As a follow-up to a blog from earlier this week regarding toxic chemicals like propylene glycol, aka antifreeze in commercial ice cream, this recipe plus video shows you how to make homemade vanilla ice cream with wholesome, nutrient-dense ingredients.
There is simply no substitute for making ice cream yourself. I’ve often advised people over the years that the best use of your time in the kitchen is making things you can’t easily buy. Wholesome, healthy ice cream is one of these “things”. Bone broth is another important one, by the way, on the savory side of the spectrum!
Even organic ice cream is loaded with refined “organic” sugar. The homemade version contains Grade B maple syrup, a much healthier and more mineral-rich choice.
Not only is the sugar non-refined in homemade ice cream if you use Grade B maple syrup, but much less sweetener is used as well. For example, in the recipe below, 1/2 cup of homemade vanilla ice cream contains approximately 12g of sugar (in the form of maple syrup). The same amount of Julie’s Organic Ice cream (vanilla) contains 18g of sugar and Haagen Daaz plain vanilla contains 21g of sugar!
That is a lot less sugar in the homemade vanilla ice cream!
Of course, the cream you would source for homemade ice cream is higher quality too. Low temp pasteurized or (preferably) fresh cream from a grass-based dairy farm would contain far more nutrition than the cream from even organic cows, which are frequently still confined eating highly unnatural “organic” feed.
You will immediately notice that when you make your own ice cream, it is much more satisfying and you won’t eat nearly as much as supermarket ice cream. The lower butterfat content in supermarket and even organic ice cream results in eating more – much, much more. Believe me, ice cream manufacturers know this fact very well!
You eat more, they SELL more! Cha-ching!
Julie’s Organic Ice Cream, for example, contains cream and the second ingredient is skim milk. Remember – pig farmers feed their pigs skim milk to make them very, very fat). A lower butterfat content in your ice cream will cause you to eat more, a LOT more, which is why homemade ice cream with high butterfat will satisfy you quicker and you will eat far less.
If vanilla ice cream is not your thing, check out this recipe for dairy-free peanut butter ice cream.
How to Make Vanilla Ice Cream (+ Video Tutorial)
The video in the recipe below shows you how easy it is to make vanilla ice cream yourself.
Try drizzling this no-cook homemade chocolate syrup on top for a healthy treat with no compromises!
What a huge difference from commercial brands Twistee Treat or Jack Nicklaus Ice Cream, which is artificial almost everything! Even organic brands contain nearly double the sugar and are low butterfat to encourage overeating and check the politically correct nutrition box.

Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream Recipe
How to make homemade vanilla ice cream using only wholesome ingredients that contains about half the sugar of even organic or premium brands at the store.
- 3 egg yolks preferably pastured
- 3 cups heavy cream preferably raw and grassfed
- 1/2 cup maple syrup dark
- 1 Tbl vanilla extract
- 1 Tbl arrowroot powder
- 2 Tbl vodka optional (to soften and improve scoopability)
Beat egg yolks briefly in a large, glass bowl. Do not use regular store eggs. Preferably use local, free range or pastured eggs washed in warm, soapy water before cracking. Organic store eggs are ok in a pinch.
Beat in remaining ingredients and pour into your ice cream maker. Follow your ice cream machine directions for how long the ice cream is churned.
When the ice cream is frozen and ready (about 15-20 minutes for my machine), pour into a shallow, glass baking dish. Cover with a lid and keep in the freezer.
Recipe Video
Recipe Notes
Do not use ultrapasteurized cream as it is highly allergenic and basically undigestible.
egg and cream? not healthy at all
LOL…that’s funny
Thanks for the extra ice cream knowledge. I never knew the store brands were so low in butterfat. It makes sense, more eating, more sales. I do agree with you on the quality of the ingredients. I made vanilla ice cream once with some farmers market cream. I never knew ice cream could taste that good.
As for sweetening, I must try the maple syrup. I’ve just been using cane sugar. I bet honey would taste good as well…:)
Do you have a recipe for using almond milk or rice milk. We are trying to have my 5 year old grandson stay away from dairy to see if it will help his totally stuffed up nose. They do have a machine, but no recipe.
Last year we had more cream with our raw milk and made ice cream. I haven’t made any this year as we are not getting as much cream as last year and I love drinking the milk with the cream. This recipe sounds great! My farmer (whom I love) cannot–with his license–sell only the cream. I have to find a reputable source for just raw cream.
Looks delicious! Has anyone tried this with coconut milk?
My girls do not like super creamy ice cream, so I usually use half whole, raw milk and half raw cream and the texture is still really good.
We’ve been making ice cream with this recipe for almost 2 years. LOVE! It’s our favorite basic ice cream recipe thus far. 🙂 I’ve also added strawberries to it and blended everything in a blender for a few seconds before pouring into our ice cream maker. Delicious!
Hello, I was wondering if I could milk instead of cream> I know it will probably change the texture, but would it still work? Sorry if this was already a topic, I skimmed through and didn’t see it mentioned yet.
Thank you!
Milk will not work if you want that smooth, thicker ice cream texture. The texture will be more “icy” than creamy.
Good gracious, I thought I read everything on your site already, but this antifreeze junk I didn’t know about!
I bought Thermomix and make my own super duper delicious ice cream and so easy and not even hard as a rock, so those ice cream makers can go bankrupt as far as I’m concerned 🙂
God Bless you Sarah for all the work you do!! Hope I’ll meet you sometime at one of the WAPF conferences.