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Last year, Paula Jager, owner of Crossfit Jaguar in Tampa Florida, wrote a series of riveting posts about her 15 day raw milk fast. This series on The Milk Cure sparked much interest from readers from around the world who became interested in reviving this age-old remedy for improving vitality, bodily cleansing and even reversal of serious illness as practiced in the early 1900s by the Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota.
At the end of Paula’s raw milk fast last year, she said that she was so pleased with the results (she had the best bloodwork of her life at the conclusion of the fast) that she vowed to do a raw milk fast every year around the beginning of Spring.
A few days ago, Paula told me that she planned to start her annual raw milk fast very soon. What’s more, this year she asked me to do it with her.
My immediate and knee jerk response was, “Uh, fasts don’t really work for me. I don’t want to lose any weight either, so I think I’ll pass.”
Paula, being her persistent and tenacious self, continued to work to convince me.
Yeah, you guys think I’m such a hard nose, but the truth is, on most things I’m very much “go with the flow”. That cooperative middle child thing, you know?
Paula assured me that I needn’t lose any weight on the fast unless I tried to. One of the benefits of raw milk from pastured cows is that it is a complete food, a perfectly balanced elixir of highly digestible, nutrient-dense fats, protein, and carbohydrates. If you consume an adequate amount of ounces and calories for your body weight each day, no weight loss should occur.
She also assured me that she experienced no hunger or cravings during her fast last year, once again, a strong testament to the complete nature of pastured raw milk, known as “white blood” to physicians that have used it therapeutically.
Still unconvinced, I talked to my husband about it hoping to get a bit of moral support for my decision not to do the raw milk fast with Paula this year.
I got no help from hubby.
As soon as I told him the story, he says, “Hey, what a great idea! I’ll do it too!”
At that point, I started to get a teeny weeny bit excited about the fast. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if hubby joined in too. My biggest concern was cooking all this delicious, traditional food day in and day out for the kids and not eating any myself.
Talk about torture!
But, if what Paula told me is true, I shouldn’t feel hungry at all.
At that point, I was willing to give it a go.
Then, it hit me. Why don’t we do this together as a group for anyone who wants to join in? I know that a bunch of readers would like to do a raw milk fast based on emails I’ve received about it over the past year, so let’s do it as a 10 day raw milk challenge!
The Milk Cure (aka Raw Milk Fast)
Here’s how The Milk Cure 2012 will work …
Paula and I will start our raw milk fast on March 1, 2012.
Any of you who wish to join us should plan to start on that date as well.
The fast will go for 10 days and will conclude at midnight on March 10, 2012.
The only thing you are to consume on this fast is pastured raw milk. Water of course is fine too, but no other food or liquids but raw milk.

The reason I’m putting this post up a full week before the fast starts is to give those of you who are going to join us a chance to prepare and stock up on your raw milk. You may even need to freeze some if necessary if you don’t have access to weekly pickups.
You will need anywhere from 2-5 quarts of raw milk per day per person depending on your current height and weight. If you are trying to lose weight, then drink less. If you don’t want to lose any weight, drink as much as you need to stay satisfied at all times.
Paula drank 3 – 3 1/2 quarts per day last year. She is 5’3″ and 117 lbs.
Please read her 15-day Milk Cure diary from last year to prepare if you plan to join the challenge.
If you’re considering something less rigorous, this journal of a 3-day raw milk fast may prove helpful to your decision.
What worked for Paula was a pint of raw milk every 2 hours or so which translates to approximately 2,000 calories per day (if your raw milk comes from Jersey cows with tons of cream). If you drink raw milk from Holstein cows, you probably should think about adding some additional raw cream to each glass. A cup or so every hour or even a few ounces every 30 minutes works fine too – just adjust the amount and timeframe as it works best for you.
Also, please read about The Milk Cure and how it was used to cure very sick patients at the Mayo Foundation by clicking here.
I plan to drink closer to a gallon a day. I am just shy of 5’7″ and 124 lbs. I do not want to lose any weight so am shooting for 2,500-3,000 calories per day.
Feel free to stop the fast at any time if you choose to join in and discover that it isn’t working for you. I told Paula that if I start to lose weight after a few days, I plan to drop out. I lost 8 lbs on GAPS 2 years ago and although GAPS did me a world of good, I don’t want to go there again. My digestion is really good right now and I don’t have any health issues that I am addressing at the moment, so if this rocks the boat for me too much, I plan to drop out.
Why You Might Want to Fast With Us
I am attempting this raw milk fast primarily as a seasonal cleansing.
You might choose to join in to lose some weight. Perhaps you have some digestive or other health issues you want to turn the corner on and start to heal from.
Perhaps you might want to do it for spiritual reasons. Fasting is encouraged by many spiritual disciplines and that may appeal to you.
