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How to halt severe tooth decay in a young child with dietary changes alone within a matter of days. No dental intervention or surgery required.

The CDC is reporting that preschoolers’ teeth are in really bad shape. In a startling trend reversal, the number of preschoolers with severe levels of tooth decay is rising.
Dentists everywhere are confirming this trend.
More and more preschoolers from all income levels have 6 -10 or even more cavities. (1, 2)
It doesn’t seem to matter if the child gets regular checkups or whether good tooth brushing habits are followed.
The decay is often so severe that the teeth are literally crumbling out of a child’s mouth.
The solution recommended by conventional dentistry is immediate surgery.
Multiple fillings and root canals in a single visit necessitate general anesthesia as a child that young cannot sit still for the length of time required to fix so many severely rotting teeth.
Sometimes sedation with laughing gas and a local anesthetic works, but not always.
Something is obviously very, very wrong with the diet of the vast majority of children to cause such severe tooth decay at such a young age.
Constant snacking on refined carbohydrates and juice is no doubt a big part of the problem as is the complete void of nutrient-dense foods in most children’s diets.
Conventional Dentistry Ignores Cavity Reversal
Fortunately, more parents are discovering the power of simple dietary changes to save their children’s teeth.
I’ve written before about how I healed my child’s cavity in a few weeks with dietary change alone. Â
No filling was ever required for that tooth. This was over 15 years ago!
How about severe and rampant decay in a preschooler’s mouth, however?
If you think that your child’s teeth are beyond help and surgery is the only option, there is hope!
The video below of how it only took 5 days for severe decay to stop with dietary change alone is sure to change your thinking about the possibilities for your own child.
Be aware that conventional dentists ridicule this approach. They never learned that cavities can heal in dental school.
However, the fact is that tooth decay CAN be reversed was documented and photographed by renowned dentist Dr. Weston A. Price in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
Just because conventional dentists don’t believe it, doesn’t mean it doesn’t work.
At the very least, dietary change is worth a shot before putting your child through surgery, wouldn’t you agree?
Simple Dietary Changes for Astounding Results
The protocol the Mom in the video below used for reversing severe decay in her young child is outlined in detail in the book Cure Tooth Decay by the late Rami Nagel.
I had the honor of meeting and conversing with Rami extensively about his views on oral health at a health conference in 2013.
I highly recommend his book as a must-read if you are having cavity problems in your child (or even in yourself!).
The Mom in the video below was told surgery was the ONLY way to go due to the severity of her daughter’s decay.
This conventional dentist was wrong!
Only simple dietary changes were required to fix this child’s severe tooth decay. This avoided certain surgery and likely general anesthesia.
Toddler Tooth Decay Halted
Please note that while dietary changes were responsible for healing this rampant tooth decay, a natural remineralizing toothpaste that facilitates the reparative process can also be helpful.
This brand of tooth gel and remineralizing powder is also safe and effective if you are not able to make your own.
Beware of commercial remineralizing toothpaste and treatments, including those sold at dentist’s offices.
Conventional remineralizing toothpastes contain fluoride which negatively impacts a child’s IQ, according to Harvard scientists.
Biological Dentists Recognize that Teeth Can Heal
I get many, many requests about who I recommend as a truly holistic, biological dentist.
I recommend Dr. Carlo Litano of in Pinellas Park, Florida (727) 300-0044. He has treated our entire family for many years.
He sees both children and adults and does phone consults for those who don’t live close enough for an office visit and may need a second opinion.
Medical tourism is a growing trend well worth considering as well.
Tell Dr. Litano that The Healthy Home Economist sent you and get 10% off your first cleaning or exam.
(1) Rise in Preschoolers Cavities Prompts Anesthesia Use
(2) Trends in Oral Health Status, CDC
More Information
Resolving Periodontal Problems with Bone Broth
Safe, Natural Alternative to Dangerous Baby Teething Gels
Coconut Oil Stops Strep Bacteria from Damaging Tooth Enamel
What is the True Cause of Crooked Teeth?
10 Signs Your Dentist is Truly Holistic
Avoiding Root Canals with Diet
Most Wisdom Tooth Extractions Unnecessary
Help! My 13 month old has started developing tooth decay on her 2 top front teeth (she started teething when she was 5 months, had lip and tongue tie which we worked on while she was 1 week old, now she has 16 teeth already!) shes breastfeed and home Cooked food diet 95% of the time. We have been trying raw milk, and fclo and butter, ghee, and homemade remineralizing toothpaste. But the decay has not stopped and today I saw a little chip on the side. I’m freaking out and I really don’t want to take her to a dentist….. but I will if I have to. What s going on? Any suggestions out there experienced moms?
Hi ,I have a 4 year old son which has a tooth decay most of his teeth at top part ,it has a black stain and it looks really bad,we brought him to the dentist and they said he needed surgery,well fine,but my concern is he’s experiencing a general anesthesia already because when he is 2years old he had biopsy and 1year later he had another operation of his ear which is another anesthesia putting on him,my question is do I say ok of what the dentist told me or is there anyway that I can avoid the operation?pls I need opinions and pls help me.
Hi, I am currently still breastfeeding my 21 month old 90% of the time and her top teeth are decaying and cracking and i am getting so worried!!! I’m more of a Natural remedy than medicinal cure in my household. We’re all Vegan, is there any recommendations beside the bone broth?
Hi Jenny, just wondering, did you manage to do something about your son’s decay? Im curious as my son is on the same boat.
