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It’s no secret that couples these days are having an increasingly difficult time conceiving. Even young women in their twenties who should have no trouble in this area are sometimes finding it a challenge to let nature take its course. Diet is clearly a critical part of healthy reproduction and eating the correct foods to promote fertility is Job #1. It is a lesser-known fact that fertility herbs can play a huge role in this area.
It is often a simple and very straightforward process to assist the establishment of pregnancy using these safe and time tested plants to balance the female hormones and libido.
Fertility herbs are also helpful in nourishing the body and female reproductive system which in turn helps to relax the entire nervous system to facilitate conception. This can come as quite a surprise for some who had perhaps only been aware of herbs used for natural birth control.
Do you know how doctors are often prone to say to couples having trouble conceiving that the woman just “needs to relax”? While this is an irritating comment for any woman to hear who ready to have a baby, herbs for fertility just might help this to happen a lot more quickly by doing exactly that!
Best Fertility Herbs
Note that these powerful fertility herbs work most effectively in the absence of any structural problems within the reproductive system. Hence, it is best to discuss the resolution of issues such as endometriosis, fibroids or blocked fallopian tubes with your practitioner first.
Stinging Nettle
Nettle is my most favorite all around fertility herb. Not only does it tone and nourish the uterus, but it also promotes the strengthening of the kidneys and adrenal glands. If you are or have ever been a coffee drinker, this herb is for you!
One, two, or even more cups per day of this high mineral tea which is also loaded with chlorophyll (a detoxifier) for several months goes a long way toward preparing a woman’s body for pregnancy and for sustaining the embryo once conception occurs.
Nettle tea is also fantastic for preparing for the baby’s birth as it is extremely high in Vitamin K, which allows Mom peace of mind knowing that her newborn baby’s blood will already contain an ample amount. Oral Vitamin K supplementation is another excellent option.
Continuing to drink nettle tea while breastfeeding promotes successful lactation and a copious milk supply as well! A nettle infusion also helps with allergy relief from seasonal pollen issues as a bonus because it is a potent, natural anti-histamine.
Red Clover
Red clover is an excellent fertility herb primarily due to the high amounts of calcium and magnesium. These two minerals are believed to be of high importance in affecting a woman’s ability to conceive.
Red clover contains every single trace element needed by the glandular system. As such, this alkalizing herb is probably the single most effective plant used for balancing of the conception hormones. Balancing the body acid/alkaline pH and thereby the uterus pH goes a long way toward favoring conception.
Brew your red clover tea along with peppermint or another type of mint if you prefer. This acts as a sexual stimulant. To make a powerful infusion of these herbs in combination, measure one ounce of red clover and a teaspoon of peppermint. Steep in one quart of hot filtered water for 4 hours. Ensure the lid is tightly fastened to contain the steam.
Drink this mixture as desired once it has cooled down. Refrigerate in an airtight container.
Red Raspberry
Red Raspberry leaves, particularly the wild kind, are very high in calcium. Like Nettle and Red Clover, Red Raspberry leaves serve as a soothing uterine tonic and a very effective fertility herb.
The fertility promoting effects of Red Raspberry are enhanced in combination with other herbs, particularly Red Clover.
To make a powerful infusion of this herb, steep 1/2 ounce Red Raspberry and 1/2 ounce Red Clover in one quart of hot water for 4 hours. Refrigerate the unused portion after cooling.
With each cup of this herbal infusion, add 5-15 drops of either Dong Quai root tincture or False Unicorn root tincture. This will further enhance the fertility effects of Red Raspberry.
Conception Herbs for Him
Note that the fertility issues could be on his side. In that situation, consider using the benefits of maca to assist with improving sperm count and motility. Scientific research has shown that maca achieves this without increasing testosterone levels, unlike some other male supplements.
The process of encouraging ovulation using the power of light is called lunaception. This technique works very well when combined with fertility promoting herbs.
To establish the proper timing for ovulation, follow this routine. Leave a light on in your bedroom for 3 consecutive nights about midway through your cycle. All other nights should be total darkness. Get bedroom blackout curtains if necessary. You will ovulate on the nights when the light is on.
You and your Sweetie can take it from here!
Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, by Susun S. Weed
The Garden of Fertility, by Katie Singer
Hi, pls where can I buy these herbs thanks I
Links to suggested quality brands are contained in the article 🙂
Hi I’m 27 we have been trying to conceive for 2yrs now .After 4yrs of birth control. I don’t think I’m ovulating at all.can fertility herbs help me?
I could never get pregnant on fertility meds or anything. Wasn’t ovulating. I now have a boy who will be 6 months August 23, 2016. I was making a tea by brewing herbs from a mexican store that are great for inflammation. I have Polyscytic ovarian syndrome.. used to have extremely painful, heavy periods that were long and full of blood clots. I drank the tea every day and 4 months later after having such a regular period and a lighter, shorter, pain and blood clot free period for months.. got pregnant! Look it up! It’s called Estafiate. I used the brand La Costeñita. It’s bitter so I put honey and tea in it. Just drank a decent paper cup full of it daily. You can also google more herbs that are great for infertility. I actually went to the doctor to yet again try fertility treatments and found out I was already 5 wks 3 days pregnant and didnt know it! Goodluck!
Hi im a 25 year old…my hubby nd me hve been trying to conceive since last year nd still no luck…ive been on contraceptive nd went off it as we tried to conceive…Please any advice on wht to do next or whre we can buy these herbs from to try again plz do email me wld b appreciated alot tnx in advance.xoxo
I have been trying to get pregnant again for my second child but still no success.i have tested infections for the last 4months but still yet menstruation is becoming irregular and with the way am always having discharge I can’t seem to tell when am ovulating.pls any advice will do.
Can you continue using these three teas throughout the pregnancy?
You’ve mentioned Red Clover – however, in a previous article on your blog, and supported claims that red clover may trigger precancerous breast tissue. Can you help me to understand why you can tout it’s beneficial properties in this article if such risks are involved?
Thank you very much for your wonderful blog and brilliant work.
Nicole x
Hi Nicole, in this age of pollution everywhere and pseudo-estrogens ubiquitous to everyone’s living environment, even healthy herbs and foods like flax need to be considered carefully before consuming them. There is no right or wrong answer here … only information for you to consider. If you have a history of breast cancer in your family, probably best to avoid all estrogenic foods. If you do not, careful and moderate consumption is probably ok. Red clover is indeed an amazing and helpful herb, but consider its use carefully based on its estrogenic properties.
Thanks so much for your reply and time Sarah!
Much appreciated xx
Hi, i just came across your site from google searching ideas to help with infertility. I have unexplained infertility and was hoping to try something naturally while we save up for more treatments. My biggest question is can these herbs be taken any other way besides tea? For some reason i just don’t like tea.
Also i was wondering about Shatarvi, suggestions on how that is to be taken?
Hi Sarah, thanks so much for this post! Is anyone of these herbs particularly good for low progesterone levels?
Thanks for all that you do!!
Nettle is it decreases estrogen levels while increasing progesterone
What about herbs for men? They are half the equation!! Or do these work well for them too? Also, I’ve heard that just spending enough time in the sunlight will help to regulate hormones, cycle and ovulation. I get that the light is to simulate moonlight. What about leaving the blinds open on a full moon?
A delighting news indeed 4 me 2 hear about those herbs. I’ll try them 2 my sister who was another victim of infertility.