The dangers of chewing gum frequently or for more than a few minutes at a time and why it can contribute to the development of digestive disorders and mercury toxicity among other problems. This habit can be particularly problematic during pregnancy.
Chewing gum is a popular activity for people of all ages. I remember becoming quite proficient at blowing very large bubbles at summer camp one year. From then on, chewing bubble gum became a favorite childhood pastime of mine. Besides the bubble blowing, I got pretty good at peeling the gum off my face too!
While chewing gum may be fun and a good way to kill time or stave off boredom, is it a healthy activity? It seems like some folks chew gum every single day. Are there any health issues to be aware of from too much chewing?
Chewing Gum is Full of Chemicals and Artificial Sweeteners
Probably the number one reason to avoid most chewing gums is that they are loaded with chemicals, additives and synthetic ingredients.
GMO corn syrup, artificial colors and flavors, aspartame, sucralose, or other unhealthy sweeteners like xylitol (and the list goes on) are enough to cause any label reading parent to steer clear of these seemingly harmless treats.
It is surprising how some caregivers who would never dream of giving a child a diet soda don’t think twice about doling out sugarless gum with similar potential for neurotoxicity.
Healthfood stores do offer some decent alternatives, but in my experience kids don’t seem much interested in them.
They want the brands their friends chew that come in the the brightly colored packaging and have everlasting synthetic flavors that don’t diminish even after many minutes of chewing.
To keep things simple, I’ve made the habit of simply not buying gum at all. If I really need to chew something on occasion, I keep this healthy gum alternative in the pantry.
My kids do occasionally get a wad of gum at parties and whatnot. We don’t live in a bubble, so this is going to happen occasionally. But, this is an exception rather than the rule. I do try to make sure they don’t chew it for long though!
Uses Up Valuable Digestive Enzymes
It is not well known that the amount of digestive enzymes your body can produce in a given lifetime is relatively finite. Chewing stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes to prepare for food that never arrives in the stomach.
Doesn’t it seem like a waste to use up your precious digestive enzyme reserve of these valuable, live proteins on such a useless activity?
If you chew gum frequently between meals, it is very feasible that you are using up your digestive enzyme reserves so that the next time you eat, you won’t have enough digestive enzymes on hand to fully digest the meal.
It is conceivable then, that frequent gum chewing gum can provide the perfect backdrop for the development of digestive disorders.
And, if you already suffer from digestive complaints, gum chewing should definitely be avoided!
Contributes to the Development of TMJ and Other Jaw Problems
Oral surgeons at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas contend that too much gum chewing causes jaw stress.
Dr. Sinn, a UT Southwestern oral surgeon, warns that jaw soreness, jaw “clicking” or pain in the jaw, head, or neck can be signs of TMJ syndrome and that gum chewing should be discontinued should such symptoms emerge.
Given that gum chewing is commonly used to relieve stress, Dr. Sinn suggests other methods for reducing tension such as squeezing a ball, relaxation techniques or regular exercise to avoid the risk of chronic jaw problems.
Gum Releases Mercury from Amalgam Fillings
Probably the most important reason to abstain from chewing gum is that it releases mercury from dental amalgam fillings.
A Swedish study found that people with silver fillings who chew gum for 5 hours or more each day had significantly higher levels of mercury in their blood and urine than those people with silver fillings who chewed gum infrequently.
Mercury levels in the blood, urine, and breath at exhalation increased in proportion to the number of silver fillings each study participant had.
Given that mercury is neurotoxic in any amounts in the body, it seems that chewing gum with silver fillings is best avoided. This is the case even if a person has only one silver filling.
Skip the Gum if Pregnant
For pregnant women with silver fillings, chewing gum can prove toxic to the fetus should any mercury whatsoever be released into the bloodstream.
Many pregnant women chew gum to help relieve heartburn or indigestion. Yet, the dangers of this activity if one has dental amalgams are not readily provided at prenatal visits even though mercury easily crosses the placenta.
And no, removing silver fillings while pregnant is not the solution either as it can do more harm than good. Just don’t chew gum during this time!
Can Chewing Gum Ever Be Helpful?
I remember after one particular dental visit years ago, my jaw became painfully sore.
The dentist had obviously overextended the jaw joint and the inflammation and pain was really excruciating for days on end. I tried to not talk much and eat only soft liquid foods to no avail. The joint just didn’t seem to get any better.
Finally, I decided I would try to strengthen my jaw by chewing gum for brief periods of time. This was an attempt to slowly rehabilitate it. An oral form of physical therapy, if you will.
After about a week of chewing gum for short intervals each day, my joint pain began to dissipate. Another week, and it disappeared completely. After that, I stopped chewing gum and the pain still did not return.
Chewing gum might also be helpful after meals when additional enzymes are needed for digestion. Chewing gum for a few minutes after eating does seem to help some folks avoid indigestion, heartburn, or reflux.
