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While the American Dental Association continues to insist on the safety and “enviable 150-year track record” of amalgams (aka, “mercury” or “silver” fillings), undertakers in the country of Scotland have found otherwise.
The UK’s commitment to the Kyoto Accord to reduce worldwide pollution from toxic chemicals and vapors requires that crematoriums halve their mercury emissions. (1)
Cremation of bodies with amalgam fillings pollutes the atmosphere with airborne mercury which contaminates waterways and is easily absorbed by plants and wildlife. Mercury emissions are linked with birth defects, multiple sclerosis and kidney disease among many other ills. (2)
If something is not done to cut mercury emissions from crematoriums, they are predicted to become the largest source of mercury pollution in Britain, accounting for more than 35% of emissions in the entire UK by 2020. This is THREE TIMES the level of mercury pollution from coal-burning power plants!
To meet the new requirements, Scottish undertakers will either have to pull amalgam teeth from the corpses prior to cremation or install expensive air filtration equipment that would raise the cost of cremation significantly. Undertakers favor pulling the teeth as opposed to installation of the costly filtration devices.
Amalgam Fillings Are Clearly Not Safe
The data just keeps coming that the mercury in amalgam fillings are a health robbing hazard. They are a hazard not only during the life of the person who has them in his/her mouth but also to the surrounding community after death.
If you are not convinced, it is best to research the issue yourself and come to your own conclusions as asking your conventional dentist (who will simply parrot the standard ADA answer) will generally not prove helpful.
I remember years ago when I tried to discuss amalgam dangers with my dentist and he scoffed at my concerns. Realizing that I needed to find a more like-minded dental professional, I changed dentists. A few years later, I ran into the dentist who had once scoffed at the health risks from amalgams. He was only in his early 40’s but had since shut down his dental practice and gone on permanent disability because he had come down with Parkinson’s disease.
Not surprisingly, amalgams have been linked to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. (3) (4)
Here is a video that will show you the reading from the mercury vapor coming off an amalgam filling.
What to Do If You Still Have Silver Fillings
If you still have amalgams in your mouth, here are some tips for getting this immune-suppressing, neurologically disrupting substance out of your body once and for all.
- Find a Biological Dentist to Remove your Amalgams. Just any dentist will simply not do for removing amalgams. You must find a biological dentist who has the right equipment to suck up the mercury that is released when the amalgam is removed. Beware that not all dentists that call themselves holistic truly are! Without the proper method and equipment, removing the amalgams can do you more harm than good. A biological dentist will also test you to see which composite material for replacement fillings would best suit your individual physiology.
- Budget to Have Silver Fillings Removed One at a Time. A biological dentist will test each tooth for mercury vapor and prioritize which should come out first, second, and so on. It is not a good idea to have them all replaced at once. My husband’s amalgams were removed and replaced over a span of three years (one every six months). It is also important to detoxify the mercury from your system afterward.
- Use Denta-Chelat. Denta-Chelate is a patented mouthwash that binds up freed mercury ions from dental cleanings, brushing, eating/drinking (especially if hot or acidic), or even chewing gum and prevents them from being absorbed by the mucous membranes in the mouth. If replacing all your amalgams is not an option at this time, then this product can help prevent future mercury buildup in your tissues. Ultimately, though, getting them replaced is your very best option.
Lots of dentists in our area are mercury free… I have a few teeth that have to be filled, and so I was wondering what the difference between a biological dentist and a mercury free dentist? Is it worth it to pay a significantly extra amount of money and get cavities filled by a biological dentist when the mercury free dentist costs a lot less and does the same thing? Just wondering what would be a better option for my health as well as my wallet!!
I can say you want to make sure they use a rubber dam to remove them. That’s one thing I know is know. Seems like they also need to be aware to use the suction to remove any mercury ‘dust’ or particles that could be floating around in your mouth during/after the procedure.
