We are only two weeks away from the start of the world’s premier annual nutrition conference – Wise Traditions 2013.
With over 1500 attendees and over 40 speakers, this conference provides a lively three-day weekend of learning and fun. Many attendees return year after year, giving Wise Traditions the feel of a family reunion, yet newcomers immediately feel welcome. Conference fees include five delicious meals that incorporate the principles of healthy traditional diets.
Yes it’s true – Wise Traditions is a Conference where you can actually not worry about when/what you are going to eat as healthy, delicious, gourmet quality meals are provided! In fact, the food at Wise Traditions is renowned around the world as the best Conference food anywhere.
This year, the Conference will be held November 7-10, 2013 at the beautiful Downtown Sheraton Atlanta hotel, the first time ever in the Southeast!  Bonus activities will be held on Monday, November 11, 2013 and a can’t miss fundraiser dinner/dance/debate Thursday evening November 6 between Dr. Joseph Mercola and NY Times Bestselling author Joel Salatin (debating whether labeling GMOs is ultimately a good thing or not).
A Children’s Program is provided as well where young ones learn the basics of eating healthy while their parents attend the regular sessions.
Featured Speakers (including me – I speak Sunday afternoon!) include:
- Ton Baars, PhD, raw milk expert from Germany
- Ted Beals, MD, raw milk safety expert
- Robert Scott Bell, broadcaster, creater of The Robert Scott Bell Show
- Dean Bonlie, DDS, magnetism expert
- Adriano Borgna, LAc, expert on Chinese medicine
- David Brownstein, MD, author of Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
- Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom (NA), author of How to Raise a Drug Free Family System
- Gianaclis Caldwell, author of Mastering Artisan Cheesemaking
- Tom Cowan, MD, author of The Fourfold Path to Healing
- Hannah Crum, of Kombucha Kamp
- Kaayla Daniel, PhD, author of The Whole Soy Story
- Donald R. Davis, PhD, nutrition researcher
- Emily Deans, MD, evolutionary psychiatry blog
- Dina Falconi, herbalist, author of Foraging & Feasting: A Field Guide and Wild Food Cook Book
- Sally Fallon Morell, MA author of Nourishing Traditions
- Pat Foreman, author of Chicken Tractor, City Chicks
- Esther Gokhale, L Ac, author of 8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back
- Nick Gonzalez, MD, author of One Man Alone
- Deborah Gordon, MD, of Madrona Homeopathy and www.DrDeborahMD.com
- Joann Grohman, author of Keeping a Family Cow
- Shannon Hayes, PhD, author of Long Way on a Little
- Joseph Heckman, PhD, soil specialist
- Don Huber, PhD, researcher and GMO expert
- Lupa Irie, traditional foods expert
- Anore Jones, author of The Plants We Eat
- Pete Kennedy, Esq, President, the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- Leslie Manookian, producer of The Greater Good
- Chris Masterjohn, PhD expert on fat-soluble vitamins
- Richard Maurer, ND, of the Fat Back Diet
- Andi Locke Mears, expert on German New Medicine
- Dr. Mercola, www.mercola.com, author of Take Control of Your Health
- Ann Marie Michaels, social media and traditional foods expert
- Konstantin Monastyrsky, author of Fiber Menace
- John Moody, author of Food Club and Co-op Handbook
- Judith Mudrak, Bern, Switzerland chapter leader
- Sylvia Onusic, PhD, CNS, LDN, nutrition researcher
- Sarah Pope, author of Get Your Fats Straight
- Forrest Pritchard, author of Gaining Ground
- Janisse Ray, author of The Seed Underground
- Kate Rheaume-Bleue, ND, author of Vitamin K2 and the Calcium Paradox
- Mark Schauss, MBA, DB, author of Achieving Victory Over a Toxic World
- Kim Schuette, CN, Certified GAPS Practitioner, on GAPS and mental health
- Stephanie Seneff, PhD, expert on sulphur and vitamin D
- Heather Tubbs, Snellville/Stone Mountain, Georgia chapter leader
- Louisa Williams, MS, DC, ND, author of Radical Medicine
- Will Winter, DVM, expert on pastured livestock
This conference is a can’t miss if you want to really rocket your knowledge of traditional diet and holistic therapies for maintaining wellness to the next level! Â Every single time I have attended this conference in the past 12 years, I have come away with life changing information that I put into practice immediately upon returning home.
Below is a video sampling of the the amazing food you will enjoy at Wise Traditions 2013.
I so hope you will make plans to attend. Â I hope to see you there!
Click here to download the Conference Flyer.
Sarah, The Healthy Home Economist
I went last year for the first time, and I’m going again this year. I’m excited about it, but completely unfamiliar with Atlanta and a little worried about flying across the country, getting to the hotel and back to the airport, etc.
I am so excited to attend this year in Atlanta as a Winner of Green Pastures Air Fare Contest! (Thank you Green Pastures!) This is a dream come true!!!
I’m so excited to be able to attend this year. I live in Atlanta so this is my first, best opportunity. My husband and daughter will, also.
This conference looks just great. My hope is to one day attend this event. Imagine all the networking and human connections that can happen. It sounds great and I’m looking forward to what people will experience.
Probably one of my bigger regrets was not being able to go to the conference the year it was in Dallas; it just couldn’t get much closer than that for me! So if you are in the Atlanta area or able to travel to that area: GO! Don’t live with my regrets:-)