I was trying to keep it a secret, but it got out anyways! 2.) I visited 3 pharmacys and no one EVEN KNEW what an enema bag was, let alone carried them. I had to repeat myself at each location and found it humiliating. “I’m looking for an ENEMA… BAG.” They all carried an enema solution, but I have no idea what the ingredients are. 3.) I ordered an enema bag online, but I paid more for shipping than for the bag, and it still probably won’t be here till tomorrow.
I was DESPERATELY wanting a BM. I’d been increasing my milk consumption from 3.5 gal to 5 gal. over the course of the week to try to have a BM more “naturally,” but it wasn’t helping AT ALL. Finally on the night of Day 7, I drank a cup of “Smooth Move” tea. On the morning of Day 8 I also did a “Salt Water Flush.” These two things combined gave me EXACTLY what I was looking for! Yahoo! I felt SO MUCH BETTER!
My question: does anyone know if a salt water flush harms gut flora?
Thank you!
I doubt it.
He he. I love that the “8” plus the “)” makes a “cool smiley” on your last comment!
Day 7 was my worst day, also, same story with BM to the day they stopped and including the enema bag debacle. Finally happened today, naturally. Whew!
It takes a few tries to get it right and then it’s as easy as brushing your teeth. Well, not really 🙂
By the way, if your BMs didn’t turn the color of a breastfed baby by Day 2, you’ve got some serious compaction going on in your colon. Just a little tip there!
It should only take 24 hours from ingestion of food to exit from the body. If you started your raw milk fast and you didn’t see a color change within 24-48 hours, you’ve got some cleaning house to do.
I know, way way way overshare. But sometimes things just need to be said very plainly.