My one year old (fully breastfed, no solids yet) seems to have chipped his enamel on his four front top teeth and now they are decaying???? AAAHHHHH I started giving him cell salts calc flour and calc phos 6x but haven’t found an exact doseage or frequency. What do you recommend to rebuild those teeth?? He is just now starting to eat some food, but still breastfeeding 90% of the time. I have never had this issue with my other 3 kiddos.
My granddaughter is 3 years old and she went to the dentist and has a small cavity in one of her molars. She goes to the dentist every 6 months, so this just showed up in the last 6 months. I would love to heal it naturally instead of having it filled. What do you recommend for her to take or drink. She eats healthy and brushes 2 twice a day and she even loves to floss. If you suggest Cod Liver Oil and raw butter, where and how much do I give her? Any suggestions please. Meme
We follow a healthy diet. WAPF/PHD. No grains except for white rice so low phytic acid. Soaked porrige or sprouted buckwheat about once per month. Have bone broth daily. To my horror yesterday I noticed my 6 year old (who always had perfect teeth) has a brown decaying hole in her molar! I can only think this is due to not having enough dairy in her diet over the last 6 months. I tested for having dairy sensitivity so while I’m working on reversing that I haven’t been using butter/ghee in family meals. I don’t give milk to my kids (as they have my gut flora so likely have issues too) but they do have raw milk kefir and sometimes yogurt. My 6 year old has started to dislike kefir a few months ago so refused drinking it. She became very difficult taking her cod liver oil and refused butter oil. But does eat liver weekly. So I just thought it was a phase she would grow out of and didn’t force her to have kefir or FCO/BO.
And now this decay happened! This is a huge worry. So I am upping nutrients. I have put her on Vit K2 MK7 100mcg daily. I’m going to be better at giving her gouda cheese. Will reduce the healthy sweet treats (honey/coconut sugar) and stop nuts for the time being. Beans are rare for us anyway. She has accepted that she needs to take the FCO and I have bought the butter oil in capsules just for her this time. Have also explained to her she needs to start drinking her kefir again. Will also try to give her an extra cup of bone broth daily.
I recently made a reminerelising tooth paste but we’ve always used natural ones anyway.
I am still in shock as I thought our diet was very good. Her cousins eat more poorly than her and have no decay! despite some of them haiving chronic digestive issues like Crohn’s!
Anyone have any ideas what more I can do? e.g. put something topical on her tooth in the hole?
Hi, I’m trying to save my little ones teeth. How do you make the remineralixing paste?
I know this is an old post, but I found this while trying to research some options of things to try. Has anyone heard of or tried calcium therapy? I am considering buying the starter kit but looking for someine who has tried it. This seems to make sense also from the nutritional side as those who have had success with diet.
Hi Liz
I havent tried but would love to hear any feedback if you have already tried the calcium.
I just bought the calcium therapy after reading your comment. Just wondering how it has worked for you. I am trying to figure out a way to use on my 3yr old. ????
Really look at fluoride, its not the wonder drug that doctors treat it as. Like at first it appeared to help bones because bone density goes up, but when they actually tested bone strength or additionally supplemented fluoride in old people things went very bad very fast, bone spurs additional fractures, not stronger bones. You probably think fluoride intake is binary like I did, however the CDC(the same people who recommend fluoride) has a nice chart showing how 12-15 year olds rate of mild or worse tooth fluorosis has gone from 10% to the current 42%. If fluoride can do so much damage to bones, why wouldnt it do the same to teeth? I believe boron may be a key to all of this–the US has one of the lowest intakes at about a miligram a day(compare that to about a 2mg per day intake of fluoride in fluoridated areas), and it actively seeks out and binds to fluoride at about a 7-1 weight ratio(and has all kinds of positive effects on bone health, reducing excretion of calcium, magnesium, increasing vit d, and arthritis, etc) They are pretty sure its an essential element, but gosh darn they don’t know how it affects these things. Could it be because it increases the excretion of fluoride?
Our dd is almost 18 months and her Poor front main Teeth are crumbling before my eyes. We avoid sugar, no junk food or anything…she started these problems when she chipped her two front teeth. Then fell again and chipped them more. I’m so upset. The dentist we went to said there was nothing they could do because of how bad they are. Not to mention, as some of you have said, she breathes through her mouth too. She was fine until the chipped teeth…I’m at a loss on what to do. I have yet to get the CLO/BO but we eat lots of veggies, make my own bone broth, use coconut oil, …it’s so upsetting.
You should seek immediate help from a Pediatric dentist,they have a different management when it comes to children.Remember,teeth helps proper nutrition,language,growth,aesthetics among other things!!!
Same here. My baby (15 months old) has very bad upper teeth. One of them is literally falling apart… I am using the cod liver oil and the butter, use bone broth and bone marrow, removed all the cereals from his food, brushing his teeth, but still nothing changes and the teeth decay is getting worse. The dentist told me we may have to give him general anesthesia to treat all the teeth altogether… But I don’t want to poison my child with anesthetics at such an early age. I grew up in a region where the water was heavily fluoridated and ended up having dental fluorosis which destroyed my teeth. For this reason I am giving my child only Eska bottled water. But nothing helps. It is so upsetting… I think the video with the miraculous 5-day reversal of tooth decay is just advertising the book. My friends children have been eating all sorts of junk food and they have perfectly white teeth… This makes me wonder…
Perhaps organic food is needed. Herbicides such as glyphosate remove minerals from the body. This is how they kill “weeds”. Planting a food garden is a good idea in anycase but can help offset the cost although the way to look at is food is food and the stuff they are selling if not food. There is no future with that the soils are already so weak without major change it can only lead to destruction.