My family has been drinking grass-fed raw milk for almost 20 years now. Since that time, I have watched the war against farm-fresh dairy evolve from something the government basically ignored (because there were so few people doing it) to the present day policy which is to harass and illegally shut down small dairy farms across the county essentially bankrupting them in the process.
Remember the old quotation from Gandhi?
First they ignore at you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
We are clearly in the last phase of the war against raw milk and there is no doubt that the right for the consumer to choose healthy farm fresh foods will win. But there is still a long way to go.
This new phase of the raw milk war now involves consumers as well as farmers. Considered off-limits in the past, consumers are being harassed and threatened with trumped-up charges like allowing local farmers to deliver on their property.
Government officials are writing up phony cease and desist letters in the name of the FDA even where the FDA has absolutely no jurisdiction in order to frighten consumers away from procuring dairy from their own privately owned cows tended by farmers contracted with via herd share agreements.
Clearly these are desperate measures by a government that realizes they are losing the battle to scare consumers away from this healthy, nutrient-dense food.
In the early days of the war, government warnings that raw milk would make you sick and that those who drank it were playing Russian roulette with their health were enough to scare the majority of consumers away from seeking and trying it for themselves. With distrust of the government at an all-time high, these tactics are no longer working.
One gal new to farm-fresh dairy told me recently that if the government was against raw milk, that must mean she should drink it and that it was good for her!
With the old battle strategies ineffective, this new phase against raw milk involves trying to reason with consumers to dissuade them logically from consuming raw milk.  This “I’m one of you and here are my concerns” approach seems very real and sensible at first, but in reality, it is the propaganda snake simply shedding its skin and taking a new form all in the name of confusing the consumer into inaction.
Take a look at the slick, professional video below by “Food Poison Expert” and attorney Bill Marler. This short clip demonstrates this new approach to divert consumers away from raw milk very clearly. His website “Real Raw Milk Facts” even goes so far as to use the lingo of the Real Food movement.
Be warned if you are new to raw dairy. This tactic is just the same old raw milk propaganda repackaged in a more subtle and insidious way to infiltrate and fight the raw milk war from the inside and on the fringes of the Real Food Movement. Will it work?
Not a chance. Consumers are becoming way to savvy nowadays to fall for this type of baloney. But it is helpful to expose the new tools of war just the same.
There are so many comments, I am sure my won’t matter, but I need to share. I have put the info from wikipedia below. I looks like Marler has fought and won cases against processed food companies and fast food restaurants. No mention of grass-fed, pastured raw milk. If there had been cases, I would think he would have loved to mention them in the video. It is true that it is our responsibility to make sure our milk comes from truly pastured, tested and clean animals. But that is true of all our meat and food sources. GIve me fresh, clean food as God created and intended it to be. I am a healthy 67 year old with no disease, illness or incapacities of any sort. I am staying with my raw milk and local food! I intend to outlive Bill Merler with quality life! That, my friends, will be the ultimate test!
Per Wikipedia:
“In 1993, Marler represented a plaintiff in a case against Jack in the Box regarding the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, securing a $15.6 million settlement.[3] He subsequently directed his practice toward foodborne illness, representing many more people affected by diseases such as E. coli, hepatitis A, and Salmonella, among others. He has been involved in litigation relating to most of the large foodborne illness outbreaks in the United States, representing individuals against large companies such as Chili’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken,[4] Dole, and ConAgra”
Good to see so much commitment to food rights as the comments here suggest. I would take issue with the article’s main point, though, that the “new phase of the war against raw milk” involves “trying to reason with consumers,” as embodied in the Bill Marler video. Wish it were so, that the regulators and public health communities were engaging in more reasonable discussion than they used to. Marler is actually one of the more open-minded people, despite the tone and direction of the video. No, the FDA and its cronies at the state level are as adamant as they have ever been, probably moreso. If there is a new phase of the war against raw milk, it is the regulator attack on private distribution, as indicated by the FDA’s suit against Daniel Allgyer in PA and the offensive against herdshares in CA. My guess is it’s going to get worse before it gets better. The best hope for success is farmers and consumers standing up for their rights.
I’ve always wondered why people get upset about this website. I’m a big proponent of a free marketplace of ideas and I hope to see many more web resources beyond those from WAPF and the FDA. Raw milk consumers strike me as educated enough to wade through the information and make the right decision for their families. Raw milk is neither the best decision for everyone nor is it a deadly decision for everyone. People need more information to decide where they fall on the spectrum.
oh, and too, why isn’t it illegal to buy sprouts and leafy greens if they’re just as dangerous? i can see warning people about ‘consuming at their own risk,’ but making it illegal just seems silly.
if the whole problem with drinking raw milk is that feces might come in contact with the udder, why don’t they just suggest washing the udder before milking? seems like an easy enough fix. i just think it’s ridiculous that in the last 80 years of milk pasteurization, no one has stopped to consider that our knowledge of sanitation has advanced (although, admittedly, sometimes not for the better – triclosan, etc.), and we now have access to easy refridgeration. those two things alone should make a huge difference in the likelyhood of catching a disease from milk.
i’m hoping you’re right that we’re getting closer to a state where we will win in the fight for raw milk. i live in iowa, where it is illegal to buy or sell raw milk, and the only way to have legal access to it is to have your own cow – something that’s not practical for a family with a small lot in the city! i’ve been praying we’ll win soon – i would love to know my kids are getting the benefits of drinking raw milk.
Wow… not raw milk! Not sprouts, greens, and carrot juice!! How would the world survive without the “kill step!”
Most ridiculous video I’ve ever seen…. by far.
