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I spend quite a bit of time each week answering comments on my blogs, both old and new. I love answering comments and no question is ever a “dumb” question in my book. The only dumb questions are the ones that never get asked!
That being said, there are always a few comments each week that really grab my attention for whatever reason. To give you some idea, I was having lunch with my husband yesterday and was telling him about this absolutely brilliant comment by a reader that I was still marveling about. He immediately suggested that I do a weekly blog spotlighting standout comments.
What a great idea!
So here I am, kicking off a new Friday series that will spotlight a few brilliant comments from the prior week.
Be advised that, on occasion, I may spotlight a truly boneheaded comment as well. Boneheaded comments typically come from conventionally minded people with a bad attitude who make some lame, in the box, propaganda statement without even reading the post and considering “the other side of the story” so to speak.
I have no problem with comments that aren’t in agreement with what I write. We all have our own perspectives after all. It’s those comments which don’t even consider the other side and the commenter makes this known in a manner that is rather rude that causes me to take issue.
Brilliant or boneheaded? Let me know what you think! Here are the spotlighted comments from this past week:
Brilliant Comments
From Christin on Fish Eggs: A Superior Source of Vitamin D:
“Salmon roe was one of my babies 1st finger foods. They love to grab the tiny eggs. Way better than cereal “O”‘s…Yuck!”
Christin, my jaw was on the ground after reading your comment. What an excellent idea to give babies little fish roe to munch on as a finger food! I never did that when my kids were little even though I knew all about how wonderful and nutritious fish eggs are and what a much better choice they would be than those nasty, nutritionless Cheerios and other boxed cereals! I wish I had done this too!
Another excellent comment by Michelle, regarding Seedling Garden in 95F Heat:
“I’ve had a garden here in Lakeland, FL for a couple of years now and here’s a few things I have learned. In this area, you want your spring seedlings to be in by late February. Also, if it says FULL SUN — it’s doesn’t mean Florida full sun. Most plants need a break from the heat here. If your garden is near concrete, it’s even hotter. The concrete will reflect the light and heat making it harder to grow things. Over the summer, just plant cover crops. It’s basically our “off-season.” You can do well with black-eyed peas and Sunflowers at that time. Then get ready for the bigger growing season by planting again in September.”
Thanks Michelle for the Florida gardening tips. I will be planting again in September per your advice!
And finally, a brilliant and insightful comment from Elizabeth on A Tale of Exploding Watermelons and Fruit Fed Fish:
“Pretty soon I will give up grocery shopping altogether. Nothing is safe unless you grow it or kill it yourself. We need a serious food revolution that will take down Monsanto and eliminate the chemical pesticides and fertilizers from our food supply and we need it yesterday. Those of us who can garden and buy local meats at reasonable prices are somewhat in the minority. Everyone else is either too broke to buy the organics at the store or are going broke doing so! It should be a RIGHT to buy chemical free food. It should not be a “lifestyle choice.” That type of thinking just leaves out a lot of people who just plain can’t afford it. And that is a human rights issue.”
Elizabeth, I honestly never thought about all this food mess we’re in as a planet as a human rights issue but that is a slam dunk observation! People really do need to have a food revolution in their own homes as buying organic produce and avoiding fast food is not going to get them healthy. We are so far down the rabbit hole on this one that only drastic changes to how we grow, source, shop, and prepare our food is going to make any difference in reversing the epidemic of chronic disease in ourselves and our children.
Boneheaded Comment
Unfortunately, there were a few boneheaded comments this week as well. They were from several dentists that converged on the How I Healed My Child’s Cavity post. One of them actually called me a flat out liar!
This comment from Kent G., DDS:
“My friends and colleagues Adam, Marc & Grisha are on point here. This type of anecdotal evidence is worthless if not backed up by clinical, reproducible results. There is a scientific method for a good reason: it works! If you want to convince anyone with a scientific background or an analytical mind, you need to approach the forum of discussion with a modicum of scientific evidence. Otherwise, you’re embarrassing yourself, as are the sheep of your flock.”
Dr. Kent, anecdotal evidence is far from worthless particularly with all the flawed and blatantly false “scientific” studies that are being exposed these days! It is the patients that assume cavities always need to be drilled and filled and that there is no other way than brushing and flossing teeth to prevent them that are the real sheep! I personally don’t need a scientific study to tell me that I see a hole in a tooth one day and that the hole in the tooth is gone a few weeks later. If you cannot respect a well researched book such as Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Dr. Weston A. Price DDS and his observations about how nutrition can heal and prevent cavities, then no scientific study will convince you either.
Thanks to everyone who posted comments this past week! I love reading your ideas and insights and understanding what is on your minds and hearts. Keep ’em coming! Another edition of The Weekly Comment Spotlight will be posted next Friday!
