The importance of taking cod liver oil for your best health cannot be underestimated. In Dr. Weston A. Price’s book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, a study of school girls in New Zealand found a daily supplement of high vitamin cod liver oil each day reduced cavities by nearly 42%.
In the following video, I will show you the best brand on the market today for cod liver oil as well as how much to take based on the research of Dr. Weston A. Price and the Weston A. Price Foundation.
The proper dosage of cod liver oil is 1 tsp (5 ml) per day and depending on the size of the spoons in your kitchen, you may or may not be taking the right dose.
The size of spoons varies quite a bit around the world, so be sure to measure the spoon you are using to take your cod liver oil as sometimes what people think is a full teaspoon is actually only a half!
Remember to always take your cod liver oil with high vitamin butter oil. If this supplement is not available where you live, you may substitute (homemade) grassfed ghee instead. For those with dairy allergies, use emu oil.
Another dairy-free option is a natural K2 supplement derived from natto.
Taking these healthy fats together synergistically boosts the absorption of nutrients as noted in the detailed research of Dr. Weston Price.
Cod Liver Oil Basics
The video below shows you the basics of taking cod liver oil. If you are interested in cod liver oil for babies, the linked article provides more information.
If gagging is an issue with strong tasting foods like cod liver oil, this article plus video on how to stop the gag reflex for about 20-30 seconds with a simple acupressure technique may prove helpful.
Wondering what brands are best? I personally take this brand of virgin cod liver oil, which is sourced from some of the cleanest waters on earth. Note that my currently preferred brand differs from the recommendation in the video, which was filmed some years ago. The suggested manner of taking it and the reasons why remain the same, however.
Note that cod liver oil is a better choice than both krill oil and plain fish oil. This is because CLO contains natural fat-soluble vitamins as well as important omega-3 fatty acids.
Hi, Sarah. I love your blog, info., and videos. I just got the Green pastures FLCO/HVBO, but when I took it I felt very ill. I do have “reactions” to many things (especially msg., but also healthy things). So, I’m wondering if msg is formed during the ferment. I’ve heard fish sauce contains naturally occuring msg, even without it being added. The guy at Green Patures didn’t know for sure.
I am concerned because am pregnant and read to take 2 tsp of fermented cod liver oil daily however, can’t find any info on how much to take of the Green pastures Royal hvbo/fclo blend when pregnant. Would it be the same?
Just wondering why no one mentions green pastures royal high vitamin butter oil/fermented cod liver oil, that comes with both mixed in a bottle? Is it best to take the green pastures fclo and hvbo from seperate bottles to control the amount? Just guessing….
Any ideas on how to feed the cod liver oil to an older infant? I tried using the dropper method but she resists so much. Should I mix it with butter and some kind of healthy sweetener to make it enticing? I hate bribing my kid but I really want to get the FCLO in her system. Thank you so much.
Best to just get the baby to learn to take it I think without any bribery. I know the owner of Green Pasture Products used to rub it on his baby’s bottom when diapering as it absorbs quite well through the skin.
I have a plan, let me know what you think. I don’t have a lot of money and I can’t always afford the best supplements. I use a brand of cod liver oil that I know the quality is lacking, I buy it because it is affordable. I was thinking, I buy fish all of the time, and I have one of those grills at home that drain the fat into a side container, so what if I grill up those cod livers right from the fish and collect some of that oil and strain the sediment out of it and use some of that oil for my health. Heat does not really have much effect on vitamins A and D. I find that I am curious about the amount of oil I would get from 10 or 12 cod. One of these days in the next few months I will try it and let you all know.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for stating how much vit.D is in the
Greener Pastures fermented cod liver oil. I tried to find out at their website and emailed them but they will not give the amount of IUs . How come they won’t tell and how did you find out?
I was debating what to do about this and thank God you came along with the answer. Thanks, Judith
Hi Judith, the reason GPP won’t tell you is because if they tell you how much is in there or put it on the label, then they have to abide by certain FDA labeling laws and that would require all kinds of hoops processing and testing wise that would destroy the uniqueness of the product.
Hence, they choose to just market it as a food (new label coming out soon from what I have heard) and it does not have a supplement label or any claims of nutrient value – then they can process it in the traditional manner and preserve all the wonderful nutrient cofactors etc.
Hi Sarah,
I bought the FCLO gummy fish for my kids. Do you know the Vit D content in each gummy? How many should my kids be taking per day? The bottle says 1/day.
Also, my husband took 5 ml of the FCLO cinnamon tingle straight today, and he said it *burned* his throat. Like acid burn! (Like oil of oregano directly on your tongue). He had a violent coughing reaction for 10 minutes, coughed up a spot of bloody spit, and now his throat feels raw and red. Is this normal??? (This is his first time taking it).
This is a great informative video. I have been on an RX vitamin D for 8 weeks. I have 4 more weeks to go (my D levels were low). I take one capsule once a week –each capsule is 50,000 units. When I stop the capsules, I want to get on the FCLO. Do you think there would be any waiting period between stopping the capsules and starting the daily FCLO?
Hi Courtney, multis are a waste of money in my opinion. I haven’t taken one in well over 10 years even when I was pregnant (never took a prenatal vitamin either) .. they never had any impact whatsoever on my health. FOOD like the fermented cod liver oil is the only way to go when it comes to supplements. Pill based supplements synthesized in a lab give folks a false sense of security .. they don’t make up for deficiencies in the diet except in the most extreme of cases (like a drug abuser shooting up heroin for example).
Should I forgo my multivitamin/mineral now that I’ve started taking FCLO? It has 5000 IU vit A (50% beta-carotene – 50% retinyl acetate) and 600 IU vit D (cholecalciferol D-3).