In some circumstances such as these, chewing gum can be therapeutic. In most cases, though, it should be avoided as an activity that really is not very health promoting.
(1) Chewing Gum Releases Mercury into Blood and Urine
(2) Health Watch – Gum Chewing
I heard a holistic dentist recommend Xylitol gum. Do you know anything about Xylitol?
xylitol is helpful in preventing cavities from what I’ve seen. But I have done too much research on that specifically.
Doesn’t Ramiel Nagel cite a study of it being toxic to dogs in his tooth decay book?
I stopped chewing gum quite a while ago, but I haven’t found a good, natural breathmint. Anyone have any suggestions? I often grab some Tic-Tacs for occasional use, but I know that’s not a good option at all.
I occassionaly use Spry mints (with xylitol) that I get from my local health food store or vitacost. They have some great flavors Lemon burst and berryblast are great! Not sure whats in tic tacs but I’m assuming these may be better 🙂 So you may try them.
Also Sarah, we don’t generally chew gum very often but when we do we chew Spry gum with xylitol. Is that an okay alternative or is there things in that I maybe over looking? Or possibly another brand that may be better? Anything you know about it would be helpful 🙂 Thanks so much!
My nutritionist friend told me about chewing beewax – she said it might exercise your face muscles and reduce/prevent wrinkles. In Russia I remember we chewed the sticky part of the tree trunks (sap is it?).It was prepared (boiled I think ) to get a constistency of a chewing gum.
Its nice that you share your opinion. Without out any sources/studies listed, this is just that an opinion. If you want to dissuade someone with a health background of any kind we’re going to want the evidence to support your claims. I’m not saying your wrong in what you believe, I’m just saying that more needs to be put into it if you want to express more than an opinion.
Hi ElizaBeth, sources for this article are at the end of the post.
…as if only healthcare professionals are smart enough to want sources cited. Funny. Arrogant, but funny.
Actually, Sarah… you’re not even quoting your sources correctly. Nowhere in the UT Southwestern Medical Center report does it definitavely say “Chewing Gum Contributes to the Development of TMJ and Other Jaw Problems”. Nowhere does it sasy “will” or “does”.. it says “could” and “may”. And as for chewing gum releasing the mercury from fillings… not sure about your dentist, but mine replaces all the mercury fillings with ceramic fillings in all his patients. Non-issue. Not ALL dentists are against chewing gum my dear… ever hear of Trident? Sugarless and “recommended by 4 out of 5 dentists”.
I found this entry very informative as I chew a lot of gum for only brief periods of time but I had never before considered it a risk @ all. It is true that I would never drink a diet soda or something w/ artificial sweetners but I chew gum in my mouth! Thanks for bringing this stange, but helpful topic up…especially w/c I have silver fillings! I think I will find some good breathmints!
i find gum to be helpful after taking FCLO. whatever gets me to take it, i’ll do! i wish there were some better natural options, but they really don’t compare to the nasty fake stuff.
I do know that a retired pharmacist had recommended my child chew xylitol based gum once when they suffered from an earache…maybe was suppose to help relieve the pressure in the ear? Either way, I think there are some pretty decent alternatives to the bad gum choices. Sometimes you just can’t “take everything” away from kids or they end up rebelling!
The Sticky Truth About Chewing Gum via @HealthyHomeEcon
I have Sjogren’s Syndrome and one of the most annoying parts of that AI disease is dry mouth. I’ve tried numerous gums over the past eight years and find none of them help. I tried xylitol and that burned my tongue so bad I was in worse shape than when I started. I’ve tried lozenges and mints also, to no avail. I finally resorted to ordering some real, old fashioned gum (yes you can still get it). I try to chew it for short periods of time and it does help, but nighttime is the worst.
When I was younger I chewed enough Doublemint gum to kill a small horse. I even slept with it in my mouth, how bad is that? Bad breath (whether you really had it or not) was such a stigma in the 70’s and 80’s that I wasn’t going to take that chance!
I now make my own dental products and am happy with them.
I’m sorry…but I cannot remember the last time I read a positive blog post here. Every.single.thing is a complaint or gloom and doom, bashing someone or something. Where is the “here’s something great and exciting in the world today! here’s something to make you smile! here’s something someone is doing right!”. Your readers could sure use it…
Yesterdays blog was strange, but positive, as are many of Sarah’s blogs.
I don’t think this post is negative at all. Just talking about things to watch out for if you chew a lot of gum. At the end I talk about when chewing gum can be helpful and where it helped me in the past. I thought it was a very balanced post overall.
I, for one, am grateful for Sarah’s posts. They are poignant, informative and practical. The Real Food Media bloggers are an outstanding source for people trying to get the most health and vitality for their families. We should be able to get this kind of information from government agencies and news outlets, but they are so beholden to large corporations, that they really can’t trusted for reliable information.
Good job, Sarah.
Amy Durham,
If you don’t like the blog…why are you here and reading it?! The great majority of us appreciate Sarah and all the information she provides!