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Quick and easy test using a glass of water to tell if you have fresh eggs, moderately fresh eggs, or old ones that should be thrown away.

Don’t you just love the way truly fresh eggs look in a bowl after you crack them? The yolks are so perfectly rounded and the whites whip up into the fluffiest meringue!
Fresh eggs go with the territory when you purchase from a local farm. Good quality, pastured chicken, goose, and duck eggs sell quickly enough that there isn’t any need for the tricks the egg industry uses to prolong egg freshness.
These questionable techniques include chemical-laced washing, partial freezing, and cold storage for weeks at a time before they hit your supermarket shelf.
These practices differ considerably from methods for preserving egg freshness at home!
Even if you buy organic eggs from Whole Foods or other health food stores, it is possible to get old eggs.
Old eggs not only don’t taste as good, in my opinion, but they also don’t poach nicely into that perfect egg shape that sits so pretty on top of a slice of sprouted toast or sourdough English muffin.
Do you suspect your fresh eggs might be less than really fresh?
If so, here are two clues that you need to find another egg source as suggested by Kenji Lopez-Alt, Chief Creative Officer of Serious Eats.
The Julian Date Tells the Tale
In the United States, every egg carton sold in a store is required to be stamped with a number between 000 and 365.
This number is the Julian Date and indicates the day of the year that the eggs were cleaned and packed into the carton.
A carton stamped with 000 means the eggs were packed on January 1 and a number of 213 means they were packed on August 2.
The bottom line is that you want a date as high as possible ideally only a few days to a week from the Julian date of the day you are purchasing the eggs.
Do not look at the date just to the right of the Julian Date as this is the expiration date of the eggs and could be up to six weeks after the eggs were packed!
For example, an egg carton stamped with the numbers 015 Feb 28 means that the eggs were packed on January 15 but the eggs can be sold until February 28 – a month and a half later!
Who wants six-week-old eggs that the store can legally sell as “fresh”?
Not me!
The Float Test for Fresh Eggs
The second way to test the freshness of your egg is to carefully place the egg in a cup of water.
To test multiple eggs at once as shown in the photo above, use a large pot.
- The freshest eggs will sink and remain flat lengthwise at the bottom of the cup.
- Semi-fresh eggs will stand up on one end and not lie flat at the bottom. They may also partially float in the water but remain fully submerged.
- Old eggs that should be tossed will float at the very top of the water.
In short, the older the egg, the more it floats.
The reason the float test works is because an air pocket in the fatty portion of the egg increases in size over time.
This air pocket is the cause of the increased floating action of older eggs in the water.
Blood Spot Eggs
Another way to spot a fresh egg is to shine a light through the shell. This is called “candling”. If you see that the egg yolk has a blood spot, this is an indication that the egg is quite fresh.
While blood spots are fairly common, they don’t happen often in commercial eggs because eggs with any defects are removed before packaging.
Thus, this test is only helpful if you obtain the eggs locally from a small farm or market.
Overall, the float test is the best option to test all your eggs regardless of where you purchased them.

Why Freshness Matters
As with any food, the fresher the better….for taste as well as nutrition.
Who wants eggs that have been semi-frozen and in cold storage for weeks before you even get them home just to increase shelf life?
Certainly, this is not a good option particularly if you are soft boiling the egg to feed your baby the warm, liquid yolk as a traditional first food!
Fresh eggs also separate better. A nice, perky yolk can be separated easily with your hands without a single drop mixing in with the white to ruin your macaroons!
Finally, fresh eggs are so much easier to poach. Fresh eggs have tighter whites as well as yolks that retain their shape better as they cook.
So if Eggs Benedict or another breakfast egg recipe is your thing, you will want to ensure that your eggs are as fresh as possible.
And, don’t forget. Nature’s perfect food is delicious later in the day too. Check out these ideas for lunch eggs or dinner recipes using eggs to get you started.
More Information
Why Organic Store Eggs are a Scam
What Oxidizes the Cholesterol in Eggs?
Best Egg Substitute (plus video how-to)
I got eggs from a farm recently and almost all of them had red specks in them. Is that bad? Also why do eggs sometimes have specks of blood in them?
Another good idea is to find a buyer who will tell you when their eggs were laid. If you’re buying directly from a farmer or in a farmers market, they should be more than happy to tell you how many days old their eggs are.
Hopefully, you can find eggs so rich you can do this with them:
Hey that’s a nice little trick.
I once bought some eggs at 7/11 and when I got home I was shocked to see over half of the eggs were cracked. I returned them and got my money back 🙂
Wow, this is such an ingenious test!!! Thanks for the post Sarah
I love this! I tried it and it really works! Thank you.
I am incorporating your soft boiled egg yolk diet for my baby every day. Couldn’t find a post that addresses this question:
1-Is one yolk a day sufficient or can I give him more? He is going to be 9 months old next week.
2-What about adults?? I have been taking “high quality” fish oil thinking it was benefiting me and my (nursing baby)…I want to take something to help my brain, too! I have never been an egg eater. I would never even touch them before a week ago! As I prepare it for my son I am getting much more comfortable with the idea of consuming it myself for the added benefits… After 3+ years I will be ditching the fish oil!!!
*My husband and I are even considering getting our own hens now…!
in order to have neon yellow whites the chicken food must be fortified with vitamin B2 (Riboflavin can be used as a deliberate orange-red food color additive).
Recently, I’ve bought farm fresh eggs from our local co-op. I keep getting eggs that have NEON YELLOW WHITES! I asked the producer, they don’t know what causes it. A friend says that means the chickens were eating really awesome stuff. Above a commenter mentioned that it meant that the chickens were eating excess corn and soy – I feel like it would be more common for ‘commercial’ eggs if that were the case.
Anyone have any personal experience with this?
I’m planning on having hens soon, but alas, I’m not there yet!
Eating corn will make the eggs more yellow. But I think the store bought eggs are pale also because the chickens aren’t getting much sunlight.
Love this post. I don’t think people realize how dangerous eggs can be. I have gotten food poisoning from them.