Well, I thought it was a pretty slick video and almost convincing until the end when he said avoiding anything food wise that had health claims and “religious” claims. What the heck was that supposed to mean? Religious claims for raw milk? Maybe he was referring to those terms like “sacred foods,” That Sally Fallon talks about frequently. Not sure! I’ll now check out their website. “Know thy enemy!” After that, I’ll go down to my local natural foods store and buy another quart of raw milk from Organic Pastures and thank the Lord, oops, is that too religious? I’ll thank the Lord that we can buy raw milk legally in California!
Avoid foods that have health claims – LOL What a joke. Look at 90% of the processed foods in the grocery store, they all have some sort of ‘health check’ symbol on them, or some kind of claim to fame. Pffft.
Let me tell you about Mari. She lived in a small town in Northern California. A friend of hers ran a goat share program. She was a WAPF member. Everyone was drinking the milk. People told her to try the milk. Come one Mari. It is safe. It is tested. A pathogen has never been found in the milk. She finally tried it and it was the worst choice of her life.
And now she’s done a 180 and dedicated her life to stamping out the scourge of raw milk.
You know, if I posted a video about one child that was permanently damaged/killed by a vaccine, you would probably reject it saying that’s anectodal evidence. Isn’t this the same thing? It proves nothing. We all know the risks, we visit the farms, we see the process, we talk to our farmers, etc. It’s a conscious choice. If a ‘newbie’ wants to try raw milk, he/she is encouraged to get the information for themselves and make their decision. There is no force. All we ask is for the freedom to make such a choice. It’s noone’s business what I eat and drink. I’m not forcing it on anyone, I’m not advertising it – I’m only educating those that want to hear.
In this link, only the first part is viewable. Is there another link? I’m very curious to read the whole story, but 2/3 is missing.
Also, I’d like to know what kinds of ‘organic’ foods she was eating. Most ‘organic’ foods are just organic versions of processed junky foods.
And if she was following the ever popular ‘high carb(fibre)-low fat diet that’s been pushed by health ‘professionals’ for the last 20-30 years, then she definitely wasn’t actually healthy. Those diets erode your health and unfortunately it doesn’t become apparent until later in life, when often, it’s too late. Your body can only handle so much and then it begins to shut down.
I’m sorry your daughter got sick, but I find it very, very difficult to believe 1 glass of milk made her THAT sick. And since the rest of the story is missing, I got the part where her son drank a glass, but not what followed – did he end up sick as well?
Mary, do what you want, you should not be vilified for your choice. Free Americans have the same privilege. It’s not about whether milk should be raw or pasturized, but whether any legislative body should make that choice for free citizens? I would hear their recommendations, but in the end it’s the choice of each to weigh benefits and risks and make a final choice.
I used to take expensive medicines with proven risks and side effects, that was a decision I made, now I choose to eat real, unprocessed food and no longer take the medicine. Processing foods remove potential risks from bacteria and contaminants but add risks of chemicals and toxins. Either way, there is risk and responsibility, and either way our choices should be protected by a free government. Our opinions may differ, but let’s agree to respect the right and freedom we have to hold those differences.
Ok, so to address multiple comments:
1. I am wide awake, thank you, and very familiar with Farmageddon, it’s a well done documentary and I would encourage anyone wanting to learn more about small Ag. in general to watch it as a part of their education.
2. I have been visiting small dairies & cheese makers in my area (Pacific Northwest) for about three years now. I interned at one of my favorite sheep milk creameries for a short stint before opening my shop to gain more experience in a very hand’s-on way. That creamery produces beautiful raw milk cheeses that I love dearly. They, along with dozens of other regional cheese makers, have been producing their product without incident. I would encourage anyone reading this to look into the number of small dairies/creameries (raw milk or not) in your own area, get to know them, find out where and how you can purchase their goods, continue to support them as much as possible.
3. I did not, and would never, say that the FDA is always objective. However, food safety and small Ag. are not exclusive. In a perfect world, we would have the choice to purchase raw milk products if we so choose, thereby taking on the responsibility of foodborne illness should we encounter it. I do this on a regular basis by eating raw shellfish, undercooked meat, and raw milk products. I don’t want that option taken away from me either.
As it is, people have the option of choosing raw milk product or pasteurized as they see fit. That option should always be available, plain and simple.
My point is, if you are afraid that the FDA is moving in a direction that will rob you of that choice, then do something about it beyond flaming websites and blogs claiming that choice is under attack! Like it or not, our governing bodies have the final say in how our food is produced and distributed. This is not the time to cry “Down with the Man!”, rather it is a time when your collective voice can have the power to influence new regulations.
You all are avidly supporting small dairy farms, and good for you! Keep on doing that, put your money where your mouth is. But to take it step further, in keeping with those you support, firmly plant your grass roots by doing whatever it is you can on your local level to make sure your state representatives know how you feel. Write letters, start petitions, create awareness in your community, be an activist instead of just another person following a blog.
What exactly do you propose a person do when the men with the guns say, “We don’t care, this is the way it’s going to be, and if you disobey, we’ll shoot you”?
Cite even one such situation where that has happened. Seriously.
Somebodys living in a fantasy world. The government doesn’t know anything about real health.
Sheri apparently lives in the fantasy world where laws are enforced with a stern word and a wagging finger, rather than guns.
Here’s one:
I agree that people should do all they can. My personal political philosophies are somewhat different from what I suspect yours are, but I may be wrong on that. And either way, I do all I can to stay involved and make correct choices with my dollars, my votes and my voice. Eventually we will succeed. It is not perfectly legal where I live. The government agencies here are acting in direct contradiction to the judicial ruling that granted our state herdshares and so far that is not being corrected. But I have faith that we will succeed eventually.
Another great post! Thanks so much for all the wonderful info.