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
Although I’ve always been a bit alternative, when it came to my teeth, I didn’t really know what to do. I ended up with 5 root canals. I wish I knew differently and had heard more of the “anecdotes”! Now, there’s really not much I can do except focus on being healthy. I’ve found a better dentist who doesn’t believe in root canals, and does other things to help teeth (I’m not sure what). But still, my root canals scare me and I try not to think about them. If only….Dentistry really is in the middle ages if you think about it!
Five root canals, ouch! You might want to seek information from Dental Amalgam Mercury Solutions for info on the dangers of mercury and other dental materials, and how to address these issues if you’re having symptoms.
BRAVO, Sarah. Super series!
“It should be a RIGHT to buy chemical free food. It should not be a ‘lifestyle choice.’ That type of thinking just leaves out a lot of people who just plain can’t afford it. And that is a human rights issue.” I agree whole-heartedly. Who among us wouldn’t buy chemical-free foods if they were EVER affordable or even truly *available*?
Please answer this one…I have made a gallon of delicious sauerkraut; now I need to know the best way to store it. Kimchee going into the crock as soon as the kraut is out!! Thanks!
Refrigerator unless you have a cool cellar.
It is totally a human rights issue, no doubt about that. The Food Revolution needs to be brought to the forefront and it is only us, as consumers, that can make it happen!!! We need to be loud, we need to be proud 🙂 It’s so difficult though, to break through the corporations and their billions of dollars. It’s a sad thing that we have to fight for healthy, raw, proper food. We are not the sheep!!! Sheep toe the line and don’t question their leader. We are constantly questioning and researching and looking for the truth, trying to build a better, healthier future for our children.
An interesting person to check out is Ron Paul. He’s running for the presidency on issues such as human rights, freedom and less government along with less government involvement. He wants to get back to the constitution and what it stands for, which is far from where things are today. In Canada it’s not much different. I believe we have even more government ‘nanny state’ style legislature than the US and it’s so wrong. I wish I was in the US so I could vote for him next year!! The goverment has no business in our homes and most definitely not in our fridge!
Keep up the awesome work, Sarah. Yours is the one blog I go to daily and look forward to what you’re going to talk about next. My friend and I aways ask each other “Hey, did you check out the Healthy Home Economist website today?” 🙂
This is a great idea. I particularly like your answer to that dentist who claimed anecdotal evidence is worthless. All human civilization is based on anecdotal evidence, which is nothing less than our actual experience. Besides, the evemt you witnessed was completely consistent with the findings of Dr, Price.
EXACTLY Stanley! It’s not like I made this stuff up. I just followed what Dr. Price already found many years ago doing exactly what he advised and poof! same results. No big surprise except to folks who are locked into conventional thinking.
Great new series. Thanks!
No kidding. Remember when everyone “knew” margarine was “better for you” than butter?
Love your blog and your wisdom! Thanks for sharing!
I love this new idea, Sarah! Kudos to the hubby! As far as those silly dentists, I would like yo point out something that has annoyed me for years. People accuse the poor folks of the dark ages of worshiping their medicine men, healers, and priests blindly – like sheep. However, nowadays, if anything says “clinically proven” (please, someone tell me where this all knowing, omnipotent clinic is!) and is held up on screen by an actor in a lab coat, everyone bows down and says, “It must be good. It must work!” Why is a clinic hundreds of miles way better than my friend’s home? Why is a stranger decked out in a white coat more knowledgeable than my neighbor? We TODAY are the boobies who believe anything with no real proof.
Oops…sorry about my typos. My keyboard is a bit sticky!
Great comment, Andrea. I’ve always been fascinated with how much clout “actors in lab coats” have with my extended family. My husband and I are the only ones who are a normal weight, have no ailments, and have never needed a prescription drug, so you’d think they would be falling over themselves to find out what we do.
We are pretty healthy too, but no one wants to REALLY know what we do, In fact, my sister asked me if there is anything I don’t worry about because in her mind I worry about everything! I told her that I just like to be aware.
I lost about 50 pounds on a Candida diet. When I tell people that I eat meat (chicken, fish, beef, etc.) veges, a little fruit and a lot of butter, they immediately start talking about calories which had absolutely nothing to do with my diet. My diet worked on healing my gut, but people don’t want to hear that.
I know – everyone just says, “What good genetics you must have!”
We get the “good genetics” thing, too. I always think, “people, please…seriously…I SHARE YOUR GENETICS. What are the only differences? FOOD and opting out of the conventional medical system!!” Ack!
The “good genetics” line is always so funny to hear! Anyone’s genetics responds positively to the Real Food lifestyle! 🙂
I’ve been trying to convince some people on a pregnancy forum that they can reduce their chance of testing positive for GBS bacteria by eating a real food diet with probiotics. Pretty much I’ve been called a baby-killer for “not taking GBS infection seriously”. And, “everyone KNOWS that there is no other treatment for GBS other than antibiotics!!”
Seriously. I said does anyone really need a study to prove that a diet like the one people ate for thousands of years might be good for your immune system and reduce chance of infection? Sign. They are in the BOX.
Excellent comment Andrea! I think The Clinic is on I 95 South in Jersey 🙂