Last month, I wrote about a healthy living documentary for our local PBS station that I was privileged to be a part of. I attended the screening party recently at the University of South Florida and was frankly a bit disappointed as the documentary seemed to focus almost exclusively on exercise as the optimal way of being healthy with eating well a distant second on the list of priorities.
The few times healthy eating was actually discussed, it was referred to in a vague and general way. Specific recommendations for what to actually eat and how to prepare the food for optimal nutrition were not included.
I spend nearly two entire mornings filming my part in this documentary including a lengthy interview most of which hit the cutting room floor!
The good news is that the 3 minutes or so that survived in the final version did highlight a few key points about what healthy eating involves.
- Grassfed beef was highlighted although my reasons for eating it didn’t make the final cut.
- Sprouted rice cooked in homemade chicken broth was demonstrated.
- The veggies I prepared were cooked in ghee (I thought butter wouldn’t make the cut because the documentary was way too mainstream in focus)
All in all, even though the documentary was not nearly hard hitting enough on what it truly takes to be healthy, at least these three main points were included which hopefully got people at least thinking about eating grassfed beef, germinating their grains, using homemade broth and making sure to cook veggies in a healthy, traditional fat like ghee!
Here’s the clip which also turns out to be a great how-to video on a typical healthy meal that I prepare for my own family. What do you think? Is the filming too much like the Food Network or is enough Real Information there to be of benefit for folks being exposed to it for the first time?
As a newbie to NT I learned a couple of things in that short clip. I was introduced to germinated rice, I had never heard of that. I was also, introduced to sauteing vegetables in ghee (I always steam, but I bet sauteing in ghee is much tastier and it seems it may be quicker). I would like to learn more about these.
I am glad Hannah mentioned about it looking like you used the broth for the broccoli the way the film was cut, because I thought you did.
I like how simple and effortless you made it look, because I have convinced myself that making dinner is so time consuming and NT cooking seems to need even more.
Thank you so much for your newsletters and your wonderful videos.
Great job Sarah! I’m sad to hear they didn’t use your interview which I’m sure was fantastic, but I think it’s great you were able to take part in the Healthy Living Documentary. What you shared on grassfed meat, eggs, butter and ghee will hopefully cause a stir out there to the folks who are still cooking low fat and low nutrient foods.
I have no faith in PBS anymore, since the hatchet job they did on Dr. Jay Gordon when they were filming the thing about vaccinations a few years ago. It was disgraceful what they ended up showing. They wanted doctors who spoke out against vaccines and then parsed the interviews to show only what PBS wanted viewers to see and hear. How disgusting. Same thing the History Channel does. The only history any of us know is the history the gubment wants us to know, not the real truth. Look how long they had us believing Christopher Columbus discovered America! It’s hooey.
One sad thing about the video is that you did all your shopping in a grocery store instead of a farmers market. Was that their idea? So it looks as though you purchased *store* eggs (even if they were from pasture fed chickens who would know?), just the word “salt” was used (not sea salt being stressed) and at first I thought you were adding the chicken stock to the broccoli, but then it ends up being what you cooked the rice in?? What was in with the broccoli besides the ghee?
For anyone interested in reading about the fiasco with Dr. Gordon’s trip through the tulips at PBS, here’s a link:
Give it a minute to load. It’s quite enlightening reading as to how we’re all led down the garden path — about everything, not just vaccines. My Mama always said never believe anything you hear and only half of what you see. She sure was right.
I agree with others: it was good. Probably too short to be of any real value. The stuff you show is familiar to ‘us’, but to a ‘regular’ person it would be strange. You would need time to explain about why grassfed meat is better/worth the money, why germinate rice, why cook in stock, etc. But for the time you had: very nice! The meal looked delicious.
I think this is a great step forward! I know you feel disappointed as you have so many hours invested into the project, but from the outside it looks great. You are able to get across a lot of good information and important points within the constraints of their format. And what didn’t make it into the final version can be a rehearsal for the next opportunity that comes your way! Kudos!
I think it looks good, Sarah. They were putting together a documentary that the average person can put their minds around. If the processed food-eating population made the changes to their lives supported by this documentary, they would all be better off.
For being such a short clip, I think that the important items were still there. I like it. The meat loaf sure looked good and I like how easy the meal was. I think it was a great introduction in to making meals that are budget friendly while at the same time being nourishing and delicious.
Great video. It goes beyond the “eat organic” for your health. You highlight some real important Traditional Food points: grassfed beef, germinated rice, and cooking with broth and ghee. Mentioning raw milk in such a short video might make you look like a kook. People looking to change their diet may see this video and begin doing research to find out why this way of eating is healthier. Then, they will see the true benefits of raw milk and other Traditional Foods. Great job!
Thanks Leslie! 🙂
Hi Sarah,
I’m sorry they didn’t keep more of what you taped in the documentary. Sometimes it feels like they ask for our input just to appease us, and then do what they wanted anyway.
I watched your clip and I wanted to tell you just a few things that struck me upon first viewing. The beginning was okay, but when you payed for the groceries it looked – well – fake. Once it got to you telling us what to make it was much better.
I have only two tips. First, relax. You look a little uncomfortable at the beginning, but as it goes on you get much more comfortable. Remember we’re interested in what you have to say.
The other thing is when you switched from making the meatloaf, to the broth, then to the broccoli. I thought at first you were putting the broccoli in with the broth because of the cut, and you kept calling the broccoli “that” in the beginning. You might want to say broccoli just so we know what you’re talking about (instead of guessing what it is because we can see the green).
Other than that I think it was well done. I hope we get to see more of the clips you did for the documentary!
One thing people don’t realize is that when you film these things they are exhausting. You do take after take with bright lights shining in your eyes, and microphone shoved down the back of your pants, tons of makeup that makes your eyes itch (I usually wear little to no makeup). I have no control over how the video is edited either. I just cooked the meal and how it turned out at the end was how the editor chose to portray it. I had absolutely no input on this.
I meant no offense with my comment. I understand that it is difficult to shoot for long periods of time and that it can be uncomfortable. I’m apologize if my comment came across as anything but trying to be helpful.
I think it’s wonderful! And you made it look “do-able” to make a meal quickly and healthy at the same time! Great job!