How one mother began her recovery from Lyme disease using the traditional technique known as The Milk Cure used by the forerunner of the Mayo Clinic.

This amazing story was sent to me by Melanie, a Mom who, for over 100 days, fasted on nothing but raw milk to heal Lyme Disease.
No other Lyme Disease treatments, conventional or otherwise, had worked for her over the past 4 years.
Her healing journey is based on the use of raw, pastured milk for reversal of serious illness as practiced in the early 1900’s by the Mayo Foundation, a forerunner of the famed Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota.
If this story is of interest to you, read more about how to do a Raw Milk Fast yourself.
Here is Melanie’s story in her own words ….
From Normal Mom to Near Invalid
Four years ago I was an active wife and mother: cooking, cleaning, running errands, volunteering at my daughter’s school — the usual “stay at home” mother activities. Without warning, I suddenly became very ill after being exposed to loud noise for several hours.
I developed excruciating pain in both ears and was subsequently diagnosed with “hyperacusis”, painful sensitivity to sound. I could not bear any noise louder than normal conversation without intense pain and became confined to my home. At about the same time, I began suffering from severe insomnia and night sweats, and I began to rapidly lose weight.
I developed muscle and joint pain over my entire body, and my muscles became so weak that I could not turn on the shower or lift a glass of water to my lips. Eating was painful because my stomach hurt, and my muscles twitched so badly it made the bed shake. For months my face was swollen and I developed spontaneous bleeding underneath my toenails causing them to turn black.
Inexplicably, my body seemed to be “falling apart”!
Lyme Disease Diagnosis
After having numerous diagnostic tests I was told my blood was too thin, my blood sugar was too high, I had no detectable good bacteria in my intestines, and my body had an extremely high level of an enzyme with a long name we’d never heard of before.
My immune system was so dysfunctional that I tested allergic to nearly 80 foods.
After seeing many specialists to determine what was wrong, I was finally diagnosed with Lyme disease, a chronic debilitating infection caused by a tick bite.
During those months while we awaited a diagnosis, different doctors had prescribed various medications and synthetic vitamin supplements to treat my symptoms. Although we did not understand why at the time, all of them made me terribly ill and I was forced to discontinue taking anything (in hindsight that was a great blessing, as we would later learn those unnatural substances were only adding to the toxic burden on my body.)
We were grateful to have a diagnosis of Lyme Disease but knew that, in my weakened condition, I could not tolerate any medical treatment. With no good options and my physical state rapidly worsening, we did the only thing we knew to do: called the elders of our church to come anoint me with oil and pray for my healing. Knowing that Jesus had said, “The truth will set you free”, I set out to discover his truth for my physical body. What was the underlying cause of my illness? Why was my immune system so weak? How could my health be restored? What did he want me to eat? In my search for the truth, the answers to those questions would change the course of my life.
Determined Quest to Detoxify
One of the first things I learned was that, whatever the diagnosis, there really is only one chronic disease — toxicity and nutritional deficiency. Basically, my body had become overloaded with toxins and was unable to function properly. Just as there was only one disease, there was only one cure. I needed to eliminate (as much as possible) the toxins coming into my body, cleanse my body of stored toxins, and provide it with the nutrients it needed to repair and rebuild.
Since I would not be taking medication or supplements, food would be my “medicine”.
After much research, I cut out many things from my diet in a quest to quell my Lyme Disease symptoms : additives, preservatives, artificial flavorings and colorings — basically all processed food. I also eliminated soy, gluten, yeast and sugar. I ate only what was organic so as not to ingest pesticides.
Over a period of two years I experimented with eating different foods that were supposed to have healing qualities: goji juice, acai powder, coconut oil, raw garlic, cultured vegetables, freshly made vegetable juice, raw apple cider vinegar, manuka honey, non-gluten grains soaked overnight, sea vegetables, grass-fed beef, sea salt.
