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- Gum disease epidemic in pets fed store pet food
- the form of the food we feed our pets is crucial
- degenerative disease rampant in conventionally fed pets
- #1: stronger, healthier gums
- #2: clean white teeth
- #3: improved nutrient assimilation
- #4: weight control
- #5: less stinky stools
- #6: fresher breath
- #7: reduction in yeasty ear gunk/infections
- #8: softer, shinier coats
- #9: friendlier, more affectionate demeanor
- #10: healthy mental, psychological and physical stimulation
- Raw Fed Puppies
Is the concept of raw pet food a little too out of the box for you? How about homemade dog food or cat chow in general?
Have you been incorporating raw unprocessed foods into your own diet and that of your children to improve health, vitality, and immunity but are still buying store pet food for your furry friends?
If so, consider that Dr. Weston A. Price’s groundbreaking research on diet and its connection to human health has profound implications not just for our own health but for our pets’ oral and systemic health as well!
Gum disease epidemic in pets fed store pet food
Just as with human beings, one of the biggest health issues today in pets is that of poor oral health. The sad truth is that the majority of domestic cats and dogs fed a diet of commercial pet food these days develop either gingivitis or full-blown periodontal disease by the age of 3.
This is due in large part to the fact that all commercially available pet food is highly processed, and as such is extremely unnatural for our beloved animal companions to eat. This is because the pet food industry is all about profits, not our pets’ health!
Cans and bags of pet food usually contain large amounts of cheap GMO soy, grains and/or other starchy plant-based foods that are neither nutrient-dense nor are they natural fare for carnivores. So whatever nourishment these products may contain is not well assimilated by the animals consuming them.
the form of the food we feed our pets is crucial
Another factor is that the form of the food our carnivorous pets eat is critical to their oral health. And unfortunately, neither extruded, cereal-like kibble, nor mushy, ground, cooked canned pet food are the natural form of food for a carnivorous canine or feline to consume.
Here are some graphic photos demonstrating the difference between the oral health of conventionally fed pets as compared to that of properly raw fed pets:
degenerative disease rampant in conventionally fed pets
Once we begin to understand how inferior and downright damaging these highly processed diets of commercial pet food can be, their potential connection to the dramatic rise of chronic ailments in pets we’re seeing today becomes abundantly evident.
Such health issues include things like obesity, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, respiratory infections, ear infections, skin rashes, digestive issues like IBD, IBS, food allergies, constipation, diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, urinary issues including cystitis, struvite crystals (common in cats) and CRF (chronic renal failure), among others.
In contrast, many people who feed their pets a diet of whole raw foods, which includes raw meaty bones, hunks of raw meat, and raw organs, often notice a variety of benefits and improvements to their pets’ health.
** It’s important to note here that although I wholeheartedly support and promote raw feeding for dogs and cats, in no way am I suggesting here that raw diets for pets are a panacea, or that feeding your pet raw will assuage or resolve any or all maladies. **
Here are just a few of the many great benefits reported by people who feed their pets a diet of whole raw foods:
#1: stronger, healthier gums
When carnivores eat hunks of raw muscle meat and raw meaty bones, including attached sinew, tendons, cartilage, and other connective tissues, the ripping, tearing and gnawing they’re compelled to do with their teeth and jaws provides these animals’ mouths with a naturally beneficial scrubbing and flossing action.
The consumption of the proper, natural form of food for carnivores, along with all its scrubbing benefits, as well as the bioavailable nutrients such minimally processed foods contain all help to promote both superior gum health as well as excellent overall oral health.
#2: clean white teeth
The plaque and tartar that develop on the teeth of most conventionally fed domestic pets is due largely to the starchy, carb-rich ingredients found in almost all kibble, and/or the unnatural (for carnivores) mushy texture of canned pet food. Conversely, the consumption of whole, minimally processed raw foods does wonders to keep a carnivore’s teeth clean, healthy and white.
No more expensive pet teeth cleaning bills at the vet!
#3: improved nutrient assimilation
Since the digestive systems of carnivores like cats and dogs are specifically designed to digest and derive their nourishment from the raw meat, bones, and organs of other animals, it’s this food that supplies them with the most ideal, bioavailable, and easily assimilated nutrients.
#4: weight control
Overweight and even obesity in pets, especially those that eat mostly kibble, is an increasing problem. But most all pets that are started on raw very early in life as puppies or kittens have no problems with their weight, and many overweight animals that are transitioned to raw tend to lose excess ounces and pounds with time.
#5: less stinky stools
The stools of cats and dogs fed commercial pet food are usually unnaturally large and extremely foul-smelling. They also seem to take forever to break down. By comparison, a raw fed pet’s poop is much smaller, has very little odor, and rapidly crumbles to ash, quickly and easily biodegrading back into the earth – just like the natural scat of a wild carnivore.
#6: fresher breath
Most dogs and cats that eat nothing but junk pet food day after day have notoriously and often seriously nasty “doggy/kitty breath.” However just about anyone who has a totally raw fed dog or cat will tell you that their pet’s breath is MUCH less offensive than that of pets that eat nothing but conventional pet food.
