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While the American Dental Association continues to insist on the safety and “enviable 150-year track record” of amalgams (aka, “mercury” or “silver” fillings), undertakers in the country of Scotland have found otherwise.
The UK’s commitment to the Kyoto Accord to reduce worldwide pollution from toxic chemicals and vapors requires that crematoriums halve their mercury emissions. (1)
Cremation of bodies with amalgam fillings pollutes the atmosphere with airborne mercury which contaminates waterways and is easily absorbed by plants and wildlife. Mercury emissions are linked with birth defects, multiple sclerosis and kidney disease among many other ills. (2)
If something is not done to cut mercury emissions from crematoriums, they are predicted to become the largest source of mercury pollution in Britain, accounting for more than 35% of emissions in the entire UK by 2020. This is THREE TIMES the level of mercury pollution from coal-burning power plants!
To meet the new requirements, Scottish undertakers will either have to pull amalgam teeth from the corpses prior to cremation or install expensive air filtration equipment that would raise the cost of cremation significantly. Undertakers favor pulling the teeth as opposed to installation of the costly filtration devices.
Amalgam Fillings Are Clearly Not Safe
The data just keeps coming that the mercury in amalgam fillings are a health robbing hazard. They are a hazard not only during the life of the person who has them in his/her mouth but also to the surrounding community after death.
If you are not convinced, it is best to research the issue yourself and come to your own conclusions as asking your conventional dentist (who will simply parrot the standard ADA answer) will generally not prove helpful.
I remember years ago when I tried to discuss amalgam dangers with my dentist and he scoffed at my concerns. Realizing that I needed to find a more like-minded dental professional, I changed dentists. A few years later, I ran into the dentist who had once scoffed at the health risks from amalgams. He was only in his early 40’s but had since shut down his dental practice and gone on permanent disability because he had come down with Parkinson’s disease.
Not surprisingly, amalgams have been linked to Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. (3) (4)
Here is a video that will show you the reading from the mercury vapor coming off an amalgam filling.
What to Do If You Still Have Silver Fillings
If you still have amalgams in your mouth, here are some tips for getting this immune-suppressing, neurologically disrupting substance out of your body once and for all.
- Find a Biological Dentist to Remove your Amalgams. Just any dentist will simply not do for removing amalgams. You must find a biological dentist who has the right equipment to suck up the mercury that is released when the amalgam is removed. Beware that not all dentists that call themselves holistic truly are! Without the proper method and equipment, removing the amalgams can do you more harm than good. A biological dentist will also test you to see which composite material for replacement fillings would best suit your individual physiology.
- Budget to Have Silver Fillings Removed One at a Time. A biological dentist will test each tooth for mercury vapor and prioritize which should come out first, second, and so on. It is not a good idea to have them all replaced at once. My husband’s amalgams were removed and replaced over a span of three years (one every six months). It is also important to detoxify the mercury from your system afterward.
- Use Denta-Chelat. Denta-Chelate is a patented mouthwash that binds up freed mercury ions from dental cleanings, brushing, eating/drinking (especially if hot or acidic), or even chewing gum and prevents them from being absorbed by the mucous membranes in the mouth. If replacing all your amalgams is not an option at this time, then this product can help prevent future mercury buildup in your tissues. Ultimately, though, getting them replaced is your very best option.
My father's clinical depression lifted once he had all of his amalgams removed. As an ostepathic doctor, he felt the improvement for himself and then recommended that patients have them removed as well.
Thanks for this post. I would like to add, to make sure that no one gets their amalgams removed while they are pregnant or nursing. A dear friend of mine, lost her baby at 34 weeks, after having them removed (she even did it slowly as well). Cause of death was confirmed Mercury poisening. And her dentist assured her up and down that it was safe to remove them while pregnant.
Stanley, YUM. We just love cilantro in our home and I can only imagine how delicious your fermented version will turn out! Would you be interested in sharing the recipe or writing it up as a guest post? I know many readers who still have amalgams would be interested in a great tasting way to regularly get cilantro into their diet.
Yes, it was this very video (or one almost exactly like it) shown by Dr. Ray Behm at a seminar I attended 5 years ago that made my husband and I decide to have his amalgams removed once and for all. I am fortunate to never have had any. My husband has had tremendous health improvement since having them removed. We did it very very slowly to avoid making the problem worse. Money well spent. You get them replaced with composites (no mercury) and a biological dentist will very carefully choose the one that is right for your physiology.