For months I ate six raw egg yolks a day from a local farm. I consumed gallons of raw coconut kefir and homemade bone broth. I ate dozens of jars of raw nut butter and grass-fed ghee and drank only spring water.
After more research I learned that, even with my new eating plan, I had still been unknowingly pouring harmful chemicals into my body on a daily basis through toxic personal care items. I threw out all my health and beauty supplies and used only a bit of pure castile soap on my skin and hair. I discarded my household cleaning and laundry products and instead used vinegar, baking soda, and a dried fruit called “soapnuts”.
I replaced our teflon pans with non-toxic ceramic, and our plastic containers with glass bowls. I had a water filter installed in the shower and opened windows to air out our home. I bounced on a rebounder for half an hour each day to flush out my lymph system, and twice a day took a walk in the sun until my legs became too weak to continue.
With the elimination of many toxins and a complete change in diet and lifestyle, I did see some improvement. I could finally sleep, my pain lessened somewhat, and a number of my symptoms disappeared. I was able to start taking a plant-based digestive enzyme, hoping it would help my stomach.
Cure Lyme Disease with Raw Milk?
Still, I continued losing weight and was unable to regain my strength. My hair started falling out and I continued to have serious digestive problems. Despite eating large quantities of food, by last summer I had lost more than one-third of my starting weight.
Through my research, I had repeatedly seen how drinking raw milk had helped many people, but since I had such trouble digesting fats I had avoided it.
Then I read about a protocol from the early 1900s describing how doctors had used an exclusive raw milk diet to successfully treat every sort of disease. It was described as “a combination of a detoxifying fast and nutrient-dense feeding” — just what I needed.
I also read that fasting gives the digestive system a break so that all the body’s energy can be devoted to healing. Based on my research, and since it was becoming increasingly difficult to digest solid food, I decided to try the raw milk fast for 90 days or as long as I could tolerate.
I located a farm with raw milk about 20 minutes from our home. It is not certified organic although they claim to use many organic practices. The cows are grass-fed much of the year and eat hay in the winter. Although their diet is supplemented with a small amount of non-gmo corn and the milk is sold in plastic containers, it was the best we could find locally. Having little to lose, I decided to proceed with my plan.
The Milk Cure Begins
I began my fast on November 18, 2011, and from the beginning have been drinking about three quarts of milk per day.
Some of it I make into whole milk kefir. The rest I let sit out on the counter for 12-24 hours to come to room temperature (cold foods are bad for my digestion) and begin a natural souring process that increases the beneficial bacteria. I drink about six ounces every hour, sipping it slowly and mixing well with saliva.
I take part of a digestive enzyme capsule with it – this is probably not necessary, but I was reluctant to stop using the enzymes since they seemed to help me digest fats. I usually drink my last cup of milk around 8 p.m. and then go to bed since I know the body repairs during sleep.
Since beginning the fast, I have experienced many common healing “crisis” reactions: skin eruptions, itching, runny nose, headache, increased muscle and joint pains, sweating, body odor, gas and bloating, constipation, dry mouth. For two days the glands in my neck were so swollen that is was hard to swallow, and for several weeks I coughed up green mucus every morning. Some days I have had a strong chemical taste in my mouth. The past couple of weeks my legs have ached badly on several occasions making it difficult to stand and walk. None of these symptoms has concerned me, for I know that my body is flushing out toxins and ”cleaning house”.
Now for the good news: after four years of my body wasting away, I have gained 25 pounds and am back to a normal weight for my petite frame.
My hair has stopped falling out, my pain is gradually lessening, and I am slowly regaining my strength.
My sickly yellowish complexion has been replaced with a healthy pink glow!
How long will I continue my fast? I do not know. I am thankful every day for the healing power of raw milk and that I am on the road to recovery at last!