#7: reduction in yeasty ear gunk/infections
When carnivorous canines and felines eat starch-filled kibble day after day, this can often trigger the accumulation of dark, rank-smelling gunk in the ears, or perhaps even contribute to chronic ear infections. Starting pets on raw early in life as puppies or kittens can often prevent such conditions outright, and switching adult pets to raw has been known to help mitigate or even heal them.
#8: softer, shinier coats
Many people whose pets are conventionally fed are unaware that their animals’ coats actually have a slightly greasy feel to them, and may even be somewhat dull in appearance. By contrast, most everyone who switches their pets to raw is amazed at how much softer and cleaner feeling and glossier their pets’ fur becomes.
#9: friendlier, more affectionate demeanor
Many folks who switch their pets are pleasantly surprised to discover that their animals suddenly seem to get friendlier and more interactive, and some even become more sociable and affectionate!
#10: healthy mental, psychological and physical stimulation
When a dog or cat eats some whole raw food, they’re compelled to use their minds, psyches, and bodies in ways they never would just mindlessly lapping up a bowl of kibble or canned food. Feeding our pets raw puts them in touch with their natural, innate, dynamic instincts in a way that feeding them junk pet food simply never can.
If you’ve only ever watched cats and dogs eat kibble or canned pet food, and have never seen one dive into and enthusiastically tackle a meal of whole raw foods, please check out the videos and photos below.
They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well once you’ve seen these pictures, I think you’ll agree that witnessing these animals eat first hand the way nature intended them to, truly does say it all – infinitely better than any words ever could!
Raw Fed Puppies
Raw Fed Kittens
Thanks for sharing this kind of information on raw feeding. I was wondering where a good resource is for finding out what fruits and vegetables are and are note good for your dog. There is so much conflicting info out there. Thank you.
Dogs are carnivorous animals. This means their bodies were made to thrive on a diet consisting primarily of raw animal parts – essentially meaty meat, raw meaty bones, vital organs and connective tissues.
Unlike that of an herbivorous animal, a carnivore’s digestive system is not designed to effectively break down the cellulose contained in plant matter. Therefore although you can probably feed a bit of fruits and vegetables now and then (for instance in the form of table scraps) the truth is that a dog’s body just isn’t very well adapted for extracting and assimilating the nutrients found in these kinds of foods.
Bearing this in mind, it’s easy to see why the more plant based (fruits and veggies) foods you feed your dog, the less room there will be on his menu for raw animal based foods, which contain the most assimilable form of nutriments for his body, and are truly the most nourishing and natural foods for him.
Check out this website, which has a list of all of the kinds of raw foods your dog can and should be eating to thrive!
Oh, and my understanding is that grapes should never be fed to dogs.
Although I can’t vouch for its accuracy, here’s a website I found with a list of plant foods that are toxic to dogs:
I’d love to start our 3 cats on a raw food diet. We’re lucky in that our farmer from which we buy grass-fed beef and pastured poultry also makes pet food from (I’m assuming) the by-products of their chickens or lambs when they slaughter. It’s not prohibitively expensive, either. So I picked up a quart of it and showed it to our cats’ vet and asked him if he had reservations. The only thing he brought up was the possibility of some deficiencies in taurine and…one other trace element, don’t remember what it was. But he thought I’d probably be able to buy a supplement and mix it in with the ground chicken. Does Linda have any evidence to support or debunk the idea that feeding my cats raw chicken or lamb will lead to taurine or other deficiencies? My vet said that deficiency would cause blindness long-term. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!
My understanding is that virtually all muscle from land animals meat contains taurine.
Essentially the more a muscle is used, the more taurine it contains. So for example chicken thighs and drumsticks are better sources of taurine than breast meat.
Heart, because it’s a muscle that’s in constant use, is an excellent source of taurine.
So as long as you’re feeding plenty of muscle meat, and perhaps some heart now and again, IMO there’s no reason whatsoever for adding any supplemental taurine to a well rounded diet of whole raw foods.
Just bear in mind when looking at how that quart of raw pet food is made that it’s best to feed whole raw foods as opposed to those that are ground. Also remember that some raw meaty bones must also be a part of the diet, as feeding just muscle meats and organs alone will not provide the calcium and other minerals necessary for proper nourishment.
Raw food should supply all the Taurine your cats need. I have four kittens right now that have been fed raw since I got their mom halfway though her pregnancy. They are the healthiest kittens I’ve ever seen or had.
Here is a quote (w/ link) that might ease your fears – Sources of Taurine –
If you want to get more taurine through your diet, think protein-rich foods. The amino acid is found naturally in meats such as beef and lamb, fish, eggs, dairy products and brewer’s yeast.
Wikipedia has this to say – Taurine occurs naturally in food, especially in seafood and meat.
Please, consider giving them raw chicken, etc. with bones intact. They can chew easily through raw chicken bones and the minerals they get will be very beneficial.