Whatever reasons you choose to join in are yours and yours alone. You can choose to share them with the rest of us or not.
Each day during the fast, I will post an update on how Paula, my husband, and I are doing. My hope is that any of you who are joining in will update all of us with your progress in the comments section.
The goal for this 10-day journey is to have available to the world a written diary of the experiences and observations of hundreds of people of various backgrounds and health challenges while on a raw milk fast.
Will this happen? I don’t know.
Maybe it will just be Paula and me and my husband.
I do hope at least a few of you will join us though!
If you do join in, please be sure to check with your doctor first before undertaking this fast particularly if you are doing it to help resolve any health issues.
Also, do not attempt this milk cure fast with pasteurized or even low temp pasteurized “cream top” milk.
Milk becomes a completely different food once it’s pasteurized and many vital nutrients and enzymes are either totally lost or significantly reduced. Pasteurized milk is not a complete food like raw milk is.
Please indicate in the comments section below if you plan to join us! If you want to add your reasons for joining in, that would be cool too but is not necessary.
10-Day Milk Cure Series
Below are links to each day of the Milk Cure 10 day raw milk fast so you can follow along and track our progress!
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10
Breaking the Fast
OK, seem to be doing this alone this year, lol…… Started with nothing but raw goat milk, water, green tea and lemons for tea and water. Had been eating terrible so KNEW i had a lot of bloat to get rid of. Started 1/1/14. Lost 4.5 lbs the first day, today is the second day and lost a little under 1.5 lb. I am feeling less bloated but skin has not started to change yet – committed to a week, I will report in in case anyone is interested in the details.
It is not 1/5 and I have lost 8.2 lbs. I had to go out to a business luncheon yesterday to a Thai restaurant, so I picked a veggie soup, some seaweed salad and some steamed veggies – and only ate 1/2 of the last two. I had maybe 4 cups of tea, the rest water.
I am sure if I hadn’t eaten the Thai I would have lost more (.2 lb for the day).
My skin has cleared up and I am not feeling as bloated.
2 more days – if all goes well I’ll go through the week.
Anyone else doing this this year?
Update: tomorrow is my last full day on the Milk Cure 2014. As of this morning (day 6) I have lost 8.6 lbs – So i have 2 more weigh in days (day 8 am will be weighing for the week before). I feel less bloated and my movements are easier. I am getting a cold (thanks, grand kids!) so don’t feel my best. Skin is completely clear. Will update you at the END.
I hope things went well for you! I am going to do one soon.. thanks for posting what you did! 😀
OK – I am planning on doing a goat milk fast for at least 7 days AND PREFERABLY 14 starting 1/1/14. anyone else in?
This is an old thread so I hope it gets a response. Dairy causes me problems unless it is goat milk and cultured or fermented (kefir, cultured buttermilk, soured cream, etc). I assume the milk fast would work as well with these products since your not really adding anything but are making the nutrients more available to the body. Am I correct in assuming as long as it is a raw whole milk product the effects would be the same.
All I can do is state my personal experience – I do very very well on raw goat milk. I find cows milk doesn’t have any effects really – not good, not bad – but i feel great on the RGM and my allergies are much improved.
I do well on kefir, yogurt, etc with cows milk though – i feel better.
I find a lot of light skinned Scandinavians say the same thing – I have Danish and Dutch in me and a lot of English – but again, I hear the DOING WELL on DAIRY thing a lot from them.
anyway – try it! see how you feel. everyone’s different
The original report from 1929 used Guernsey milk, which is primarily A2. Most US milk is A1. I suspect that a milk protocol would be much healthier with A2/Guernsey milk…
Also, in 1929, the milk very likely had lower estrogen content. Today, cows are milked until just before the calve, and at the end of the pregnancy the estrogen content rises dramatically.
So hope it is all working, if you can find milk closer to 1929 it might be better.
Is this fast only recommended in the spring?
I am game!!!!!! I look forward to doing this fast with raw goat milk.
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does the milk diet work with frozen raw milk?
Would love to participate in a 2013 group raw milk fast! Any planned for this year? Hope so!
Joanie – you are so great to keep me posted. Please tell me how your digestion is, how your body feels. Do you feel strong, rejuvenated, better for doing this cleanse? How does your hair and skin feel? Healthy? Thank you for the post! Blessings to you…
Robin – I felt great. will do it again.
my hair was a little moister but my skin cleared up completely. digestion was great – sleep was good. 7 days, lost 8.5 lbs – NO WAY i could drink my allotted 12 glasses a day to maintain my weight – was lucky to get in 9.
by day 6 though, wanted to CHEW so unsure now long i could do long-term.
but will definitely do again.
Remember, I did raw GOAT MILK though………………