OMGOMGOMG!!!! I just realized what’s going on!!! I have two mercury amalgrams in my teeth down from 4 5 yrs ago and have had them for 25 yrs!!! All my life since I was 8 I realized with horror how I suffered from intensifying fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and a slew of autoimmune diseases and compromised immune system issues. I grew up in in an extremely dysfunctional family and I also realized with horror that my whole family has at least 4 of these amalgrams in their teeth just yesterday (25 yrs for my sis and 50 yrs for mom and dad) and I realized with even more horror how they’ve suffered! They’re lives have been a total mess they haven’t been able to figure out how to fix for decades. My dear mother has seen countless doctors and tried countless drugs for decades and her condition is not better it’s worse. Research shows that each amalgram contains 1 gram of mercury that means they’re dosed with up to 4 grams!!! I don’t even know how to react. I spoke with them on the phone yesterday and it took effort to describe what’s happening and what needs to be done without hysteria. They told me their amalgrams are huge as well. I pray that I got through to them. They’ve resigned to waiting to die. I could hear it in their voices as I explained the facts to waken their broken minds. My heart is broken for us and for all those who suffered. However, I have great news. I got a lot of relief eating traditionally and following the info on this site and others. Coconut, butter and fermented fish oils also gave me great energy and relief through the day but my eyes were truly opened and my life given back to me when I took chlorine dioxide which is aka mms by the great Jim Humble. Chlorine dioxide has the power to utterly destroy pathogens and destroy bad molecules. As soon as I took the simple solution it was like suddenly I could see and understand. It was like taking the medication I needed. I cried for days and days looking back on my life until I followed the trail of unhappiness to find mercury in my mouth and now I am OUTRAGED!!!! As I type this now there are special interest groups prosecuting good people for trying to expose this miracle known as chlorine dioxide. This solution has complete healing powers and with it the ability to expose and down corruption!!! Jim Humble explains beautifully how it works. There aren’t many if any ‘official’ studies on chlorine dioxide because it is very cheap to make at home and thus there isn’t much money to be made or to “fund” studies required. There are countless testimonials of healing and actual studies on real people all over the world that have had great success yet it is not enough. Researching the few studies on mercury and chlorine dioxide it looks as if chlorine dioxide has the power to decompose mercury or destroy it. That explains to me why I felt totally uplifted the second I drank it. Chronic pain and symptoms disappeared seemingly instantaneously and I feel a wholeness and alertness I had not felt in a very long time. Now I can easily see the destruction in my life and my families that I could not before through the brain fog yet I am totally elated now by the fact that there is indeed salvation. I feel I have found true light after searching for decades of disabling darkness to find it. I have been taking chlorine dioxide for over a month now and I’ve never felt better. My cats too seem to have benefitted with more alertness and apparent healing of an oral infection. I hope this info helps others that are ill and helps us win back our rights to make decisions to maintain our lives and well-being and to actually benefit from the miracles of life and science. I am having my amalgrams pulled today and I couldn’t be happier!!!!! Love to all and godspeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still have a mouth full of amalgams that I can’t get out yet but was wanting to make sure it’s ok to keep on the MMS protocols even with say 8 or so amalgams? I actually wrote Jim Himble last night but I know he is very busy I’m sure.
The link to the denta chelate isn’t working. I would like to investigate that for my husband (thankfully, I’m cavity and filling free and plan to stay that way!)
Hi, I know this is a little old, but I can’t find an answer anywhere to my question on the Internet. I have 1 amalgam filling that I’ve had since I was around 7 years old or so. I’m 25 now. Anyway, I’m pregnant for the third time. My two prior children seem quite healthy, but I wanted to remove this tooth as a safety precaution for this pregnancy and since I like to nurse my children beyond a year of age. I know it’s absolutely unsafe to remove the fillings themselves while pregnant and nursing, but I wanted to know if it would be okay to simply just remove the tooth without touching the filling at all?
Kate, I would recommend being very cautious with the removal of a tooth as well. Many dentists merely pull the bad tooth without removing all of the root — this can cause a problem known as a cavitation, where the area heals over a toxic infection in the root. Since you’ve been healthy so far, it could be better for you to wait and have the amalgam removed after you wean your child. Then you can keep your tooth in place.
Sarah – I have spent the last probably 3 -4 years of my life doing regular detoxification protocols like over a year of candida cleansing – similar to GAPS, colon hydrotherapy sessions, liver detoxes of various types, clay baths, and one of them did include taking a chlorella supplement for several months. I know I'm probably pretty healthy, but of course when you become more aware of things as we all are who are interested in real food and being healthy, I guess we always feel there is some room for improvement. 🙂
Thanks for getting back to me. How sad I live outside the greater metropolitan Atlanta area and there is ONE person in the registry 🙁
Hi Elaine, best to consult with a biological dentist about your options. No root canal is a good root canal. They are ALL infected and depress the immune system considerably. As you get older, no one can afford this.
Sarah – thanks once again for some incredibly useful information! What about root canals?? I'm totally clueless as to what my options are for those and both my husband and I have several. He also has a broken tooth at this very moment (no pain) and needs to have something done but we aren't sure what … any recommendations? I know one gal that says "pull the tooth" – no matter what. Are there any other options that you know about? I've got 2 dental implants (titanium – 20+ years old and anchored so deeply they wouldn't come out without causing facial deformity) and we definitely do NOT want to go that route. Thanks again for all of your hard work!!
Sarah, I made one this morning and will let it ferment a couple of days. If it tastes good enough, I will be happy to share the recipe or do it as a guest post.
I hope it will turn out to be a delicious way to remove that mercury!