With all the folks, including myself, that read posts like this and don’t get any long-term results or an update, it is so so hard. You have to update us. This fuels so much hope and we follow all of these strange and lost methods for healing. We have spent our life savings based on testimonies and advice that leads to another dead end and are tapped. So please, I echo the requests here for an update. Some of us are desperate. If she is back at square one, then we need to know. If she is running marathons or doing laundry again, we need to know that, too! Thank you.
I’m sorry, but I don’t have any updates for you that she is willing to share. I doubt she is running marathons, which are unhealthy anyway and a great way to debilitate yourself in a hurry.
There is documentation to back this idea up in Stephen Buhners book Healing Lyme. He did extensive research in the scientific and medical literature. Borellial transmission from milk, body fluids and transmission from a mother to her baby in the womb have been documented.
As he puts it, pretty much none of the mainstream dogma about Lyme is correct: geographical distribution, modes of transmission (also other biting insects have been documented to transmit Lyme) possible symptoms pictures etc etc.
baa this sounds interesting but many people are lactose intolerant. For example I know a farmer who thought he could live on a diet based primarily on drinking goats milk. He quickly found out that he was wrong and he needed other sources of food so now he eats out often at steak restaurants and fast food places such as wendys. The truth is most adults have either a lactose intolerance or can only tolerate limited amounts of lactose.
If a cow has Lyme disease, can that spread by drinking its raw milk? Would love to bear your thoughts.
Have not seen any research to suggest this.
How about using colostrum capsules in conjunction with Proline rich Peptide sprays obtained from colostrum. They work wonders and they are not given enough exposure on their efficacy with issues like this.
Sarah, I am also wondering how Melanie is doing now several years later. Have her symptoms continued to improve and is her lyme cured or in remission? I believe I have been living with lyme for several years and now have lyme induced morphea/scleroderma.
Is there anyway to contact Melanie to converse with her regarding her healing with raw milk. I have been bed ridden for many years since 2008. I have neurolyme. I have lyme since 1997. I’m super sensitive to medications, food, environmental, supplements, cleansing programs, etc.
Hey, as a fellow Lymie, good on ya! I found out similar over trial and error when I went a few weeks drinking only milk. My theory is simple. Lyme in general needs manganese, and a whole lot of manganese at that. Milk has virtually no manganese. Over a long period of time of only milk, it depletes out all the manganese and dies. Your previous diet had a ton of high manganese and arginine foods, both of which feed lyme and viruses.
Sarah, What is the update on Melanie now, years later?
What this lady unknowingly was doing is to raise her GcMAF levels. As of this writing, 6-10 holistic doctors have been killed in a 2 month period very likely because they were getting too bold with claims that GcMAF could cure many if not most diseases of the immune system. Basically GcMAF can be made by culturing high protein unpasteurized raw milk using kefir grains. This is what this lady was doing. GcMAF is used by the body to activate macrophages (white blood cells) that are being deactivated by nagalase produced by the offending bacteria, virus or cancer cells. Of course, this is a cure that is actively being suppressed.
Where can one find supplemental macrophage activating factor? Or its precursor. Seriously interested.
2 yrs into neuro lyme – bartonella at this point – I almost thought about trying this. Though- I wouldn’t trust anything that might be able to transfer more spirochete types of agent.
There are estimates that 500,000 people/yr are infected with tick borne infection. One tick can carry 300 pathogens. Lymes is one pathogen out of 300. Only 30% get the bull’s eye. The assays are not useful as they depend on a competent immune system and pts don’t have that with tick borne infection. The PCR techniques are not useful as they just tell a person that they’ve been exposed.
In the U.S., 20,000 women get ovarian cancer each yr (had female relative with this) and the amount spent on research is in the millions. The U.S. Government has spent more on Ebola than tick borne infections. And what about screening blood for at least bartonella which lives in blood cells?
It’s quite incredible: the lack of medical care, accurate data and continued suffering for 100,000’s of people.
raw milk organic in my opinion is something we should all be using. I use Gcmaf for Lyme and i think if ever vaccinated we all need to be. The nagalase from vaccines is main cause of disease and cancer