Renee N – How can you say you can’t afford it? I find that feeding my dogs with food I make is MUCH MUCH cheaper. And I have big dogs! Course as Linda will point out, it would be better if it was all raw and I didn’t mix in rice with the chicken and veggies but we aren’t talking about filet mignon here. I buy meat on sale when no one else wants it for super cheap and store it in my freezer until they are ready for it. If it’s steaks I can freeze them during these hot summer months and give them to them as a cool treat to gnaw on. Also meat and bones are a high energy food so you will find that you have to feed them a lot less that if you were feeding them kibble. If you don’t cut back in fact you will find yourself with a very overweight dog!
deb, I’d strongly suggest bypassing any large marrow bones for your dog, especially weight bearing ones like femurs or knucklebones from large animals like bison or steer, and instead feed him smaller, non-weight bearing bones.
The reason is that those big weight bearing marrow bones are so dense and strong (because they’re made to support animals that can weigh a half ton or more) that they’re actually harder than a dog’s teeth. So these kinds of bones have the potential to chip or even break a dog’s teeth.
Better to stick with ribs and similar smaller bones to prevent the risk of tooth damage.
Those puppies are so cute! They reminded me of a wolf pack eating a deer, only they are too tiny for that! So adorable.
I give my lab plenty of veg and a little fruit in addition to raw bones/organ meats, etc. I basically feed him whatever I can get locally in season, and he loves it all! One of his favorite treats is cantaloupe!
This has been on my mind forever with feeding our cat. He gets Origin. YUCK! I am nervous bec. we are on a health journey to reverse autoimmune. We are currently aggressively treating for Parasites. We have tapeworm, thread worm, pin worm etc…
My question is, when I am making chicken for instance, can I just cut off a chunk, put it in a bowl and give it to my cat? OR when I am making burgers, just give him a chunk of beef?
Then he eats it, and the raw meat is on his mouth, and then he licks us. Are we not effected? Just trying to process this all and do what is best for all of us. Very nervous to take this step yet I know its the best for HIM but is it the best for US, who are sick, and trying to reverse our illnesses?
Please check my response above, along with some relevant links, to a previous comment on this same subject.
It’s important to bear in mind here that many kibbles are already contaminated with varying degrees of bacteria. Due to such contamination, many of these products have caused sickness and even death in animals, and some have even caused people to get sick:
There really are no guarantees in life, are there?
I honestly don’t believe that if you’re ok with handling raw meat when preparing it for your own meals, that there would be any more risk of contamination to you or your family by being licked by a pet that has eaten that same raw meat.
I wish I knew more about what caused the lump on your dog’s side and how to keep it from growing, but I’m sorry I’m not familiar with that condition.
The only suggestions I would make would be in terms of tweaking your boy’s diet a somewhat by relying less on fish and including more large hunks of boneless red meat on his menu.
Remember that anatomically and physiologically speaking, domestic dogs are essentially gray wolves on the inside. This means they’re really made to thrive primarily on the flesh and bones of large ungulates.
When feeding prey model raw, the approximate percentages of body parts to aim for feeding over the course of time (ie not necessarily the same at every meal) are about:
80-85% raw boneless meaty meat
10% raw meaty bones
5-10% raw organ meat (with around half that amount being liver)
From your description of your dog’s diet, it sounds as if it might be a good idea to up the meaty (red) meat portion, and as I say, do your best to see if you can find a way to begin relying less on fish as a staple.
Not sure if this will have any effect on that lump, but you never know!
For the record, we had a raw-fed GSD with bad hips make it past age 15, and a chow mix who lasted 51 weeks after a metatstatic pheochromocytoma diagnosis (typical prognosis: 8 weeks) and was called a “walking miracle” by his vet. We switched the dogs to raw because of that diagnosis, so the helpful effects begin immediately. AVMA can stuff their opinion!
The kibble companies must have made a substantial donation to AVMA this year…
What a great article! I have a question, which meat is the most digestible for small-medium sized dogs? I have a miniature poodle and when I have tried him exclusively on grass-fed lamb or beef mince he gets very constipated and terrible breath… It makes no sense to me as obviously meat is what he is designed to eat, so I am hoping you can shed some light here.
I’d love to convert him to a 100% natural, ancestral diet (like his mumma!), so any advice on how to do this without slowing his digestion down so much would be much appreciated. I’m currently supplementing his food with grass-fed egg yolks, raw jersey milk, and homemade beef bone broth (no vegetables, just bones).
Thanks! x
Eliza, try adding a little pureed pumpkin to his food. Up to a tablespoon or so with each meal should get things moving like they should (start with a teaspoon). I feed mine mostly chicken and turkey, sometimes lamb. And once a week they get a meal of eggs with pumpkin and a meal of sardines with pumpkin and a small amount of green vegetables. I also supplement with coconut oil and kefir. And no bad breath!
I’d suggest feeding your boy WHOLE raw foods, that require him to use his teeth and jaws to rip and tear apart, instead of feeding him anything minced/ground.
Here’s an explanation on my website about why (just substitute the word dog for the word cat):
Also, the best thing to counteract constipation is to increase the amount of raw ‘squidgy’ organs you’re feeding, such as liver, kidney, spleen, etc. Feeding more raw eggs, including the whites, are also very effective for helping to get things moving.