Sarah, once again I check out your blog and learn yet ANOTHER important fact I did not Know.
Cilantro chelates mercury! That is so good to know!
I too have been cursed with mercury amalgam filling. I have not had them removed, because I cannot stomach the idea of having a pain killing drug poisoning my system. I have not taken any kind of drug or medication for 6 years, and the very idea of taking any drug fills me with revulsion. Thank you so much for giving me an alternative.
You have inspired me to create a fermented vegetable condiment based on organic fresh cilantro, this very morning!
Wow, that video kind of freaked me out. When they replace the filling, what do they replace it with? And I have the same question as Raine – are the white fillings still mercury? Or is it something different?
Hi Rag, Dr. Ray Behm in Clearwater is the best in town and probably the SouthEast US.
I don't use a mouthwash – the one mentioned in the blog is only for those who still have amalgam fillings.
Sarah , Thanks you for this Blog.We live in Tampa .I wonder if any Biological Dentist in Tampa Bay area for consultation
and what is the best Mouth wash you advise ?
Hi Raine, no worries .. you can get the mercury out of your tissues nonetheless. Cilantro chelates mercury quite well I'm told. Chlorella does this as well. Getting your gut in shape does wonders as good bacteria will clean things up as well (good bacteria are everywhere in your body, not just your gut). Your retainer is probably ok. They make those things out of titanium, I think, although I am no expert in this area. You are probably in much better shape than you realize with your excellent diet.
Hi Sarah,
I have done a lot of research on amalgam removal and mercury detox, and I’d like to add a few comments to your excellent post. My husband, both my parents, and several friends have had their amalgams removed by a wonderful mercury-safe dentist that is certified by IAOMT. (I don’t have any fillings myself.)
I have a word of caution about mercury detox: There is a difference between “detoxifying” and “elimination. Detoxifying usually means pulling toxins out of tissues into the blood stream for processing. And elimination is, of course, the complete removal of the toxin. Many of the supplements which “detoxify” mercury actually pull mercury from the tissues faster than the body can eliminate it. This causes damage, because as the body attempts to hide the mercury again, the mercury destroys more cells (primarily nerve cells) along the way. We found this to be true, particularly for my husband — his toxicity symptoms returned every time he tried any kind of detoxification supplement, including chlorella, cilantro, black poplar, and several others.
Finally, we discovered that glutathione is considered one of the best substances for elimination of mercury, and it is in raw milk. So my husband drank a lot of raw milk, with excellent results. At first, he could drink the raw milk only in the morning, because in the late afternoon or evening, it would trigger his liver to activate in the middle of the night, keeping him awake for hours. Eventually, we found that he tolerated an evening glass of milk better and better. This process took about one full year from the time he had the amalgam fillings removed.
Also, there is evidence that candida actually converts free metalic mercury to a less problematic form (I think it’s methyl mercury.) Thus, a person with mercury toxicity will paradoxically not benefit from gut yeast cleanses. My husband tried an anti-candida diet before the removal of his amalgams, with some disastrous results. He felt terrible, passed out, and fought depression. I had thought it was merely an extreme die-off reaction, but we found out later that this can be typical for a mercury-toxic person.
So, I submit all these experiences to you, hoping they will be of some help. We feel blessed to have learned how to remove mercury and cope with the detoxification. And I am happy to be able to say that my husband is wonderfully improved, happy, and full of energy.
Thank you for your blog. I appreciate your wisdom and boldness.
what do you mean by raw milk? where can you find this?
Sarah – I admit to knowing very little about my own fillings, I've had most of them since I was in my teens, and had all of them replaced no less than 3 years ago by a conventional dentist. All of those fillings are now white, which I'm sure doesn't mean they are safe. Before those were replaced I know they were amalgam though.But I'm sure a lot of mercury got deposited into my body when those fillings were replaced. I simply didn't realize the danger when I had them replaced.
Another concern I have is that I've got a permanent retaininer in my mouth behind my upper front teeth. Do you know anything about these items and what types of material they contain? I am betting there is some type of mercury in that too. I have been wanting to see a biological dentist for years, but it's just not in our budget. We just started a solar business last year and business has been extremely slow. So this will unfortunately have to wait.